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mnurutmu gimana adaptasi film tfios? (many said that the book is always better)

I think it's wonderfully made. Sure it's not perfect (nothing is and will ever be), there are things here and there that could use some improvement; but it really does the book justice. Moreover, the choice of music implemented in it was spot on.
All in all, I would give it a solid 8.5/10

Hey, Pudge :)) How's your day?

Lazy day! Spent my time at work mastering the art of sleeping while resting on my chin. Ha.
I wish.
Spent my office hours brainstorming for ideas and plotting my third book. Ugh.

biasanya dapet ide nulis darimana kak? blogmu lucu bgt, hahaha

Hey ho, thank you for the compliment!
Biasa dapet ide waktu mandi.
Pernah sekali kepikiran sesuatu waktu keramas terus reflek buka mata, jadinya samponya masuk mata. Ugh.
But in general sih dpt ide dari mana2: waktu naik baswe liat orang ngupil, waktu temen curhat ttg difriendzone, waktu baca artikel random di internet.
Liked by: Julita

which part of the movie (tfios) do you like the most?

but they fucked up Isaac's. In my mind, Isaac's was much much more powerful.
Liked by: Julita

dont you think ansel has played his role as gus so well? he seems more adorable than the person in the book

Ehh. I liked hazel more. Maybe because of her sexy voice. But i don't disagree that I liked the movie gus more than the book gus. Yep yep.

Did you cry watching TFIOS? :))

YES. PUAS PUASSS? i thought i was safe since i had already read the book. Turned out reading the book only amplified my sadness.
I learned the art of breathing through my mouth, so my friends didnt hear how my nose was clogged with snot.
Ugh. Stupid tfios.

image.news1.kr/system/photos/2014/6/19/904797/article.jpg apa ini ko!?!?!?!?!


Don't you think that everytime great novel (or if I might say just simply best-seller) has its movie version, it has lost its 'magic'? 'Magic', as in, imagining/projecting every word into scenes in our own mind. Is it just me, or?

Yes yes yes, and yes! Well, it is understandable since reading is really not for everyone. Us readers are lucky to have picked up reading; our imaginations flare up every time we read, and paint up pictures of the scenes. However, as you have guessed, what your mind paints and what the screenwriter's paints are two totally different things. Theirs make sure that the adaptation is suitable for easy watching. Thus, the loss of magic.
Liked by: fanny meliana

btw, i just found out that Rainbow Rowell is a girl, not a boy like you thought *sekilas info* *info sangat penting* bah

Ack! Gender stereotyping is a hard thing to overcome.

lg d sby ko skrg ko? kabar lanjutannya meter per second gmn ko?

Ngga, lagi di jakarta. Sequel meter/second kena major plot change, jadi agak molor keluarnya. Hopefully akhir taun ini keluar ._.

ko, pap quick selfie dong ;;)

Jebakan betmen bgt. Kalo pos nanti dibilang narsis suka take selfie. Kalo ga pos dibilang sombong.

Aduh jadi malu, saya juga ingin bertemu abang. wkwkwkw

Devlin Putra Candra
If one day I had the chance to be drawn by *insert a very famous artist here*, i would tell them to fuck off because devlin is the only artist for me.
Liked by: Julita

ti.me/1iyfNmf. What do you think?

I think I'd be heavily disappointed by whoever is playing alaska.

do you have sibling(s)?

yes, I have one older brother and two older sisters. I'm the youngest kid :D

current favorite book/movie?

current favorite book is miss peregrine's home for peculiar children trilogy! can't wait for the third book.
movie.. do tv series count? if yes, then game of thrones! if they don't, then no game no life.
Liked by: Joy Nathanael

how is meter per second 2 going?

there is a major (and i mean major) plot change. debbie is currently swamped with work and I'm whipping her to start writing again. so i think it's safe to say it's currently at 20%ish. :( sorry!

are you going to write a new post on the blog anytime soon?

no. I'm trying a new blog app called dayre.me. I'm probably gonna be writing there since it seems more interesting than blogspot.
you can check it out some time this week at dayre.me/nyankent

what does your mom think about you being a writer?

eh she couldn't care less. she's happy with the way i turned out to be though. i play lots of games but i don't smoke or drink or party.
i guess she's just happy i found a marketable hobby instead of playing games all day all night.

ko are you somehow physically alike with austin in meter per second?

yes. i was too lazy to actually create a brand new character so i just used my own physique. the correct question should be whether or not austin is similar to me dong? instead of the other way around..

have you ever felt unsatisfied with the ending of a story? if yes, what story and how do you want it to end?

looking for alaska! if i were pudge i would study necromastery and revive alaska.
i believe all stories are written properly and I've learned to accept the way they were written.
so.. no.

So do I. which one you prefer: being remembered widely or deeply?

if i had to choose, i guess widely. i want to touch lots of people's lives, leave something behind, and--to borrow gus' words--leave a scar in this world.

I've just finished watching tfios and I thought 'oblivion' means a condition where you are forgotten?

when i was reading the novel, i thought oblivion was referring to the total darkness after death. but now after consulting google, i realize it actually means the state of being forgotten.
then yes, i fear oblivion with all i am. do you?

are you afraid of oblivion?

it really depends on your definition of "oblivion." do you mean oblivion in ignorance? or oblivion in total darkness after death as in tfios?
if it is the latter, then yes. i fear oblivion even more than i do cockroach.

somehow alaska seems to be a complete opposite of your type *according to your previous answers*

how so? she loves books and has an enormous library in her room. she is funny. she is witty. she is unpredictable. she is curvy. she chooses her own name.
sure she smokes and uses electric blue nail polish, but she more than makes up in everything else she has.

if you had a chance to live a character's life in one of the books that you read, whose will you choose?

tough question, i guess it would be Jacob from Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children?
thanks non, i love this kind of questions (and i rarely use the word "love")

did you relate yourself as 'pudge'?

in the sense that i was madly attached to alaska? yes. even when i was done with the book i found myself turning the pages back over and over again just to taste alaska again.

do you love nicholas sparks' books?

never really tried to pick up his books. but i didnt really like the movies. so yeah

cewe yang menarik itu yang gimana kak

baca looking for alaska ga? alaska is very interesting for me. i almost cried because i got very attached to her. ugh.

ko ngikutin divergent? if you were there which group will you choose?

tough question.
obviously not abnegation. no.
cantor neither, ugh.
dauntless.. i would probably die during the train jumping session.
so that leaves me with amity and erudite.. but erudites are assholes (in the books anyway), so I'm pigeonholed to amity i guess.

kak nonton bola?

nggak. i just don't find watching 20 people running around chasing a ball for 90 mins interesting. blm lagi ada orang2 ky suarez yang gigit orang terus jatuh pura2 sakit gigi. dafuk.


Language: English