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Do you think that she's the one? What makes you think like that?

Ezra Abdiel Chandra
Ptolemy once proposed geocentrism (the theory that Earth was the center of the Universe). The theory stood for centuries until finally Copernicus came along and came up with heliocentrism: that Sun is actually the center of the Universe.

We know by now that Sun is the center of the Universe.
But how, do you think, did Copernicus feel when he came up with that theory?
Was he sure that he was right?
Certainly not.
He just observed all the evidences that supported his theory.
It was not until decades later (or centuries, idk, too lazy to Google) that Galileo came along and kinda proved using telescope that Copernicus' heliocentrism was indeed correct.

Now, about Jeanice, am I sure that she's the one?
Frankly, I'm not.
But based on my observations, maybe.
Maybe Copernicus will come and tell me that my observation is incorrect.
Or maybe Galileo will come and prove that I am, indeed, correct.

Until then, I'll do what I can: treasure my time with her.

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have you ever written something longer than FF? If you have, where can I find it? thank you

Hi as a matter of fact, yes I've written a novel (albeit half) and a short story that got published in a KumCerPen.
Novelnya kalo nggak salah udah nggak dicetak lagi. You probably can get either of them from a Gramedia in your town.

P.S. they're both badly written; I'd recommend against buying any of them.

I'll be facing my first job interview in a couple days yet I've no idea about what to do and what to wear. Could you please give me some advices/do's and don'ts during the interview? It'd be so helpful. Thank youu :)

About what to wear: cari social media perusahaan tersebut dan kepoin pegawainya pada pake pakaian apa. (Pro tip: cari tau perusahaan tersebut bergerak di industri apa; kalo industri kreatif biasanya pakaiannya lebih selow dibandingkan bank.)

About what to do:
- Bawa beberapa hard copy CV kamu,
- Siapin beberapa jawaban untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan umum, e.g. tell me about yourself, what is your greatest strength, tell me about the last time you had to manage a team, etc,
- Research sebanyak mungkin tentang perusahaan tersebut, e.g. business model-nya gimana, kenapa kamu mau kerja untuk perusahaan tersebut, etc,
- Research how much salary you expect, untuk poin ini, bisa mampir ke Qerja.com,
- Your body language matters. Smile, maintain eye contact, firm handshake, yada yada yada,
- Interview itu bukan komunikasi satu arah, melainkan dua arah. Bertanyalah balik mengenai posisi yang akan kamu isi; ini menunjukkan bahwa kamu memiliki sifat proaktif,
- When you're done with your interview, thank the interviewer and ask if there is anything else you should do or, if there is nothing else, ask an approximation of when you can know the result.

Best of luck!

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