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Stand by Me kan Desember keluarnya di Blitz... Apa perlu penghuni asefem bikin nobar?

Tolong maafkan saya telah menyalahgunakan nama Blitz dalam penulisan jawaban yang tak berarti barusan. Blitz sebenarnya tidak pernah menjanjikan apa-apa. Saya yang expectant.
Oh keluarnya baru Desember? Gue Desember balik Surabaya, nggak bisa nonton dong :'(

pernah baca novel nya dewi lestari?

Maggie Rosalina Halim
Dee bukan? Nggak pernah. My knowledge of Indonesian literature is dangerously low. I should probably start pick up some good Indonesian books to read. Is Dewi Lestari's a good way to start?

Gimana rasanya kalo elu di ask ef em ini dapet pertanyaan yang puaaanjaang banget sehingga kadang2 elu merasa ini pertanyaan gak ada intinya tapi elu penasaran sama semua kalimat pertanyaan tersebut sehingga elu scroll2 sampe kebawah sampe elu baca semua kata per kata dari pertanyaan askfm tersebut?

Ini pertanyaan yang sangat bagus dan menggugah jiwa. Untuk bisa menjawab pertanyaan ini dengan akurat, saya harus meng-reiterasi ancang-ancang saya mengenai perkara pertanyaan kosong yang kurang ada juntrungannya. Saya sebenarnya suka nonton Doraemon, tapi ini entah kenapa Doraemon 3D: Stand By Me sayangnya tidak keluar-keluar di Blitz Megaplex. Padahal katanya sudah mau dikeluarkan. Janji yang diutarakan Blitz persis seperti pertanyaan yang sedang saya jawabi ini: kosong. Menurut saya, selain Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana KUHP, Indonesia juga harus mengeluarkan KUPHP, sejalan dengan maraknya tingkat PHP di Indonesia ini. Selain itu, jumlah pedagang martabak manis juga harus digencarkan mengingat sangat sedikitnya supply martabak manis. Sebenarnya inti dari jawaban ini ya sama seperti janjinya Blitz. Tak berarti.

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what is your favourite song(s)? or the ones you've sung(or recorded) before (and you ended up disappointed because of your voice? :P)

My current favorite song is probably John Mayer's I'm Gonna Find Another You.
The song I recorded (to which I promptly listened and caused my ears to bleed profusely) was Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Not being able to sing sucks.

menurut mas, kenapa indonesia belum melegalkan pernikahan beda agama?

Because people are pretentious snobs who hug their fucking religion like it's a fucking gold or something. People need to realize that religion is not something you zealously hold. You should be allowed to marry whomever you want to marry, not being forbidden to marry someone simply because they have a different imaginary friend from yours.

apa yg bakal kaka lakuin kalo tinggal di apartment sendirian trus lagi enak enak mandi tiba tiba listriknya padam?

putriatanaka’s Profile PhotoPutri Ayu W
1. Ngadep kaca.
2. Panggil Bloody Mary.
3. Panggil Bloody Mary.
4. Panggil Bloody Mary.
5. ???
6. I'm no longer alone!
Liked by: Putri Ayu W

Oh god. That screenshot. I relate to Mindy so hard...Are you open to perhaps kenalan with girls though?

Ha! I don't even know that was from Mindy Project. I just save any pics that relate to me. Anyway, obviously. I fail to see any harm in kenalan with girls..

If one part of your body feature could speak, what would it be and what would they say? (it could be your lips, your skin, your stomach, etc.)

My back (and to a lesser extent, my butt).
Liked by: Steffi Teowira

recommended books list pls!

