
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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I feel pitiful to those people sending hate messages to you - you are such a awesome inspiration for young people! I hope people will learn to be jealous in a positive way, to use their jealousy as a motivation to push themselves. Keep inspiring, Kent! Cheers.

Angelica Mariss
Thanks for the kind words, Angelica!
*gives a virtual hug*

Perfeksionis banget sih haha. Ga kebayang kalo ada orang yang jadi pacar lo. Cuih.

You know, there is a popular quote commonly misattributed to Henry Ford (and just in case your ignorance clogs your brain, Henry Ford is the founder of Ford Motor), "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."

People just couldn't imagine having cars because cars were simply too advanced for them.

The same applies to you. Your IQ will have to increase by three standard deviations before you can finally grasp what it feels like to date someone like me.

Until then, stay in your own league.

aku chinesse . dan aku sedikit sedih skrg , ntah kenapa aku sangat menyayangkan sikap orangtua ku yang masi kolot tentang berteman dengan orang yang berbeda ras . padahal orang tua sudah kenal lama , tetapi masih ada sikap - sikap yang menunjukan bahwa kami tidak pantas berbaur . menurutmu ?

aku juga chinese.
aku sangat sedih sekarang melihat rasku sendiri memberi spasi sebelum tanda baca.

Hi, guys, feel free to use this question to rant about anything, vent, tell a story, make a confession, post a picture, share a link - anything you want, really. Cheers.

Chat pagi ini bersama @jeaniceang.

Passing thought: Does eating mosquito give you protein? I tried googling but I couldn't get any satisfying answer.

Kak saya takut menjadi tua. Saya takut menghadapi fase remaja. Tahun depan saya SMA. Saya takut jadi tidak dekat dengan orang tua lagi, takut tidak bisa main seperti anak anak, takut bergabung dengan lingkungan yang lebih luas lagi. Apa ini wajar? Bagaimana cara mengatasinya?

There's a term regarding this phenomenon and it's called the Peter Pan Syndrome.

But I would not classify your case as a Peter Pan syndrome since you are still in the pre-pubescent phase.
Did you know that humans spend a good part of their teenage life without a working frontal lobe?
You read that right.
Without a working frontal lobe.
Imagine your brain as a home theater, furnished with a 50" TV, complete with the best surround sound system you can ask for.
Well, the frontal lobe acts as the remote controller.
What good is a complete home theater equipment without the tiny thing that controls every thing?
A human's frontal lobe in general is not fully developed until they reach their mid-20s.
By the time you get your hands on the elusive remote control, you are expected to have your shit together.
Better have your shit together by then.
Until then, go.
Go and do stupid* things because you can.

*Please be stupid responsibly.

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Have you ever feel like your genes betrayed you? Like you have fought your hardest, tried your very best but always fell miserably against the blessed genius one that ony give their little piece of hardwork?


In the world of your dichotomy, I am the latter.
I am the genius blessed with the genes of fast synapses and vast knowledge.
My friends in college studied day and night to get a B- in their Math class; I skipped 80% of my classes and played online games every day and still managed to effortlessly get an A.
An assignment to write a computer program was assigned to groups of three for a week, I did alone in under three hours. (Disclaimer: it was the most basic programming class.)
For the lack of a humbler term, I am smart.

But oh am I happy?
After I did the coding in three hours, did I spend the rest of the week (minus three hours) doing something productive?
The price of intelligence—as I've always said—is ego. And sometimes, the staggering side effect is laziness.
Somewhere along the line, people who have learned how to desperately claw, learned to be persistent.
They do not generate enough unique and interesting ideas so they stick to one and make that idea happen.
But smart people?
Well, we tend to overestimate ourselves. Our lobes are abundant with ideas that we abandon an idea at the sight of the simplest obstacle.
Because, hey, we CAN and WILL generate another idea.
And when we find another obstacle, we rinse and repeat.

Do not play the victim card because smart people—believe it or not—have their own cross to bear.
While the average people struggle to find ways to be smarter, smart people have to find ways to beat their ego.

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Halo kak kent. I love your words play, pgn bisa mahir bermain kata kayak kak kent hehe. So I'm currently studying English, and I want to be able to write poems/ff like you. I do have a hard time remembering verbs too. Can you give me any suggestions on how to start writing and remember verbs easily?


I know some people say that there are many ways to Rome.
But seriously there is no other way to expand your vocabs other than reading.
You can read any thing you like: novels, short stories, or even dictionaries.
Read and if you stumble upon words you don't know the meaning of, Google them.
The average person apparently needs 15-20 repetitions to absorb a word.
So read.
Read, read, read.
Read often enough and the next time you're writing something, that new word will be floating inside your mind, waiting for you to reach out and grasp it and use it in a sentence.

semi-time travel: because of the finite speed of light and the distance between earth and stars, you are actually looking back in time when you're looking at stars. Proxima Centauri, the closest star to us, is about 4 light-years away, so the light that we see now left the star 4 years ago.

