
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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kak, lg sedih, gw benernya suka koleksi buku, tp berhubung harga buku naik terus, pdhl income ga naik2, terpaksa harus beralih ke ebook :( pdhl gw suka bau kertas buku2, tiap penerbit baunya beda2 :(

Gue juga beralih ke ebook, tapi if I find a book interesting, I'd buy the physical version of it. Later when I finally get my own house, I'd build a personal library using all those books and swim in the awesomeness of paper and ink. Buhahaha.

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pernah mikir ga, "buat apa ya gw ngelanjutin hidup gw?"

Sweetie, you have no idea how frequently I thought of ending my life just to see what's on the other side of it.
Liked by: septia agustin

Notif answer isinya "kent asnwered your question" semua. Mulai dr "about 2 hours ago" sampe "yesterday". Ngaw :" Thx for being really nice. N oh! Aku suka nulis nih ko. Tapi jarang banget. But once I write, I just can't stop. Dan kadang pengen coba u/ ngirim cerpen2 ini. Tp ga tau kmn. Any advice?:)

Hi Eve!
I think there are shitloads of writing competition that you can attend. Just follow some accounts on Twitter/FB that promote writing competitions. Try submitting a short story to one of those and see where it leads you.
Alternatively, you can also set up a blog and dump everything there. Good luck!

hv u read the maze runner trilogy + prequel? wdyt? n hv u watched the movie?

I haven't read the trilogy but for fuck sake, I just watched the movie a few days ago and I loved it! Can't bear to wait a year or two until the next adaptation is released, so I'm definitely gonna start reading the books. :D

KAKENTTT! kittennya udh sembuh! turns out perutnya kembung soalnya makanan ga cocok, trus disuru kasih oralit + makan norit 1/4 butir 2x sehari, trus 3 hari sembuh deh yay!

Good for you (and me). Is it weird that I feel relieved over the recovery of a kitten I have never even met or seen?
Liked by: Juju Lamlo

What is your favorite subjects to discuss? some things you'd loved the most (based on your profession degree or predilection).

Due to the sheer amount of things I like to talk about, I think it'd be much easier if you ask me my least favorite subjects to discuss.

to the anon whom fell in love with kent's words, that makes the two of us. i hope this can be a little reminder that you got people like us who are eagerly waiting for what comes out of that extraordinary mind of yours. keep writing :)


is there anything else behind or beyond the dark matter?

What? If you're asking what the Universe is made of other than dark matter, I can only think of dark energy.
If you're asking what is BEHIND dark matter, I can speculate as much as I want, but I'd never be able to provide you with an adequate answer. Heck, we can't even scientifically prove the existence of dark matters, really. What we do know is that they neither absorb light nor emit it (hence the name dark matter), and that they have a very strong gravitational effects on the surrounding visible matters.
Personally, the gamer in me believes that inside these dark matters lie parallel universes, among them is one where I'm not a geek and actually do have a girlfriend.

Ko Kent, re Marslow's hierarchy of needs, did he mention if it is possible for ordinary human being to master the highest level (self-actualization)? If so, what will the human be then? Some kind of Übermensch?

Liked by: Iban

What do u think about rain? Do u like it? What do u think about this ---> "there will always a rainbow, after the rain."

I have a very mixed feeling towards rain. I like its smell, petrichor. And like cats, I hate being rained upon. I guess I like rain as long as I'm indoor with no urgency to go outside.
The quote is bullshit. For rainbows to happen, a source of light (artificial or natural), which would ultimately cause reflection and refraction through water droplets, is required. #loh #KokJadiNgomonginPelangiLiterally

How can we actualize ourselves when at that time we are in a condition of: "having no purpose in life"? Means, if we try to write a book/create something, we will think: "why this should be written/created/organized, it is useless". Hence, we won't get good result, and can not actualize ourselves.

Ah, but that's what sets the great apart from the good.
Remember, if it were easy, everyone would have done it.

Read your answers is fun. Fave poem?

Definitely Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken.
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I love to grab my hair, bring them in front of my nose, deep inhale them, and can't help but saying "damn I smell great." Something is wrong with me?

God, no. I'm so jealous of you for having long hair!
I tend to do that too after washing my hair, but since my hair isn't long enough to pull and drag to my nose, I usually just shake my head rapidly and smell the after effect of my hair's aroma.
Liked by: tuyul Fatita Juju Lamlo

(2) . . ............ Cont. What do you think on a quote saying, "cewe itu kaya gembok, makin banyak kunci yg bisa buka dia, ya berarti itu gembok yg jelek. Sedangkan cowo kaya kunci, makin banyak gembok yg bisa dia buka, ya berarti itu kunci is really something."

I think it makes sense to some extent. 1. Our society's gender stereotype is that men are supposed to chase over women, 2. The supply of good women far exceeds that of the men who deserve them, really, 3. We men tend to have a (very) high average libido, we are (relatively more) easily turned on rather than women, and, 4. Sex is relatively more dangerous to women (chance of pregnancy, stereotype of unvirgin females).
Combining those four facts with the law of economics, it quite follows that GENERALLY in a market where sex is the commodity, men demand sex while women supply it. When you're actively seeking for something, you are supposed to be proud if you have an abundance of that something.
Conversely, if you're the supplier and there's a fuckton of commodity you're willing to supply, the price usually declines. Hence, the analogy.

