
kent sutjipto

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Aku baca di ask.fm Eunice Elson, katanya kamu pintar bangett ngett ngett. Ok. Buktikan ke aku.Aku menantangmu,kent (1) sepotong kertas berukuran 7 cm x 7 cm. Buatlah sebuah lubang dari kertas itu dan lubang tsb bisa dilewati tubuhmu sendiri. PAP kan foto proses nya. I'm waiting 4 your answer,kent.

Oh sweetie. Knowing how to fucking cut a piece of paper so your body can pass through it doesn't automatically make you a smart person. You should ask someone to preserve your naivety.
Oh to humor you, here, http://www.wikihow.com/Pass-Your-Body-Through-a-Sheet-of-Paper

hi, just curious, do you usually check who your likers are or not?

I have this unexplainable obsession with leaving things unopened.
One time, I had like 150 unopened BBM messages and around nine thousands unopened e-mails. The notifications annoyed my friend so much that he volunteered to open everything himself.
So, answering your question: no.

semicolon(;) melambangkan depresi. bahwa mereka ingin menghentikkan hidupnya namun, masih ingin melanjutkan hidupnya. titik(.) sebagai tanda ingin menghentikkan dan koma(;) sebagai tanda ingin melanjutkan.

I beg to differ.
Semicolon doesn't represent depression.
It represents continuity and hope. Isn't it a beautiful punctuation?
This is one of the reasons why I want to be perceived as a semicolon.

kak kent, dari jawaban kakak 12 jam lalu, kakak pingin jadi the Moon, a semicolon, dan an enigma. . moon sama enigmanya aku masih bisa ngerti. yang aku nggak ngerti, kenapa kakak mau jadi semicolon (;)?

wah akhirnya ada yang nanya.
ada yang bisa nebak nggak kenapa gue mau dilihat sebagai sebuah titik koma?
(pertanyaannya bisa diliat di http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/121455273608)
kalo ada yang bener nanti gue bakalan ngelakuin permintaan yang paling sering diminta anon: VR bahasa jawa.
Liked by: anis

Kak Kent, kalau mau tanya soal belajar Inggris yang baik dan benar secara 4 mata, diperbolehkan atau tidak? ((4 mata atau 8 mata nih kita))

Dek Elizabeth RaissaMoveon,
tarif saya untuk les privat sangat mahal.
untuk setiap pertanyaan yang dijawab harganya satu potong martabak keju.
untuk tarif les seumur hidup harganya carikan saya pacar.
sekian dan salam jomblo.

Hi kent, i've been reading your answers and i find them absolutely fascinating. So i have a question for you, is morality relative or objective? I actually just want to know your opinion about it, but thanks anyway.

Morality is a man-made concept, defined by the society we live in. If morality itself is derived from something so subjective, how can it be objective?

if I were itu 2nd conditional, kali. mau subject nya apa jg linking verb nya mesti were

Gini lho mz/mb,
Seperti manusia, kata kerja itu juga punya mood. Kamu memang benar kalo mengatakan yang tadi itu 2nd conditional if.
Nah, yang perlu kamu ketahui adalah 2nd conditional if ini dibagi lagi jadi dua, berdasarkan mood: indicative (pake was dan digunakan untuk sesuatu yang memang mungkin terjadi) dan subjunctive (pake were dan digunakan untuk sesuatu yang nggak mungkin terjadi). Tercantum ya penjelasan lebih lengkapnya.
Thank you for trying to correct me, hope this clears up the confusion!

Kak bedanya between sama among apa ya?

Meskipun artinya sama-sama "di antara,"
"between" itu dipake buat di antara dua benda.
"Among" buat di antara banyak benda.
"The salt is between the pepper and the ketchup."
(kenapa pake between? soalnya garamnya di antara merica dan tomat)
"The salt is among the many condiments on the table."
(kenapa pake among? karena garamnya terletak di tengah-tengah banyak bumbu)

Kent... Penggunaan subjunctive itu kayak gimana sih?

shannonclaudia’s Profile Photozxcvbnm
Hi, Shannon!
Tanyanya jangan susah-susah dong. Bikin gue jadi keliatan cupu kan.
Anyway, gue juga nggak berapa familiar sama subjunctive mood, gue cuma ngerti itu adalah mood yang digunakan buat berharap atau berandai.
A few notable examples:
1. "God bless you."
Loh kenapa /bless/ bukan /blesses/? Karena pembicaranya di sini BERHARAP agar lawan bicaranya diberkati.
2. Lagunya Beyonce "If I were a boy" (bener Beyonce bukan sih?)
Kenapa kok pake /were/ bukan /was/? Karena Beyonce nggak akan menjadi laki-laki. Jadi dalam lagu itu, ia berandai-andai menjadi laki-laki.
Yha. Maap jawabannya kurang membantu. Pertanyaannya susah.

