
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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I'm a grammar nazi, how about you ? if you aren't list the things why you don't want to be a grammar nazi and if you are please list the things too why you are a grammar nazi haha :) Have a nice day bro :D

I'm a grammar Nazi, even right now I have to resist the urge to tell you that you need to put a fucking comma after "If you aren't."
But yes, I resist the urge. I choose not to express my grammar Nazi-ness since doing so really just tells them more about my lack of social skills rather than their lack of grammatical knowledge.
I love being right, but I would take being wrong any time of the day if that saves my relationship with my friends.

This is the last kent. Kl in gmn mksdny : although the project doesn't have the same risk as the firm, its relevant cost of capital should be equal to the firm wacc? It's wrong bcause it's not the firms COC that determines a project COC , it's the other way around. Thanks a bunch! It's means a lot!

Sorry, all my brain cells died after reading your question.

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God bless you, itu grammatically wrong ya kak?

Hai, non. Seperti manusia, kata kerja itu juga punya mood. Baca ini dulu ya: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/119875338888
Ucapan aslinya adalah "May God bless you," tapi karena kepanjangan akhirnya disingkat menjadi ucapan yang sering kita dengar sekarang, "God bless you."
Tapi ini grammatically correct juga. Kenapa "bless" bukannya "blesses"? Soalnya kata kerja "bless" di sini dalam subjunctive mood (mood yang digunakan ketika kita mengharapkan sesuatu). Sama halnya dengan kalimat yang sering diucapkan di Inggris, "Long live the Queen." Live di kalimat itu juga dalam bentuk subjunctive mood.
Anyway, God blesses you juga grammatically correct. Beda dari dua hal itu adalah:
> "God bless you" diutarakan ketika sang pengucap berharap hidup seseorang akan diberkati seterusnya.
> "God blesses you" diutarakan ketika sang pengucap benar-benar takjub akan berkat yang sedang dialami oleh seseorang.
Contoh: ada orang yang berjalan di tengah jalan raya, tapi sama sekali nggak ketabrak (hal ini kan menunjukkan dia benar-benar diberkati), maka seseorang bisa aja berkata kepada orang itu, "Wow. God blesses you, really."
Phew. Semoga menjawab!

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Saya lupa kalimatnya. Seperti 'I truly am', tapi ini lebih complicated. Mungkin ada yg terlintas di pikiran ka kent? Maaf, pertanyaannya ambigu.

iwan X
Ohhhh. Ini agak advanced sih, I'll try my best explaining to you. Kita ambil contoh "I truly am sorry" aja ya, biar gampang.
Kamu harus ngerti kalo "am" atau to be in general itu juga sebenarnya merupakan kata kerja.
Di bahasa Inggris itu kita punya adjective yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata benda.
"A /red/ book."
"Red" di sini adalah adjective yang menerangkan kata benda "book." (Sebuah buku /merah/.)
Selain adjective, Inggris juga memiliki sesuatu yang namanya adverb. Adverb ini biasanya berakhiran "-ly" dan digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata kerja.
"He ran /quickly/."
"Quickly" di sini adalah adverb yang menerangkan kata kerja "ran." (Dia berlari /dengan cepat/.)
Nah untuk kalimat "I am /truly/ sorry," kata "truly" di sini ini menerangkan kata kerja "am." (Saya /sungguh-sungguh/ merasa bersalah.)
"I am truly sorry" ini tapi juga bisa dituliskan dalam bentuk "I truly am sorry," biar hipster aja, keliatannya nggak mainstream.
Hope this answers your question!

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Liked by: Jemima Fatita iwan X

Heyy Kent,I'd like to ask you about ITP (Institutional Testing Program) which gives score at range 310-677. Please give your recommend website so I can gain my result. Last I took ITP, my score was just 450. I must enhance it 100 point higher. I'd thank to your kindness to help me out. ^^

I.. Uh. I had to reread your question three times before somewhat understanding it.
I'll assume you want to get a higher score in TOEFL? I have no recommendation about website, but you can try buying some TOEFL books (preferably Kaplan's) and learn from those instead.

with Jesus you got nothing but Good. bener gak?

