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kak.. misal nih cewe minta anterin cowonya ke acara tmnnya tp pas besok mau acara cowo br blg kalo gbs cz ada acara keluarga pdhl si cewe udh prepare bgt ke acara itu, pas blg kan km udh jnji tp cowo blg kan aku blm nge iyain. kalo cewenya marah itu wajar ga sih?

I'm too old for this shit.
Liked by: Kamel

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Ko Kent, kenapa RRChina sekarang disebut Tiongkok?

RRC (Republik Rakyat Cina) = PRC (People's Republic of China) = Tiongkok. Tiga-tiganya masih merupakan panggilan sah untuk negara Cina kok.
Konon, Cina itu disebut dengan panggilan ROC (Republic of China), sebuah negara yang luas yang terdiri dari PRC + Taiwan. Nah terus Taiwan kan memisahkan diri dari Cina, alhasil, ROC ini sekarang terpecah menjadi dua: RRC dan Taiwan.
Liked by: Amalia Yasmine

kak main pokemon juga? biasanya pake starter apa? :D

MAIN DONG! hahaha biasanya pake api sih soalnya api paling gahar (bias gara2 charmander).

Kent. I'm asking you this because I believe you have (had?) the same problem. I'm a 15 year old and I'm quite positive I'm the laziest a person could ever be. Like. It's actually hindering my performance in school. And I can't motivate myself to work harder. And I'm whining now but I'm doing my AS l

Hi! Yes, been there done that.
The thing about humans is that we're a very bad spontaneous decision maker. This is why we usually write down what groceries we're gonna buy on a scrap of paper before we go to a supermarket.
Anyway, try creating a to-do list and breaking it down into simpler tasks. 1. creating a to-do list actually makes a physical representation of the task you currently have to do, therefore making it feel more realistic, and 2. breaking it down into simpler tasks makes it easier to do it bit by bit. All you have to do is that initial motivation to start working and you can let inertia do the rest.
Try downloading Pomodoro app. It's quite helpful in boosting productivity. Wishing you the best of luck in tackling your issue! :)

Hi guys! This is a house I made on The Sims 2 for a project of mine. Do you have any suggestions? (something to add, or visual references to decor and such). Thank you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHuMwpdOy8g&feature=youtu.be

The Grand Dementor of Cipete
Hi Adit!
You made this using Sims 2? Wow. Either we're playing a different kind of Sims or you have mad skills. I'll assume it's the latter.
The house is AMAHZING. You will be the first one I'd call when I want to create a house.
Okay, into the suggestions part as a proof that I did watch the video and not just spout some random compliments. I think the doors are a tad too narrow? I'll probably have to squeeze in so hard just to get into a room.
And like Az mentioned, moar cats! :D
Other than that, your house is top notch. 10/10. I would love to live there (if you widen the doors a bit).

pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty pap puberty!!!

I think this is the part where I'm supposed to make a collage of pictures or something showing the various me from the last 20 or so years.
But since I have neither the pictures nor the photoshop skill, I'll just post a pic of me from 2010. Ugh. Please don't judge.

kak tiap aku tanya kakak selalu mentioned lemak di badan kakak, kalo boleh berat badan kakak berapa? kalo lebih ringan dari aku, aku timpuk bata ya?

kasihani anak kos yang ga punya timbangan ini.
Liked by: Nathania Shinmu

kak, kenapa internet di indonesia mau dihapus? memangnya apa yg terjadi?

Singkat cerita, salah satu provider internet di Indonesia (IM2 kalo nggak salah) itu ditangkap dan dipenjarakan meskipun (katanya) beliau sudah mengikuti regulasi yang diharuskan oleh Menkominfo.
Alhasil Internet Service Provider lainnya keder dan nggak mau ditangkep, jadinya ada kemungkinan internet Indonesia mau dimatikan dalam dua minggu ke depan ini.
Tapi menurut gue secara pribadi nggak mungkin sih internet Indo mati untuk selamanya. Sekarang segala sesuatu udah serba digital, internet Indo mati malah bikin negara rugi.

hi kent, have you read : last game, hirunaka no ryuusei, hibi chouchou, ao haru ride, love so life and strobe edge? because I really like horimiya and kimi ni todoke. *fangirling* i recommend them!

