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Kak dulu Leonardo Davinci bikin Vitruvianman apa sambil nonton MIB ya? ko ada orang tangan sama kakinya ada empat gitu, tolong saya bingung.. :'D

Leonardo Da Vinci itu lumayan gila perbandingan. Dia yang menciptakan golden ratio 1.618 itu kalo nggak salah.
Nah Vitruvian Man buatan doi itu sebenarnya hanyalah sebuah gambaran mengenai manusia proporsional. Aku juga nggak berapa ngerti teknisnya, tapi tungkai tubuh manusia yang ada empat itu menggambarkan proporsi manusia yang sempurna.
Kenapa ada empat tangan dan empat kaki? Kalo diliat kan sebenarnya tangan Vitruvian yang ke atas dan kaki yang merentang itu empat-empatnya menyentuh dinding lingkaran sedangkan tangan Vitruvian yang ke samping dan kaki yang lurus itu empat-empatnya menyentuh dinding persegi.
TL;DR: Vitruvian digambarkan dengan delapan tungkai untuk menggambarkan proporsi yang sempurna.

KAK KENT RADA NGGA NYAMBUNGG. atau aku yg ga ngerti kak kent. entahlah

Ini referring ke pertanyaan mana ya.. Maap, kalo kata temenku, aku itu biasanya pinter, tapi kalo terlanjur goblog, GUOBLOG.

kak, pendapat kakak ttg kabar kalo DPR yg bakal milih lgsg para pejabat" tanpa ada suara dr rakyat ?

Aduh nggak ada cewek yang mau milih aku masak DPR mau milih siapa malah aku urusin?

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no no no, I mean classical song (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, dkk) ..

You said instruments! #gakmausalah
I'm not exactly the biggest fan of classical music, but I enjoy Chopin the most.
Liked by: Jessica Forsythia

Halo halo, lo suka takut sama sesuatu gak sih? kira kira apa aja yang lo paling takutin entah benda atau apapun itu. Thankyou for the answer!:)

Gue punya ketakutan yang super irasional kepada suara gesekan tangan pada balon. Dan suara garukan kuku di papan tulis. Dan suara gesekan styrofoam.
Might as well kill me.
Liked by: vivi kinan

Hi Kent! Reading your answers, I'm totally attracted with your personality. Can I know more about you please? :)

Hi! First of all, you should know that I'm flattered you find my personality intriguing. And second of all, I don't think me telling you facts about me is the best way for you to know about me. Since, you know, perception and all.
Liked by: Claudia Pranata

Ko Kent, if pandas become extinct, what ecosystem will it affect? I mean, I can't think of how it will jeopardize any kind of food chain since it is not a predator and its food (bamboos) is not either.

Steffi Teowira
Hi, Steffi!
Pandas are stupid. They are biologically designed to eat meat, yet they chose to exclusively eat bamboos, a plant that is so lacking in energy or nutrients. They literally chose to walk the path of extinction. The only thing Pandas are good at is making themselves cute as fuck and therefore making humans like them.
I believe Panda's extinction will affect no immediate ecosystem. Pandas are not significant in Earth. The only reason why Chinese government is trying so hard to keep Pandas from going extinct is because Pandas only reside in China and hence, have become the global symbol of China.

If one day we develop a technology that can identify people with psychopathic-homicidal tendencies early in their lives, do you think we should incarcerate/rehabilitate them before they even commit a crime?

I think we need to establish the confidence level first, but as long as the confidence level is >80%, I think yeah, we should rehabilitate them before they commit a crime. I believe there's an anime called Psycho Pass with this exact premise, check it out!

your BFF's personality (based on MBTI) ? :))

As an ENFP, it worries me that two of my best friends are both ENFP and ISTJ. It's like I'm either attracted to someone who is a replica of me, or someone who is the exact opposite of me.
Liked by: Rena Gracia Jemima

Didn't U say that U'r like a goldfish when it comes to short-term memory.But,how can U remember all of what U've read even in specific detail (scrolling Ur answers).Do U particularly use google to make all answer be perfect or it is just who U really'r (the Geek who have A LOT of Knowledge) ? :)

My short term memory is filled with things I don't find interesting. What I do find interesting, no matter how hard I try, I can't get rid off my mind. And yes, sometimes a question reminds me of an article I read a few years ago and I'd need to google that specific article to refresh my memory ;p.

what's your thought about wormhole? is that possible to travel through universes (Multiverse) ?

I'm not exactly fond of talking about things I have to speculate about with no way of knowing the truth.
So I think it's better to confirm the existence of other universes first before speculating the possibility of traveling between multiple universe using a theoretical wormhole.