I know that I said the game was over. But Carrisa is one of the few people I actually like on ask.fm.
A smart, independent woman who also happens to be an avid reader.
Check her out guys!
(If I recall correctly she currently doesn't reside in Indonesia; so beware for LDR, guys.)

Also, the game is REALLY over.
Any submission done from now on will NOT be answered.
Thanks for participating!

Hai Kent. Tau kan kalo kata kerja yang huruf depannya k, t, s, dan p itu pasti luluh kecuali antara kata depan dan kata selanjutnya huruf mati maka pengecualian (contoh:memproses). Saya punya pertanyaan, kalo kata mempunyai kata dasarnya apa? Punya? No! Kata dasar mempunyai itu 'empu'. Terimakasih^^

muhammad naufal diandi

Tapi karena game-nya udah bubar, gue nggak kasih short summary about the person yak. Monggo dicek sendiri profilnya.

Hello, Kent! I'm gonna go with a fun fact! Did you know that there are over 200 corpses on Mount Everest and they are used as way points for climbers? (Not so fun, I guess...) It's actually a thing and you can google "Green Boots" for more info.

Thanks, Alif! I did not know that.

A sneaker- and gadget-enthusiast who lives in South Korea (ya jangan sampe di North Korea). Untuk para peminat, bisa langsung send him questions introducing yourself.
(Disclaimer: nggak lama lagi balik Korea, gaes; ada kemungkinan kalian harus LDR.)
(Also, this game is disturbingly turning me into a pimp real fast.)

Marijuana was made illegal in 1937 by man who testified that the drug made white women want to be with black guys.

Ding, ding, ding.
One quality bachelorette whose favorite series are Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games and Dewi Lestari's Supernova (for the record, I dislike Dewi Lestari's KPBJ), coming right up!

Silakan para cowok-cowok (cewek juga boleh kok) cek profil Raisha Adistya, barangkali berkenan dan perkenalkan diri kalian.
(E buset kok gue jadi kayak mucikari.)

fun fact: if you type this coordinate 52.376552, 5.198303 on google maps you can see what looks like two dudes dragging a dead body into a lake also hi i'm zara and i'm totally not a serial killer

Zara | IG: @sskeletale

Also, please, lots of people think it has to be a "question." No. You can send me a statement, a fictional story, whatever. Just make me want to click on your profile.


kent sutjipto
Gue mau coba buka biro jodoh dong!

1. Send me a question and impress me. Terserah mau nulis fakta unik atau cerita, as long as I'm interested, I'll check your profile out.

2. I'll skim through your profile for a minute. Dan kalau profil ask kamu menarik, I'll publish the question you sent me.

P.S. As you guys might have known, gue peduli banget dengan grammar, cara penulisan, dan penggunaan tanda baca. Kalau dari pertanyaan yang kamu kirim udah ada yang salah-salah penulisannya, chances are I won't even check your profile out.

May the odds be ever in your favor and let the mak comblang game begin!

Greetings! Do you consider yourself as a nice person? Why/why not?

Entertain me for one second and let's assume that afterlife exists in the form of Heaven and Hell.
Say, if we cluster everyone on this earth into two group, the ones headed to Heaven and the ones headed to Hell.
And say, the admittance is purely based on your physical actions, not on whether you believe in a particular imaginary being or not.
Then I can say that I would definitely, definitely, get admitted into Heaven.

Yes, I'm a nice person in the sense that I don't kill or steal. Even my lies are of the non-negroid kind.
But I don't know.
I step on people's face too, sometimes.
Will the Sorting Hat place me into Hufflepuff?
Do I WANT to be sorted into Hufflepuff?
Is "nice" the adjective I strive to be known as?
Now that I think about it,
I'd much rather be known as a kind Slytherin than as an ambitious Hufflepuff.

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Nunggu itu capek ga sih kak?

Capek banget!

Makanya ketika akhirnya gue dan @devlinputra siap-siap open PO untuk www.instagram.com/sarcas.tee , rasanya seneng banget.

Save the date!

@sarcas.tee is a joint product between me and @devlinputra. And in case you haven't noticed from its name, Sarcastee is a t-shirt with sarcastic remarks on it.

If you're interested in securing one of those sweet sarcastic tees, do follow us on Instagram (@/sarcas.tee)!

kak, katanya kakjean ga punya askfm. kok ada askfm namanya jeanice? fotonya jg dia?

Dia punya askfm kok benernya.
Tapi dulu dia deactiv soalnya pertanyaannya nggak ada yang seru; ini baru reactivate.

Askfm-nya @jeaniceang. Send her interesting questions, guys!

(But no hate/harassing questions, please. If you send her any hate Q, I'm gonna stab you in your eyes.)


Language: English