Jessica Forsythia
Hi, Jessica!
I've read Last Game and Hibi No Chouchou, but not the rest. Recommendation noted! I'll read them when I have the chance :D
Liked by: Jessica Forsythia

Wow I also love Shoujo mangas! Please list some of your fave :)

Hi, Alex! Finally someone who likes Shoujo manga, too *cries in relief*.
Okay, so here goes.
1. Taiyou No Ie (with every chapter I'm getting more and more diabetic)
2. Horimiya (it doesn't have much conflict like other manga, but the cuteness of the couple, gah)
3. Kimi Ni Todoke
4. Suki desu Suzuki-kun (this one is in hiatus, I believe. ughghghgh why do bad things happen to good people.)
5. Lovely Complex (funny shoujo is quite rare!)
6. Can't See Can't Hear but Love! (it's manhwa, the art isn't great, but the story also almost made me cry)

Do you agree with thought that working wives implied that their husband cannot provide adequate income for households' need?

Women don't have to be financially challenged before they feel the need to work. I admire career women much more compared to their counter part, which spend their day shopping and gossiping around like there's nothing better to do.

kak pernah kerja part time gitu ga ? biasanya dapat info darimana ? terimakasih atas jawabannya. semoga harimu menyenangkan:)

Hi! Kerjaan part time gue biasanya cuma kerjaan nerjemahin Inggris-Indo atau ngajarin orang yang mau ambil TOEFL sih. Biasanya dapet kerjaan dari temen-temen yang berbaik hati dan ingat akan anak kos yang hidupnya pas-pasan ini..

May I know your most favorite books? The ones you think people have to read it at least once. And elaborate the reason(s). Thank you :)

I don't have one book that I strongly feel everybody in the whole fucking Earth need to read. But if I have to pick one, I guess I'd choose How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
Liked by: Tiara Pangestika

A guy told me that if he no longer is a virgin by the time of his wedding, he won't mind his bride being non virgin and if he still is a virgin then, he expects his bride to be so. Is he a douche or he's being just?

Nah, he just doesn't have a principle he firmly holds. That doesn't make him just or douche, it makes him a fucking shithole.

About inherent meaning if life, why did you care so much about not being forgotten? You'll die after all; at the time you die, are you sure you still can think and feel?

"At the time you die, are you sure you still can think and feel?"

"....the reason I'm still walking alone is because I need to gash a scar in this world", jadi kalau gash a scar'nya baru tercapai saat kamu umur 28 atau 30 tahun, usia segitu baru mau pacaran? Lalu meritnya usia berapa, mas?

Lah cowok merit telat mah santai aja, masbro/mbakbro. Lagian kayak gue laku aja.
Liked by: Æ•Jennie Iban

When you are angry, -very angry- to the point that you even think you feel your blood boiling ( or cannot think at all ) what do you do? Because I'm pretty sure everyone has been there.

Jessica Forsythia
Hi Jessica!
I'm one of the very few people who have their shit together. Even when people piss me off and when my mind is all like, "YOU STUPID CUNT FUCKING JERKSTICK DUMBFUCK HERE IS A CONDOM PLEASE STOP REPRODUCING," I can still bite my tongue and smile.
So if I get to the point that I "feel my blood boiling to the extent that I can't think at all," I just lose my shit COMPLETELY. If someone is able to get me to that point, they /deserve/ to be punched and I will punch them in their fucking face. With a brick. Repeatedly.