Kent, you're good playing with words, and devlin's good at art, why don't you two make a comic book or maybe a visual novel together? I think it'll be so awesome

Thank you anon, we're flattered! We actually discussed a bit about this (about collaborating and creating a story) but due to the amount of our own projects, we decided to put the discussion on hold.
Maybe when we both are a bit more free, we'd discuss it a bit deeper. Until then. :)

What songs that comes up in your mind when you're fell in love?

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

Mind checking my writing? But ah, its nowhere near good

Oh, but everyone has to start somewhere, dear.
I'd be happy to check your writing. One should always write with the door closed and rewrite with the door open.

Mas Kent, gimana ya jelasin ke temen yang homophobic bahwa LGBT itu juga manusia, di circle pertemanan saya ada yang dijauhin gara2 dia openly say that he's gay. I love my friends equally, and it breaks my heart when my friends didn't get along :(

Hi Mz Logan,
Frankly, I don't think you can. Kita termasuk golongan orang beruntung dengan pemikiran yang terbuka. Orang-orang lain terlalu sibuk memperdulikan agama sampai mereka menelantarkan kebahagiaan sesamanya.

Hi, Ko Kent! . I love to write. sometime in Indonesian, but mostly in English. My English, I'd say, is fair good. However, my grammar still isn't perfect. What I want to ask u is, should I keep writing in English? Or is it better for me to just write in Indonesian instead? Thanks! :)

Hi Anon! Since you said you love writing, I assume you'd want to be corrected. The correct form of the word "fair" in your context is "fairly," which is an adverb. An adverb is a modifier we use to modify a verb. (e.g. run quickLY). In your case, you are modifying the verb "are." So instead of using the adjective "fair," you should be using the adverb "fairly."
As to what language you should write in, it is better to write in the language you feel most comfortable with. Writing in English is quite useless if you have no one to correct your grammatical mistakes since you wouldn't realize if you make one.

((( Jaxton Wheeler ))) the fact that I actually know who he is..........makes me proud :"""

Should.. Should I google it or is it something I better off not knowing? D:

So I guess you would be like fitri tropica with that combination between a writer and entrepreneur but If you were ''well-endowed'' referring to both money and genital so you could be like jaxton wheeler, gay porn star. haha *peace brother

Frans Hans
You have this amazing talent of making people /strongly/ dislike you without having to meet you.
Oh, and please refrain from calling me "brother," as obviously, we're not.

Sebutkan 10 buku favoritnya dong kak

I should probably sticky this into my profile or something, but here goes.
1. Inferno, Dan Brown
2. Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn
3. Looking for Alaska, John Green
4. THG trilogy, Suzanne Collins
5. Miss Peregrine's HFPC, Ransom Riggs
6. Delivering Happiness, Tony Hsieh
7. The Little Book of Talent, lupa
8. Made to Stick, Chip Heath
9. A Short History of Nearly Everything, lupa juga heuheuheu
10. How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie
Liked by: Jessica Forsythia D.

Thanks, Kent! That helps a lot. I do have one more question before I excuse myself: how do you deal with writer's block? Thanks for letting me pick your brain tonight. :)

It really depends on what kind of writing you're doing, Kak Rara. If you're doing a leisure writing (e.g. blogging for fun), then just let it flow. Write when you feel like it.
However, if you expect to make writing your source of income, you have to treat it like a real job. Do dentists get dentists' block? Or miners, miners' block? No, right?
I believe there is no such thing as a writer's block. What we refer to as a writer's block, actually, is just our sense of writing developing a bit faster than our writing skill. This leads to us feeling like our writing is not good enough, and ultimately, stagnancy.
As to how to deal with a writer's block: just write. Write, write, write; editing a bad page might be hard, but editing a blank one is impossible.
Best of luck, Kak Rara!

Do you have to write in a particular working space/environment? Mind sharing us your ideal conditions to be productive? Thanks, Kent!

Hai Kak Rara!
To each writer their own, but I've learned that conditioning our own brain by confining ourselves to a single location every time we write helps a lot.
For example, there is always one exact spot I dedicate to writing. In my house, it's the corner of my living room where I crouch and type away. In my kos2an, it's my folding table that I only use when I'm writing.
So whenever I crouch in the corner of my living room or every time I unfold my folding table, my brain automatically gets into "writing mode."
Oh, and reading a book that is similar in style to what you're about to write helps, too! For example, I would, for a few minutes, read a romantic/comedy novel when I'm writing my teen-lit novel and a psychological thriller novel when I'm writing my murder mystery novel.
I hope this helps! :D

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Ko!!! Kapan bukunya terbit lanjutan meter/secondnya!!!