Grammatically correct. But I don't understand why you are upper-casing the "G" in "good." Also, you might want to use "goodness" instead of "good" since "good" usually refers to a tangible product, and I'm sure you are not talking about something tangible.

kak tolong jelasin penggunaan may sama might dong, makasi kak :)

Hai, Indira!
May sama might ini interchangeable kok.
1. Mereka sama-sama bisa digunakan untuk kemungkinan.
"I might have an allergy to eggs."
"We may go to Bali for vacation, if we have the money."
2. "Might have" cenderung lebih digunakan untuk sesuatu yang mungkin bisa terjadi di masa lalu, tapi "may have" juga nggak salah.
"I might have eaten the food if he didn't come home."
"If he had come sooner, things may have been different."
3. "May" digunakan untuk minta ijin dalam formal speech. "Might" lebih digunakan untuk mengatakan saran yang sopan.
"May I be excused, please?"
"Next time you might try washing it using detergent."
Hope this helps!

Ko Kent, bisa dijelaskan penggunaan semicolon, colon yang benar?

Wah ini bukan pertanyaan bahasa Inggris ya, yaudah, apa sih yang enggak buat anon.
Colon itu digunakan untuk menandakan list, cukup straight forward lah ya ini. Langsung masuk contoh aja.
"There were two reasons for that thing to happen: First, there was blablabla. Second, blablabla."
Benernya masih ada penggunaan colon yang lain, tapi agak ribet jadi ntar aja.
Semicolon ini adalah tanda baca yang terletak di antara koma dan titik; lebih panjang daripada koma, tapi lebih pendek daripada titik.
Penggunaan semicolon ini ada beberapa:
1. Sebagai pemecah klausa
Misalnya kamu punya dua kalimat yang BISA berdiri sendiri-sendiri, namun kalimat kedua menerangkan kalimat pertama, kamu bisa menghubungkan keduanya menggunakan semicolon.
Contoh: "My sister has beautiful hair; she loves to wash it."
Bandingkan dengan: "My sister has beautiful hair, but she never washes it."
Kenapa contoh kedua menggunakan koma? Karena kalimat kedua "but she never washes it," menerangkan kalimat pertama DAN tidak dapat berdiri sendiri.
2. Sebagai super koma
Semicolon bisa digunakan ketika mendaftar sesuatu yang memiliki koma dalam entrynya. Cukup jelas kok, langsung masuk contoh aja.
"When travelling in search for a good food, I went to Surabaya, Jawa Timur; Bogor, Jawa Barat; and Semarang, Jawa Tengah."
Phew. Semoga menjawab!

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Terus ada yang s buat yg kayak gini , (contohnya) bless' , itu maksudnya apa ?

Tanda petik kayak gitu itu juga menandakan kepunyaan, tapi dipake untuk kata-kata yang berakhiran "S" aja.
Kan aneh ya kalo kita nulis, "She is Stevanus's wife," jadi instead of nulis kayak gitu, kita nulisnya, "She is Stevanus' wife."
Note: penulisan "Stevanus's" juga nggak salah ya tapi.

could sebagai auxiliary verb mksdnya apa ka?

Gue copas dari wiki ya karena gue nggak ngerti cara jelasinnya.
An auxiliary verb is a verb that adds functional or grammatical meaning to the clause in which it appears—for example, to express tense, aspect, modality, voice, emphasis, etc.
Jadi "could" sebagai auxiliary verb itu cuma sebagai keharusan dalam tense aja. "He could have done it more properly." -> "Dia seharusnya bisa melakukannya lebih baik."

Ka kent. Kenapa setelah subject terkadang ada kata lalu to-be? Tolong dijelaskan, ka. Thx.

iwan X
Hi, Iwan!
Mungkin bisa kasi contoh? Gue udah coba merangkai kata-kata tapi ga kepikiran contoh kalimat di mana terdapat kata di antara subject dan to be.

kaa kalo do did does kaa? hehehe

Do itu kalo di-translate jadi bahasa Indonesia mungkin jadi "apakah" ya..
Kalo penggunaannya itu cuma tergantung subjek aja. Kalo subjeknya (I/you/they/we), pakenya "do." Kalo subjeknya (he/she/it), pakenya "does."
"Did" itu dipake untuk masa lampau.
"Do you understand?" -> "Apakah kamu mengerti?"
"Does he understand?" -> "Apakah dia mengerti?"
"Did you understand trigonometry when you were in high school?" -> "Apakah kamu mengerti trigonometri ketika kamu di SMA?"

kalo in , on , sama at itu dipakai pas kapan ka :)

