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Ko Kent, can you share your to-read list? :)

For once, I'm not being asked to recommend good books :') #terharu
Okay, here goes! *buka kindle*
1. Flatland: a Romance of Many Dimensions (currently reading this one)
2. How to Write Short
3. Rock Breaks Scissors: a Practical Guide to Outguessing and Outwitting Almost Everybody
4. Hyperbole and a Half
5. My Sister's Keeper (my friend is practically begging me to read this, ugh)
6. The Little Book of Talent (haven't done reading this)
7. To Sell is Human: the Surprising Truth About Moving Others
8. Haruki Murakami's books
9. The Charisma Myth: Mastering the Art of Personal Magnetism
10. Look Who's Back
I think I'm missing a few, but for now this should suffice ;)

Hi Kent, do you read Haruki Murakamis books? If so, what do you think of them?

Hi anon! I've wanted to read his books for quite some time now. However I still need to finish several books I am reading. I'll pick his books up as soon as I'm done with my list. :)

i want to ask something. i'm chasing a girl for a years now. do you thing what i am doing is something worth in my future? or what should do? sorry if my english is bad

I chased my first ex for almost two years before she finally gave up and liked me back. Huehuehue.
Anyway, on a more serious note. I can't answer your question. I don't know you and I don't know her. But can you imagine a future without her? If you can't, then chase her with ALL YOU HAVE.
Godspeed, anon. Godspeed.

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Curhat about being a big fish in a small pond: I'm perennially tired of being the Hermione Granger in class. There's no one else to ask except for the teacher/lecturer :l

The Grand Dementor of Cipete
Oh the bane of intelligence, Dit.
But given the chance, would you throw away your intelligence in order to get the satisfaction of being able to ask your fellow classmates?
Of course not, therefore what you (and I used to) experience is really the lesser of two evils and we should be grateful for it, right?

Would you rather be the big fish in a small pond or small fish in the ocean?

Hi, Dee! I think it really depends on what this analogy is referring to.
In a professional line of work, I'd much rather be the big fish in a small pond since my decision would matter more than a small fish's in an ocean. And by doing what actually matters, I'll learn much faster (I used to work in Citibank and that was enough working in the "ocean" for a lifetime).
However as I always say: "if you're the smartest person in a room, you're in the wrong room." I would much rather be a small fish in the ocean when it comes to learning.

What are three things you think are "Ew!"?

Hi, Alex! Since most of the people you ask have answered all the common "ew" occurrence, allow me to step up the game.
3. Alien-Tongue Fish Zombie
Cymothoa is a parasitic crustacean which enters fish through its gills and then attaches itself to the fish's tongue.
The parasite slowly eats the fish tongue (wait, this is not the "ew" part) and then, after it has grown enough, it fully replaces the tongue. (image below, yes, the white weird-looking alien is the new tongue, and yes, this is the part where you're supposed to say EW).
2. Cockroach Cradle Zombie
Emerald cockroach wasp is a solitary wasp notoriously known for its unique reproductive behavior, which involves stinging a cockroach and then using it as a host for its larvae. When they hatch, they eat the cockroach.
Ew, right?
1. Blue Waffle
My all time "ew." I'm positive there is nothing in this whole world that deserves first place other than this. I'm not gonna put an image here because it's THAT disgusting.
If you think you can stomach it, go ahead and do some google image search on it.

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Do you think LDR (long-distant relationship) can be best modeled as prisoner's dilemma? If not, is there any game-theoretic model that better represents it?