Anon!!! Sabar ya, kerjaan di luar menulis lagi tumpah2 kayak lemak gue. Diusahakan awal tahun depan keluar. Plis jangan rajam gue.

Homosexuality. What do you think of it?

It is imperative to talk about homosexuality and compare it with its notorious counterpart: homophobia.
And since I'm not familiar with homosexuality as a concept, I'll talk about the English roots instead.
The suffix -ity is just a way to make an adjective into a noun. For example, human -> humanity, or, fatal -> fatality.
While the suffix -phobia is a suffix we use to describe about irrational fear of something. For example, hydrophobic people have unexplainable fear towards water. They have no idea why they hate water, they just do. It's irrational and illogical.
Bearing those two things in mind, homosexuality then is really just another noun, a natural thing to happen. While homophobia is people who are so afraid of homosexual people, while actually homosexuality has no apparent effect to their lives. They're just butt hurt because their stupid religions declare it's a sin to be homosexual.
I rest my case.

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hubungan GDP suatu negara dengan ketentuan nilai tukar mata uang, gimana ya koh?? kenapa 1$, 1 Euro, 1 Won, 1 rupee, 1 dinar beda2. apa ada hubungan dengan simpanan emas suatu negara di bank dunia atau hutang luar negri atau hanya dilihat dari GDP? thanks

Hi Anon!
The first thing you need to know is that foreign currencies behave like any other commodities; they're subject to the laws of supply and demand. So, when a specific foreign currency is high in demand, the cost of that currency (in terms of other currencies) will rise. And the vice versa also holds.
This is where GDP comes into play. For example, if you buy Japanese cars in Indonesia (using IDR, of course), then this IDR would be converted into JPY before the Japanese manufacturer receives the fund. Therefore, if Japanese cars are high in demand, it follows that JPY is also high in demand, and subsequently, the price of JPY will rise.
Basically, demand for a foreign currency is linearly proportional to its GDP.
And then you need to know that the price of something (anything, really) is just the PERCEIVED value of that thing really is. For example, the price of diamond is much more expensive than the price of water (despite water is much more necessary for our survival), this is because people perceive diamond to be much more valuable than water.
So aside from GDP, there are other factors determining the value of a currency, such as: employment number, interest rate, and political policies. These factors play an essential role in determining investors' decision to invest in a specific currency, ultimately boosting its demand.
Ini bukan peer kan? Kzl jg kalo ngetik panjang lebar gini terus dicopas buat jawaban peer.

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Liked by: Kautsar Riina

Hey brother kent, If you were well-endowed figure, Whom would you be like and why? Mind you! I love your blog bro ken-kent. A verbivore should do it.

Frans Hans
Although "well-endowed" can refer to people who have lots of money, it usually refers to people with large genital. AND MY GENITAL IS LARGE ENOUGH THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE THE HYPOTHETICAL "IF" HEUHEUHUE.
Anyway, assuming you mean a well-known figure, I'd like to be the perfect combination between a writer and an entrepreneur. I'm sure there are people out there who have successfully managed to do that, but I can't think of any. So yeah.
Liked by: Lisa Yik Iban

So I figure you've seen/read Emma Watson's empowering speech at the UN about gender equality (http://goo.gl/Axvkg0). Then, the misogynists on 4chan went crazy (http://goo.gl/QSSqXg). So, I want to know your opinion about the speech itself & the feedback because of that. Let's be aware about this! :)

Hi, Tada!
Emma Watson's speech was spot-on. The word "feminism" has been socially distorted into a word with such a negative connotation. The one thing that everyone in this whole world needs to know is that feminism is NOT a degradation of men, but rather an appreciation of women.
Gender equality does not, and will never, make men's lives any worse. Not only will gender equality actually make men's lives better, but it will also raise the quality of women's lives considerably so. Most of you who are currently reading this are among the lucky few who (I hope) do not get your dreams hindered by sexual prejudices. Imagine how your life would be if you were born in India.
Feminism is such a beautiful word. And the fact that it has been distorted into a grotesque word is the surest sign that we are still living in a patriarchal world.
As for the misogynist fucks who oppose feminism, they're just sad people who jump into the bandwagon without actually understanding the issue facing our society.
But then again, no snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.

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Which do you think feels better: air-conditioner on a crazy hot summer day or warm under a blanket on a freezing cold winter day?

Air-con on a crazy hot summer day! I can handle cold much better than heat.
I may not have six-packs abs, but I do have a huge provision of fat for you to cuddle with when you feel cold. Take note, my future girlfriend. Take note.

Ada rekomendasi film science fiction (based on geeks interest) semacam The Matrix, etc?

Fun fact: I've never watched The Matrix.
Science fiction ya, hmm.. Udah nonton Doraemon?
Liked by: suth


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