Kak bedanya should, ought to, sama had better itu gimana yaa cara pemakaian nya,terima kasihh:)

Should sama "ought to" itu sama aja kok. Cuma di American English, "ought to" lebih jarang dipake.
"Should" sama "had better" juga mirip, sama-sama dipake buat suatu saran. Bedanya, "had better" itu kesannya lebih mendesak daripada should.
"You should tell her before tomorrow." (yah kalo ga kasi tau paling cuma ditabok)
"You had better tell her before tomorrow." (hayo loh, kalo ga kasi tau nanti diputusin)
kurang lebih gitu kali ya..

Loh itu jadinya kata benda bukan, Kak? Kata dosenku ng..... I am seeing you. I am forgetting you. I am hearing you. Itu gak bisa, Kak.. Duh aku jadi pusing.......

Bisa-bisa aja kok.
"I am seeing an illusion," itu bener.
"I am hearing things," juga bener.
"I am forgetting," tapi nggak bisa dong. You forget something by not thinking about it. Kalo dipikirin terus ya nggak moveon-moveon dek.

Cara penggunaan kata "worth" itu gimana? Paling sering kan "It's worth it!" kan. Boleh ya it-nya diulang dua kali? Trus knapa msh ada yg pake kata "worthed"? Dan bagaimana dng "worthy"? Walaupun worthy itu adjective yg benar, tp kok terasa janggal ketika digunakan ya.

Iya, yang bener itu "It's worth it!"
Coba kita liat satu contoh kalimat:
"I just bought a laptop for IDR 10 millions."
When I say "It's worth it," the first /it/ refers to /the laptop/ while the second it refers to /IDR 10 millions/.
"It's worth it!" -> "/The laptop I just bought/ is worth /the price I paid/."
No, "worthed" is not a word.
And "worthy" itu artinya pantas, (you're worthy of my attention).
Semoga menjawab!

Halo Ka Kent. Kenapa ada beberapa kata kerja yang gak bisa ditambah -ing? Seperti : hear, see, forget, dll. Maaf kalau ini sudah pernah dijawab. Terimakasih, Senpai ;)

"Forgetting you was impossible."
"Seeing you sleeping next to me and hearing you breathe mean the whole world to me."
Siapa bilang nggak bisa ._. ?

Kak bisa jelaskan perbedaan antara because dan because of? Thank you!:)

Bedanya benernya mirip-mirip sama jawaban "although/despite" yang gue jawab tadi sih.
"Because" itu digunakan untuk klausa, sedangkan
"Because of" itu digunakan untuk verb-ing/noun.
"Because /I felt sick/, I didn't come to work." --> (I felt sick) itu kan anak kalimat, jadi pake because.
"Because of /my sickness/, I didn't come to work." (My sickness) itu kan kata benda, jadi pake because of.

Kak. Would u like to teach me about contrast conjunction? Masih suka bingung naro although, though, eventhough sama inspite&despite. Thank u btw!^^

Hai, Kevin!
Duh pertanyaannya susah.
Yang kamu sebutkan di atas itu semuanya contrast conjunction, tapi bedanya:
Although/even though/though itu disandingkan dengan klausa, sedangkan
In spite of/despite itu disandingkan dengan verb-ing atau noun.
Langsung contoh aja ya.
"(Although/even though/though) /he is rich/, he still lives in a small house." --> /ini pake klausa/
"(In spite of/despite) /being rich/, he still lives in a small house." --> /ini pake verb-ing/
"(Although/even though/though) it /rained/ a lot, I enjoyed the marathon." --> /ini pake klausa/
"(In spite of/despite) /the rain/, I enjoyed the marathon." --> /ini pake noun/
Kalo udah kebiasa lama-lama pake insting juga bisa kok.
Semoga menjawab!

Hi Kent! What's one book that affect your life the most? One that you think about so much and you know it by heart and somehow you're sort of trapped in it. Do you have one?

Novia Nathania
Hi, Novia!
I don't think I have one, but if I have to choose, I think it'd be How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
It taught me that in order to be interesting, you have to be interested first.

Good morning! Let's say that you could transform into 3 forms of anything (could be a living/non-living things): What would you like to be when you're a 'The'? How about when you're an 'A'? And what would you be when you're an 'An'? Have a graceful Friday, everyone!

The: moon,
a: semicolon,
an: enigma.

What is the logical explaination(s) yang mendukung keberadaan atau ketiadaan (depend on which one that you believe) kehidupan setelah kematian? (No offense intended) Thx. #mike

Hi #mike.
We humans are a very self-centered creature, aren't we? All we think about is us, us, us.
One of the many questions people ask is "If cockroaches have no benefits for us, why do they even exist in the first place?"
Ah, but that's the point! We are not that special that everything in this world exists to please our existence.
We created religions to calm our mind. Long long time ago, lightning was thought as something unfathomable, as the anger of gods. Now? We know that it is simply a natural electrical discharge between a cloud and the ground.
When there is something that we can't understand, it is in our nature to look away and say, "well, there you go. Existence of god." Why? Because thinking taxes our mind. And most humans hate it.
To answer your question, there is no logical explanation whatsoever that supports life after death (the closest thing to an explanation is a person who claimed to dream about hell or a load of other bullshit).
TL;DR: Life after death is a concept that we humans conjured because we are a self-centered creature, not being able to imagine that after death, all there will be is nothingness.

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