What kind of books? I can go on all night, so here are a few:
1. Looking for Alaska, TFIOS, and to a much lesser extent, Paper Town (Romance, Slice of Life)
John Green's books would always be in whatever list of recommended books I write. He is just a master of characters. The characters he wrote come up to life and feel so real and before you know it, you get attached to them.
2. Inferno (Adventure, Thriller, Science-Fiction) - Dan Brown
If you don't mind a heavier kind of reading, please give this book a go. It's full of plot-twist and amazing details. A dash of history is also there. If there was one author I could sit down over a coffee and talk about stuff, I'd probably choose Dan Brown.
3. Gone Girl (Psychological Thriller) - Gillian Flynn
One of the biggest plot twists I've ever witnessed brilliantly presented by this amazing mind. The first few chapters could be overwhelmingly boring, but trust me, it's worth the wait.
P.S. The movie adaptation is coming out soon!
4. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Trilogy, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Romance-ish) - Ransom Riggs
What I thought would be a scary scary book (just look at the cover) turned out to be one of the books I enjoyed most this year. Don't be discouraged to read it just because the cover is so freaky. It's a lot like Harry Potter, kinda.
5. Delivering Happiness (Business, Biography) - Tony Hsieh
Tony Hsieh is the founder of Zappos. Right after graduating, he worked on Intel (if I recall correctly) for a year before actually saying "fuck this," left the company, and started his own business, LinkExchange. After a year or so, he sold this company for $265 million. Then he started Zappos. This is his life, put into words.
I could probably go on and on until ask.fm runs out of memory to store my answer in. And I'm sure I'm such a bore to everyone else (sorry, world). If you do tell me what you favorite genre is, I think I can tailor a better list for you. Keep reading, you beautiful creature.

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I read somewhere that they considered a different ending for Gone Girl the movie, perhaps a switch a la TFIOS and My Sister's Keeper. Do you belong to the camp that prefers that movies stick to their original endings? Or are there exceptions?

Steffi Teowira
I belong to the camp that prefers movies to stick with their original ending.
Anyway, since even if they're switching the ending around, it obviously is with the consent of the author. I don't really mind if the ending is changed but is still in the author's control. What I do mind is when people want to change a story's ending just because they don't quite like it.

Ko Kent, I read that you're a verbivore? Can I recommend you this website wordstuck.co.vu? :)

On a completely related note, check out other-wordly.tumblr.com. They're very similar but other-wordly is, for whatever reason, on hiatus :((
Liked by: Vanny Steffi Teowira

Makasi lo rekomendasinya pak, wkwkwkwk. Nanti desember kalau jadi traktiran saya bayarin parkir deh. Beneran.

Devlin Putra Candra
Kontribusi kak Devlin terhadap proses traktir-mentraktir kita agak kurang membantu ya.

What is business math? Care to elaborate more?

It is a combination between Math and Business (ha! bet you didn't see that coming).
I not only learned Math and Statistics, but also Business and Finance. I have the ability to utilize and apply my math/logical skills into business and real life problems. Sort of. I guess.

bisnis mtk itu kayak.gimana kaka? terus prospek kerjanya bsa jdi apa aja? heheh

Orang-orang pada umumnya tuh menganggap jurusan lo apa, yaudah lo kerja itu.
NO. People please change your paradigm.
Your major teaches you how to think. Majoring in Civil Engineering? You will end up thinking like a civil engineer. It's a blessing if you do end up working as a civil engineer, but you don't have to limit your scope of work to civil works.
Majoring in Math is a more extreme example of that. Learning math gives you creativity (how to solve that one fucking stupid problem) and persistence (I'm so not gonna give up before this fucking stupid problem is solved). It gives you ability to shift your point of view to solve the aforementioned problem.
Majoring in math gives you virtually infinite possibilities. You want to go to banking? Go for it. Sales? You start on Monday. Marketing? Come on in. Designer? Well, maybe not really "infinite." I stand corrected.

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Ko Kent suka genre fiction apa? Pernah baca Every Day by David Levithan?

Gue suka buku yang bikin gue mikir sih. If i have to boil it down into genre, I love whodunnit, mystery/psychological thriller, and dystopia.
I generally dislike the touchy-feely genre. But I make exceptions for excellently written books, such as John Green's.
And no. Gue nggak pernah baca every day. I read the teaser and it sounds quite interesting. Will put that into my reading list and thank youu so much!
Liked by: Vera Steffi Teowira

Hi! So you read Gone Girl too? Do you like it? What do you think about the ending? I think it's a little bit disappointing...