Ini susah banget jawabnya. Biasanya gue pake feeling sih, jadi kadang rada ngaco. Gue kasih tau general rulenya aja ya.
/In/ itu lebih luas daripada /on/, dan /on/ lebih luas daripada /at/.
Langsung contoh deh:
Kalo kita ngomongin taun, bulan, musim, jaman, kita pake "in."
"In 2014"
"In May"
"In the summer"
Kalo ngomongin yang lebih sempit, misalnya ngomongin hari dan tanggal, kita pake "on."
"On Sunday"
"On October 10"
"On Christmas Day"
Kalo ngomongin lebih sempit lagi, misalnya ngomongin jam yang spesifik, kita pake "at."
"At 10:30"
"At sunrise"
"At the moment"
"At night"
Semoga menjawab!

kak.... :( http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/120487965832

Iye iye, maap. Sekarang lagi #english hour, jadi gue jawabin nih.
"Yet" itu kalo di-translate ke bahasa Indonesia jadinya "belum." Penggunaannya biasanya di kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya.
"Gue belom berangkat ke pesta." -> "I haven't gone to the party yet."
"Udah selesai bikin peer?" -> "Have you finished your homework yet?"
Jangan lupa ditaroh di belakang kalimat ya.
Liked by: Jemima

ka penggunaan kata probably itu gimana kaa apa bedanya sama maybe #english hour

Probably sama maybe itu kalo di-Indonesia-kan ujung-ujungnya sama-sama "mungkin" sih.
Tapi penggunaannya berbeda, contoh:
"Maybe it will rain today." -> kemungkinannya sekitar 50% lah mentok.
"It will probably rain today." -> kemungkinannya 70-80%.
Jadi probably itu lebih mungkin daripada maybe.
Hope this answers your question!

Hi ko! Boleh jelasin penggunaan unless ga? unless itu ada hubungan erat dengan 'if' ga? thanks :*

Hi, Non!
Unless itu sebenarnya hanyalah alternatif dari if not.
Langsung masuk contoh aja ya.
"Unless it is free, I won't go," itu bisa ditulis ulang menjadi, "If it is not free, I won't go."
"Unless we leave now, we will be late," bisa ditulis ulang jadi, "If we don't leave now, we will be late."
Gampang kan? :D

apa bedanya had has sama have kak? thx before

"Have" di bahasa Inggris itu ada dua tipe: sebagai kata kerja biasa, dan sebagai pelengkap tense.
Kita liat yang kata kerja biasa ya.
"Have" di sini berarti "memiliki" dan cara kerjanya sama kayak kata kerja lainnya.
Perbedaan had, has, have di sini itu tergantung subjek. (Persis seperti did, does, do).
"I /have/ the money." -> gue /punya/ duitnya.
"She /has/ the money." -> dia /punya/ duitnya.
"They /had/ the money." -> mereka /punya/ duitnya (di masa lampau).
Cukup straight forward kan ya?
Kita liat "have" sebagai pelengkap tense.
Kalo mau diartikan secara literally, "have" di sini bisa diartikan sebagai "sudah."
"I /have/ slept for two hours." -> gue /udah/ tidur selama dua jam.
"She /has/ slept for two hours." -> gue /udah/ tidur selama dua jam.
"They /had/ slept for two hours when the bell rang yesterday." -> mereka /udah/ tidur selama dua jam ketika bel berbunyi kemarin.
Hope this answers your question!

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Liked by: Faiz Adani

Hi everyone!

kent sutjipto
Due to the amount of English questions (mostly grammatical) I am receiving, I'm opening #English hour. Feel free to send me any question regarding English and I'll help you in any way I can. Please put in #English so I can just ctrl+F and answer your questions.
P.S. People who don't hide behind anonymity get priority!

What makes life bearable for you?

That existence by itself is a miraculously amazing thing that could happen.
Quoting my recent favorite book:
“Not one of your pertinent ancestors was squashed, devoured, drowned, starved, stranded, stuck fast, untimely wounded, or otherwise deflected from its life's quest of delivering a tiny charge of genetic material to the right partner at the right moment in order to perpetuate the only possible sequence of hereditary combinations that could result -- eventually, astoundingly, and all too briefly -- in you.”
See how amazing our existence is? We are so lucky to have been born. Virtually countless numbers of atoms and particles would kill just to be given the chance to smash into each other to create one living thing. And here we are, a collection of atoms and just the right amount of genetics to make us humans, able to breathe and read ask.fm. One wrong genetic evolution and we might not end up as humans, but rats.
If knowing that doesn't make life bearable, I don't know what will.