Hi, Handhika!
Thank you for such a fun question. This is probably the first time I smiled after reading a question.
For those of you who don't know what prisoner's dilemma is, please read this before continuing: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner's_dilemma#Strategy_for_the_classic_prisoners.27_dilemma).
Or, you know, just skip this question altogether.
I think the most appropriate game theory to depict LDR is indeed, the prisoner's dilemma.
However, we need to take into account that, in the classic PD scenario, the two participants: 1. are PERFECTLY rational, 2. do NOThave any emotional attachment whatsoever, 3. can't punish or reward the other (whatever choice a person chooses to do, it will have no implication whatsoever to themselves).
These three premises clearly do not apply to a couple in an LDR (or any romantic relationship in general).
Two people in a relationship, generally are the exact opposite of the classic PD premises: they are highly irrational, they have strong emotional attachment towards each other, and the choice they make usually implies further complication.
Therefore, even though logically speaking PD is the perfect model for LDR, I think relationships between humans are far too complicated to be represented by a simple game theory.
I rest my case.
Keep the fun questions coming!

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I love reading all your answers. I've learned a lot, especially from the english hour questions and from some other inspirational answers. I don't know, i just like it when you type everything in english :) night x

Hi, Angie!
Since you mentioned you like it when I type everything in English, I'd do you a favor and ngomong jowo instead.
Suwun yo. Sampean apikan soro. Aku melok seneng sampean dadi pinter goro-goro aku.
Salam ambong teko gunung sapadda.

You can pay for sex, affiliate yourself with a certain religion to gain votes, even give out your personal data to get discounts. In a time where almost everything can be a commodity, what is one thing you won’t ever use for a personal gain? Why?

Hi, Obin, thanks for thought-provoking question!
In a vain attempt to impress you, I have marinated this question in my mind for a whole day. And I still have no idea how to answer it in a fascinating way. Ha.
Like Vinsen said, he'd suck a dick for the right price. I, too, can also imagine sucking a dick if I get compensated properly (like a million dollars or so).
As an opportunist, I believe that everything can be compromised. And that nothing is ever black and white.

Halo, selamat malam, minta tolong buatin saya puisi tentang anak kucing yang suka makan cah kangkung dong. Ini penting sekali, terima kasih.

Devlin Putra Candra
Felis catus nama latinnya
matanya picing
cah kangkung makanan favoritnya.
binatang terlucu
kukunya runcing
tapi suka mimik cucu.

Dude, please confirm that we are NOT dating.

ig: @torantula
For the love of God and everything that is holy, I like vagina and I'm pretty sure Macan doesn't have one.
Ergo, we are NOT dating.
Liked by: ig: @torantula

Seandainya nih, you have to choose between zara and anzi to marry, siapa?

Is this a sent-to-all question or a jebakan betmen?
Answering your question, it's a hard one! Why not both? #laludikemplang
But I believe Zara doesn't like penis? I kinda like my penis, though. So, Zara is a no go despite her being a very cool chick.
In the other hand, not only is Anzi very cool as well, BUT SHE ALSO HAS TOTORO. Ngaw. (Anzi please tell me you don't hate penis)

kak kakak ganteng deh, ko belum punya pacar? apa pura pura belum punya pacar?

I was about to ignore this question, but your last remark made me want to answer this seriously.
I'm not in a relationship because I feel there are things far more important to me than being in one. I still need to gash a scar in this world.
Yes, I'm single, and you'd have to be fucking amazing to change that.
And on the off chance that I do find someone who makes me want to commit into a relationship, she will be the most wonderful person in my world. I would never hide the fact that I am in a relationship with her. Ever.
Every morning I'd tell her good morning and how beautiful she looks,
and every night I'd tell her how my day went and wish her sweet dreams,
I'd wear her proudly on my chest.
I would never ever feed my ego by pretending to be single while in fact I'm taken by this wonderful woman whom my world revolves around.

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ka aku selalu gagal interview :( ada sarankah?