I love it! I like it so much that I've reread it three times. I scribbled down the key points and all the plot intersection as I'm writing my next novel: a murder mystery.
About the ending, I think it's unexpectable and so wonderfully written. I can't disclose how I feel about the ending here without spoiling it for people who haven't read it (but might in the near future).
But I understand why it might frustrate you! :p
Liked by: Steffi Teowira

jadi kalau di luar negeri bisa ikut classes yg gaada hubungannya? like you're math major tapi ikut writing class

Bisa dong! Kalo di Amrik, terlepas dari kelas inti yang harus diselesaiin supaya bisa dianggep lulus, ada juga kelas-kelas lain. Ada technical elective dan general elective.
Gue kan ngambil jurusan Math, jadi technical electivenya itu kelas2 yang masih ada hubungannya sama Math. Mungkin Physics atau Chem.
Nah yang general elective itu yang ga ada hubungannya. Misalnya writing class, history class, gitu2.
Liked by: Ika Budiarti D

i find there are so many girls have an interest in you, yet why are you still single?

The set of girls who are interested in me only consists of my mom and my two sisters. And probably my neighbor's cat if you count bestiality in.
On a more serious note, I am still single because I'm not ready for a girlfriend. Relationship, looking strictly from a business point of view, is a gargantuan investment, both emotionally and financially.
Emotionally, I'm not yet ready because I haven't found a girl interesting enough to hold my short attention span.
Financially, I'm saving to start my own business and starting a relationship doesn't, in any way, help me achieve that.

Aku sering merasa kecewa nonton film yg lebih dulu novelnya sudah dibaca. Koko kaya gitu gak?

Frisca Panjaitan
Sering dong! The problem (not exactly a problem, but my brain is farting with such an intensity that I fail to conjure up the word I'm looking for) with reading a novel is that we paint the scene with our imagination, we picture how the hero looks like, the way the antagonist scoffs, and the way the heroine flips their hair.
We paint images so vivid that when the movie comes out and what we see with our eyes doesn't match our imagination, we feel a strong sense of disassociation, which ultimately leads to disappointment.

recommend novel yg romantis dong kak. siapa tau busa bantu. makasih

Hai Diva!
Gue sebenernya jarang baca novel yang pure romance sih. Tapi when you say romance, yang langsung kepikiran adalah John Green (I've been his fan since before TFIOS became a movie). Coba baca deh John Green's Looking for Alaska. Menurut gue itu bahkan lebih bagus daripada TFIOS.
Konon katanya Eleanor and Park juga bagus. Tapi waktu gue baca, cheesy banget dan ga ada conflictnya. Eneg.
Kalo mau yang nggak pure romance, bisa baca Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children. Tentang supernatural fiction sih, tapi ada a dash of romance dan romancenya bagus!
Liked by: Vera kenny

Do you think stereotypes create a person or a person creates stereotypes?

Steffi Teowira
I think your question currently is a lot like the chicken-and-egg dilemma. A self-fulfilling prophecy.
But obviously in the beginning, a stereotype doesn't create itself, so it follows that an entity created stereotypes.
Hope I didn't misinterpret your question!
Liked by: Steffi Teowira

Now it's my turn to ask you if you don't mind. I've heard a lot about your book, and since i was a kid i've always wanted to paint with words. Care to enlighten me on what motivated your writings and what was the process behind getting published?

Hai Raunala,
As to why I'm writing a novel, it's not exactly a very good story since it was really anti-climactic, so I shall tell you about why I started blogging instead.
It was my senior year in college and I was so envious towards people who have their talents be so goddamn apparent. Like those YouTube artists, or visual designers who can draw.
So I tried singing and recorded myself. My ears bled and ergo, I concluded singing was out of my league.
The only thing I can draw is two mountains and the Sun protruding between them. With a farm which has no perspective at all planted firmly in the foreground. Singing was out and so was drawing.
So for fun, I took a writing class in college. Surprisingly, I was quite good at organizing my thoughts and converting them into words (maybe it's thanks to my logical and mathematical cognition). I wrote poems, short stories, blog posts. I kept a journal and wrote how I felt at a particular time, wrote about wonderful words that evoke a particular emotion in me. And before I know it I've been blogging for two and a half years now.
As for the publishing process, it's really just as simple as sending it to an editor and then work it out with them.
Writing is a lot like painting, but instead of using every imaginable colors, we use the 26 letters available to us. Godspeed!