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Ko Kent, probable dan possible itu bedanya apa? Most probable dan most possible itu interchangeable pemakaiannya?

Possible itu artinya it /can/ happen.
Probable artinya it is /likely to/ happen.
Secara personally gue nggak akan pake phrase "most possible" sih. Something is either possible or impossible, there is no such thing as "most possible."
Oh tambahan. Impossible itu artinya it will /never/ happen.
Improbable artinya it could happen, but is unlikely.
Hope this helps!

Good evening guys! Gue mau nanya nih, kalian waktu kecil pernah punya imaginary friend nggak? Atau kenal anak yang punya? Atau mungkin, sesuatu yang lebih berbau supernatural?

The Grand Dementor of Cipete
Good evening, Dit!
Gue punya imaginary friend dulu waktu kecil!
Lo tau kan guling itu ada tali yang dipake buat ngiket supaya yang empuk-empuk itu ga jatoh ke mana-mana? Nah iketan tali itu yang gue jadiin imaginary friend waktu kecil.
Waktu dimarahin bonyok gue sering banget lari ke kamar terus mem-bakpao-kan diri dalam selimut dan mainan sama iketan tali guling itu.
Gue masi inget gue dulu kasi nama dia Pauso (seriously kent? pauso? what the hell were you thinking?) dan gue ajak dia ngobrol tiap hari gitu. Ada masalah apa, gue curhat sama dia. Lagi naksir cewek, gue curhat. Mau boker, gue bawa guling ke toilet. Udah intinya gue sama dia terpisahkan cuma waktu lagi sekolah sama lagi makan.
Yaudah dong, terus gue beranjak dewasa, mata gue terbuka dan gue sadar bahwa Pauso itu..
nama yang jelek. Jadi gue memutuskan untuk mengubah namanya jadi Alfred dan lanjutin ngobrol sama dia untuk entah berapa lama sampe akhirnya gue sadar bahwa iketan tali guling itu fana.
Udah. Gitu aja sih.

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Hello kent, bs jelaskan gak pnggunaan these dan those ? Thx kent

Halo, Non!
"These" dan "those" itu cuma bentuk jamak dari "this" dan "that" aja.
"This book is heavy." -> kenapa pake this? Soalnya bukunya cuma ada satu.
"These books are heavy." -> kenapa pake these? Soalnya bukunya banyak.
"Those" juga sama, tapi instead of "this," pakenya "that."
"That candy looks sweet." -> soalnya permennya cuma ada satu.
"Those candies look sweet." -> soalnya permennya bejibun.
Hope this answers your question!

My roommate came from Somalia, and learning that Somalia only has a central government for two years makes me wonder how harsh the political condition there, yet they are sending students to Russia with scholarships. In just two years, they already went that far. Will we, With our new president?

Hi, Mario!
Considering the questions I get normally ask about either poop or my unimportant (and non-existent) romantic life, I consider your question to be a serious one, and hence I felt the need to do some research beforehand.
Somalia is among the top three highly indebted African countries, with its debt reaching $2.2 billion, mainly to IMF and World Bank. This piques my interest, since it implies that despite its crippling debt, Somalia seems to still put a heavy emphasis toward international financial aids by sending their students to Russia. Which, frankly, I think is a bad move. There are much better alternatives they could take to diminish their debts rather than sending students to foreign countries.
So I did some further googling and found that Russia and Somalia were not really in good terms in the past. Or at least they weren't in good terms until recently. Russia just appointed a new ambassador to Somalia in this May for the first time in more than 21 years.
So it is possible that Russia might offer financial aids to Somalian students as an attempt to repair their relationship with Somalia. It doesn't necessarily follow that Somalia is putting such a heavy emphasis (especially considering they were established two years ago) on education.
As for your question, I think it is very probable that we will see these effects take place in Jokowi's reign. Not necessarily because of Jokowi himself, but maybe due to ASEAN Free Trade Area taking place in 2015. This would possibly enable Indonesian students (especially excellent ones) to get a financial aid and study abroad.

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Will u love me?