Interview itu sebenernya pinter-pinteran kamu bikin interviewernya suka kamu. Beberapa tips dari gue mengenai interview:
1. Dress up
Pelajari dress code di perusahaan tersebut tapi jangan over-dress. Jika kamu fresh graduate, jangan kenakan setelan jas yang super mahal karena itu akan menunjukkan ketergantungan kamu kepada orang tuamu.
2. Review pertanyaan yang mungkin akan ditanyakan
Coba baca ulang CV kamu, kira-kira pertanyaan macam apa yang akan dilemparkan ke arahmu? Antisipasi dan pelajari.
3. Latihan
Latihan artikulasi di depan kaca. Kalo perlu, tarik temanmu dan minta dia berperan menjadi interviewer.
4. Perhatikan body language kamu
Eye contact sebanyak mungkin, hand shake setegas mungkin, dan ketahui kapan kamu harus tersenyum. Selain itu, coba tiru body language dari si interviewer. Remember: when people are like each other, they tend to like each other.
5. Jadilah proaktif
Terlalu banyak orang bersifat sangat pasif dalam interview pekerjaan, padahal sebenarnya itu adalah kesempatan untuk kamu mengetahui tentang perusahaan itu juga. Pamerkan pengetahuan kamu tentang perusahaan tersebut dan bertanyalah mengenai job desc yang akan kamu kerjakan.
6. Akhiri dengan bertanya mengenai langkah selanjutnya
Berterima kasihlah atas kesempatan tersebut dan bertanyalah tentang langkah apa yang harus kamu kerjakan. Hal ini mempertegas ke-proaktif-an kamu, dan kebanyakan interviewer menyukai hal tersebut. Jika memang tidak ada langkah selanjutnya, tersenyum dan salamilah interviewer tersebut sebelum keluar ruangan.
Best of luck!

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Kak aku pcran udh 7 bulan tapi pcr aku semenjak kuliah berubah gt jarang ngabarin bhkn ketemu jg jarang aku kesel sm sikap dia yg acuh,tapi tiap di putusin dia ga pernh mau jd sebenernya dia tu maunya apa kak :( dn aku hrus gmna?

masih kuliah kan? belajar aja. you'll realize there's more to this world than just a simple relationship with a guy who doesn't care about you.

Kent, jangan mau ama Vivi. Dia doyannya PHP-in orang. Pas ditembak, AMPE DIBIKININ LAGU COBAK, malah ditolak. Pfft.

Mb Maldi telah memberikan argumen yang sangat kuat dengan saksi mata Tiger (bukan nama sebenarnya, red).
Mb Vivi, silahkan ajukan bantahan Anda.

suprise yg bagus untuk cowok apa ya?tapi yg sederhana dan simpel aja ya:))

tergantung cowoknya dong, tapi dari dulu gue kepingin banget dibikinin beginian (sekalian kode):
1. cari toples kaca,
2. beli post-it warna-warni,
3. tulis puluhan hal yang kamu sukai dari cowok tersebut di post-it (contoh: "I like your eyes and how they seem to captivate me," "I just adore your body warmth when we cuddle during rainy day.")
4. lipet dan masukin ke toples kaca,
5. tulis gede-gede di toples kaca, "Only open when you miss me!"
6. ???
7. get married.

How do you get over your father who is drunk addict over years until you have grown up; he scarcely cares about you; he scarcely finances your needs? (Suppose that it's what you experience)

Frans Hans
Hi, Hans!
I'm gonna give you one useless advice that I'm sure you can get from anyone else: just get over it.
I fail to see why you can't get over him. 1. he doesn't finance your needs, and 2. he doesn't care about you. Why should you?
You can be independent now. Why do you have to care about him? Our culture dictates that we have to respect our parents. Well, I beg to differ. It is very easy to be a biological father. Being a dad, though, is hard. And clearly your biological father is far from the best dad you could ask for.

what's on the top of your birthday list?

I received probably like 10 of this question and there's a really good reason why I have never answered it: because I don't know what I want.
No, seriously.
I'm happy with my life. And the things I crave can't be given by someone else, anyway. I myself have to work for it.
But if you insist, I'll choose something that will be released nine days before my birthday. *kedip-kedip kode* *kelilipan*


Language: English