Dear mantan....

di-copas dari http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/119964326536
Dear stranger,
Breaking up, in my experience, can either be a somewhat easy thing to do or an utterly devastating one. In my case with you, it was the latter.
"How are you? Are you dating someone right now? How did it feel to break a heart? Did mine leave your hands bloody?" are the four questions I'm dying to ask you right now if you have bothered replying to any of the several 'Hey's I had mustered all my courage to type and send your way. But you didn't, so I just tucked all those questions inside my pillow and carry on like nothing ever happened.
I hope you're well, I really do. Unfortunately, I have no idea how you're doing right now, and I bet you don't even care how, out of all people, I'm doing.
To be honest, you were the only person whom I'd voluntarily let get that close to me. We ordered coffee and made fun of strangers sitting around us, we nonchalantly made political jokes, we sneaked kisses in bookstores and cinemas. At that time, I thought (and boy, I couldn't be more wrong) I had finally found someone to walk with, someone to ride the roller coaster of life with.
I could still clearly remember how you looked as I pulled a bouquet of red and white roses: how your eyebrows arched, then how your eyes lit up, and immediately your lips made a lopsided smile; then the smile slowly made its way to your eyes, wrinkling the sides of your eyes and pulling your cheeks up. And the next thing I knew, your lips were on mine and your arms slithered around my back. But I guess you totally forgot about that now.
I fully understand chatting like a friend--like nothing has ever happened between us--is impossible. But is it that hard to annually text each other "Happy Birthday"? The whole world could congratulate me on how I managed to survive one Earth's full revolution around the Sun, but if you didn't, I couldn't care less.
Isn't it ironic how two people who were desperately trying to be as close as possible have now become two people who are trying their hardest to be strangers? I find it painfully peculiar and I hope you do, too.
You know what? I have no idea where I'm going with this letter. The more I write, the more miserable I become (and the more you know how low I've fallen). So I will end this letter here before I humiliate myself even further.
With much love,
Just another stranger.

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Apa kalimat sederhana, entah pertanyaan atau pernyataan, yang biasanya bisa mencerahkan harimu, bahkan jika itu diutarakan oleh orang asing?

"Ini martabak manis buat kamu aja."
Beh apa lagi kalo martabak manis muara karang, bisa-bisa gue ajak nikah on the spot.
Liked by: D.

Apakah menurut Anda, pernyataan "cewe cantik lama2 dilihat bisa bosan, cewe cute/manis ga bakal pernah bosan" itu benar?

Meskipun tidak ada penelitian ilmiah, tapi dari pengalaman pribadi, saya setuju dengan pernyataan di atas.

In your opinion, can an embryo be considered a living individual with right(s)? Say a man murdered a woman in her early pregnancy. Can he be charged with double homicide?

Steffi Teowira
Hi Steffi!
Logically speaking, I'd say an embryo is considered a living individual with rights, yes. But if we were to take it deeper ("we need to go deeper" Inception style), we can research exactly when consciousness forms in an embryo (I believe around three weeks?). And before consciousness exists, we can treat an embryo as a non-living individual.
However, humans are a visual creature. It is much easier for us to sympathize with something that we can readily see. A killed invisible embryo usually doesn't garner much attention, it is often just used as a tool by persecutor to increase the punishment of the murderer.
Liked by: Steffi Teowira D.

Can you accept that life has no inherent purpose or meaning? Why?

I don't know about other people's lives, but I can't accept that my life has no inherent purpose.
I blogged about this, so if you'd like to read in detail, feel free to go to http://nyankent.blogspot.com/2014/07/why-am-i-still-single.html #ShamelessAdvertising
But for those of you who have a life more exciting than reading an egoist's rant, I can boil it down into a single picture.

Hi Ko Kent, "Looking for Alaska" is also one of my most favorite books, do you consider Alaska Young as your kind of girl? I, myself found the character is intriguing and can't help but to love her..

Yes. In fact, if you take the time to check my "like" tabs and read all the cheesy romantic poem I wrote, they were all dedicated to someone who resembles Alaska a lot.
I KNOW! When I got to the "turning point" of the book, I literally had to stop reading because I was getting too emotional. Needless to say, I was severely attached to Alaska.


Language: English