Kak Tada,
Love, for me, is such a strong word. So I'll take the liberty to tweak your question into "Will you like me?"
But then again, future is so indeterminable. So let me take the liberty to tweak your question further into "Do you like me?"
Which I can swiftly answer now. Yes I do :D
Liked by: Iban Indah

hey!>< how's your score when you're still a high school student? did you ever had a bad score? i wonder how you overcome this problem if you have a really strict parents. thankyou~

Hi, Nadine!
My grades were kinda okay during high school. I got like 7s and 8s for my social studies and 9s and 10s for my science. *evil laughs*
If you have strict parents, you can either:
1. Tell them to fuck off and say that it's your life and that you deserve to be happy, or
2. Study your ass off.
I'm sure the second option is a much safer option than the first, so yeah. Do that.

hello kak( I like to call you kak better than mas right?) gini kak gue mau minta sarannya.. kira kira cara naikin nilai toefl gmn ya? terakhir tes masih di 477.. sementara kalo mau scholarship kan minim 550 kan ya? nah cara naikinnya gmn biar sampe 550 :')

Hi! And you can call me anything you like, I couldn't care less.
TOEFL sekarang udah nggak diitung pake sistem gitu, Non. Dulu pake PBT (Paper Based Test), dan skor rata-ratanya emang sekitar 500-600. Sekarang kita udah pake IBT (Internet Based Test) dan skor rata-ratanya sekitar 90-120.
Nah, TOEFL ini dibagi menjadi empat bagian: reading, listening, speaking, dan writing.
Reading itu cukup intuitive. Ada pertanyaan di mana jawabannya bisa kamu dapatkan dari bacaan. Biasanya orang-orang Indo skornya bagus di reading ini.
Listening itu sedikit lebih susah dibandingkan reading. Kamu harus mendengarkan sebuah rekaman dan mengingat-ingat (biasanya sih gue catet) inti dari rekaman tersebut. Lalu kamu dihadapkan dengan berbagai pertanyaan yang jawabannya ada di rekaman tadi.
Nah, speaking. Ini yang biasanya orang Indo keder-keder. Soalnya skill bahasa Inggris kita jarang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Di bagian ini, kamu biasanya disuruh berbicara mengenai sesuatu (contoh: describe the city you were born in). Kunci dari speaking adalah kamu harus bicaranya pelan-pelan dan jelas; kejelasan adalah nomer satu di sini, forget about your fancy accent, forget about your speed, just be clear. Mau medhog juga nggak papa, selama penilai tes kamu ngerti apa yang kamu omongin, it's fine.
Masuk ke bagian writing! Bagian ini sangat relatif. Kalo kamu suka nulis dan ngerti how grammar works and know how to coherently present your thoughts, bagian ini gampang banget. Biasanya di bagian writing ini ada dua soal: satu soal kamu dikasih dua pilihan dan kamu disuruh milih satu pihak, satu soalnya lagi kamu harus menjelaskan pandanganmu tentang sesuatu.
Note: dalam speaking dan writing, kamu nggak harus jujur. Just make up something that would allow you to elaborate your thoughts in a coherent manner.
Nah, sekarang udah tau kan TOEFL itu ngapain aja. Latihan aja bagian yang menurutmu kamu agak lemah. Mungkin bisa dengan beli bukunya dan kerja soalnya atau dengerin CD TOEFL. Worse comes to worst, kamu bisa ambil les TOEFL.
Best of luck!

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Ko Kent, what makes someone an arbiter of art? What or who gives them power to decide what is trash and what is art?

Steffi Teowira
Hi, Steffi!
Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with art itself, so please take my answer with a grain of salt.
I believe it happens through perceived value. One person brands themselves as an expert in art and then it travels through word-of-mouth and just like that, everyone believes that he is really an expert of art, and they start listening to his advice about art, despite art is a subjective matter.
It's sheep mentality, basically.

did you erase some questions which came to your ask.fm just because you didn't like to answer? seriously, I sent alotof questions to you, but none of them was answered. *lol* --"

Sorry! I have never erased any question, though. I usually only answer several questions during my online time on ask.fm. If you want to make sure your questions are answered, just turn off your anon since I answer most off-anon questions.

Ko kent, please cheer me up please because I had a really really bad score in math):

Hi, Fatita.
1. Do you like math? 2. Is math necessary in your future? 3. Do you see math as an integral part in your life?
If you say "no" to all of the above, remember that getting one bad score in math doesn't mean you're a failure. You can always try better next time.
Cheer up!


Language: English