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Liked by: YOZA

(1) . . Gratefully, I've never dated any guy like that. . And that opinion of yours made me love you even more :p . And one more thing......... (to be cont.)


How do you fight your self-esteem problems?

As much as I hate to admit it, I have a crippling self-esteem problem. So much that my friend once told me that my girlfriend would HAVE TO be someone who wouldn't mind being my ego-boost every now and then.
My self-esteem problems usually stem during writing when I feel like what I'm writing is really trashy and nobody would be willing to read that fucking shit even for free, much less if they have to pay.
I usually just sulk and retract into my imaginary shell, binge eat, and sleep. By the time I wake up, my self-esteem problems usually don't go totally away, but it's better.
Hang in there buddy, for this, too, shall pass.

kak cowok yang serius dalam sebuah hubungan itu ciri2nya gmna sih? kalo balas bbm nya lama dan kadang ilang tanpa kasih kabar itu dia termasuk cow yg gmn?

For fuck love sweetie, this might come as a surprise to you, but guys are humans, too. You can't generalize us into pre-existing classes like you do to plants in your biology classes.
But if he your boyfriend CONSTANTLY is late in replying your messages and frequently disappears, then I've got some bad news for you.
Liked by: Jessica Forsythia

(Monday Random Q's) Hi hi :) apa yang menurutmu akan terjadi kalo tanggal merah di kalendar di geser? Jadi liburnya di hari senin bukan di hari minggu gt.

Saya tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi pada Indonesia secara umum. Tapi yang pasti saya akan menjadi bahagia.
Liked by: Nathania RANI

What do you think about virginity, especially for ladies? Do you think it is THAT important as the society thinks so? And how about those guys who are demanding their future wives to be virgins when they're not anymore?

Virginity is overrated. I view virginity as simply the existence of hymen, probably as insignificant as, say, an appendix.
Those guys are fucking hypocrites, don't date them.

So you mean when we feel "so empty and got no purpose on life", what we actually need is: "self actualization"?

I believe so, yes. In the book "The Entrepreneurial Revolution," Daniel Prestley stated that consuming something (e.g. watching movies, reading books) actually consumes our energy. Writing a book or starting a business (i.e. creating something), on the other hand, gives you energy. This is why we see so many businessmen (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc) not retiring until the day they're close to dying.
Liked by: Suvany Juju Lamlo

I love your writing! Write something please, anything.

Sometimes I wake up
you see,
With my sheet soaked
and my cheeks salty.
While you're out there
with a sunny side up smile on your face.
Sometimes I wonder
why rain falls
only when the cloud is over my head.
Sometimes I wonder
if your hair was ever drenched
or might it be that you
simply learned to dance ignoring the droplets of water around you.
I wish I were as fine as you are.
For my smile is splintered and my spirit
Sometimes I wonder
if I could love again
just like then.
Sometimes I wonder
if I would meet someone
whose smile would shake my world
just like yours.

Hi Kent can you recommend some good movies that got you thinking or have twisted plot, like Shutter Island, Inception, and the likes? Thanks :)

Try Déjà vu! It's Denzel Washington's movie about time loop and whatnot. I kinda forget what the movie is about (pardon my old age), but I remember clapping my hand like a kid when the movie ended.
Looper is a much lesser example, but it still entertained me a lot.
Shawshank Redemption. I haven't watched it, mainly because I could never find a friend who's interested in movies made in 1994, but I've heard tons of good things about this movie.
If you don't mind committing tens of hours of your life for a tv-series, I'd also recommend Hannibal. Look past the gore and the gut, and you got yourself a very well-written movie.
Drama-wise, try The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It might feel kinda flat due to the lack of climax, but the amount of symbolism and the angles being shot make this movie a must-watch in my list.

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Buat ngajarin anak-anak sekarang biar pinter dikit. Tolonglah bahasa itu digunakan buat berkomunikasi. Jangan seenaknya "Relationship" disingkat jadi "Ship" doang. Cuma kaum anon tsb jadinya yang tau. Lagian gw rasa, anon tsb nggak tau artinya Ship itu apa. Artinya..... MAJU!!! *jebolan SMK KAPAL

Liked by: Andréas Sihombing

ya udah. mana line id nya. aku mau diajarin moral sama koko. abis belajar moral, belajar kawin deh. yuk yuk yuk ngaw

Yang belajar kawin situ ya. Sini ngajarin aja..
pake demonstrasi. huehuehue

what do you think about the movie Shutter Island?

I in general hate an open-ended movie. While I really like the premises and whatever else Shutter Island has, I hate how it was really left to the audience as to what really happened in the movie.
At least that's how I used to think about it during my first time watching it.
After rewatching it, turns out that the ending was actually pretty clear cut with lots of symbolism mixed in. Bottom line is, I like the movie!

Ko Kent, tertarik dengan satu etnis secara spesifik, semisal white guys suka kena Yellow Fever (demen Asian girls), itu termasuk rasis?

Yes, the definition of racism is actually when someone believes a specific race is superior/inferior to other races. By actually having a fetish towards a certain race, you technically are being racist.
But of course, I think it's not as detrimental as, let's say, slavery over black people in the history.
Liked by: Steffi Teowira


Language: English