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kak aku pengen bljr bela diri ni soalny di lingkungan kampusku byk preman2 kmrn aja pas aku lg di mobil mrka kyk cr masalah gituu :( kira2 beladiri apa ya yg cocok am cewek?

Sumpah gue disuruh lari satu menit aja udah letih. Salah banget lo tanya bela diri ke gue. Aikido? Taekwondo? Pepper spray?
Liked by: Vera Laurensia Ert

(Ignore this if you don't want to spoil the ending of Gone Girl for everyone) re the ending, do you think Nick could have done anything different?

Steffi Teowira
Hi Steffi, finally found someone who did read Gone Girl!
And no. This answer doesn't (shouldn't) contain any spoiler for anyone who wants to read this excellently written book.
Gillian Flynn did a wonderfully awesome job to portray the characters in Gone Girl. Have you realized that in the first few chapters, Amy was portrayed as a girl who makes up lyrics to songs she doesn't really remember and she is convinced she is right. This is a huge hint as to her personality.
And even Nick was so well-constructed. The young kid of the family, not able to do anything without anyone's initiative and her huge pride, lying about stuff that will protect his integrity.
So, no. Gillian Flynn's characters are consistent and there is nothing Nick could have done differently for the ending.
Liked by: Steffi Teowira

Are you active on Quora? If yes, mind to share your username?

I do have an account I used to reply to a post, but I'm ashamed to say I'm not active on Quora. I hardly am in any forum, really. Even on sites I frequent, I usually become the silent reader, rarely contributing to the community.
Is Quora that fun kak Puan? What do we do there?

how you determine whether a person has an open mind or not?

This one is quite apparent when you simply talk to them, no? Talk about abortion, about the existence of hell, talk about God, hell, talk about their favorite instant noodle.
Open-mindedness is really just the ability to emphatize with other people, the ability to walk in their shoes and see the world through their glasses. Close-minded people, for whatever reason, always think they have the right to play God and shut off everyone else's opinion.

Menurut km sebenernya bahagia itu apa sih? Bahagia itu dibuat sendiri apa didapetin? Kenapa orang yg ga bisa makan, tidur di kolong jembatan kadang lebih bahagia dari org kaya yg hidupnya tinggal kipasan aja? *isengmalem2 kekekeke

Bahagia itu sebenernya adalah kondisi psikologi. Kondisi psikologi itu, obviously, dapat dipengaruhi oleh rangsangan dari luar, which is why orang berduit umumnya lebih bahagia dari orang yang kurang. (Ada penelitian di Amerika yang menemukan bahwa ada sebuah titik penghasilan maksimal di mana menghasilkan lebih dari $75,000 per tahun itu nggak memberikan kebahagiaan lebih).
Yang banyak orang nggak tau adalah kondisi psikologi kita juga dipengaruhi oleh kondisi biologi kita. Misalnya, berkacak pinggang selama dua menit meningkatkan hormon testosteron (bikin lebih pede) dan menurunkan hormon cortisol (ngurangin stres), atau bahkan cobalah tersenyum lebar untuk beberapa detik. Pasti kamu juga akan lebih hepi.
Happiness is a state of mind and a synthetic happiness is as good as any happiness.

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(sorry, re-ask) Hai... . Dalam pandanganmu, seberapa perlu seorang perempuan memiliki kemampuan beladiri? Apakah perempuan yang demikian kamu anggap tetap anggun, alih-alih terkesan kasar? & oya, apa alasanmu untuk jawaban-jawaban itu? . Terima kasih & kuharap semoga hari ini menyenangkan bagimu...

Untuk masalah seberapa perlu, I think it really depends on where she lives?
Sekarang mungkin ga butuh2 banget, karena udah ada pisau dan pepper spray gitu2. Untuk masalah keanggunan, tergantung bela dirinya ga sih? Sumo dan anggun kynya bukanlah dua hal yang nyambung. Tapi overall, gue nggak mungkin ilfil sama cewe simply due to the fact dia bisa bela diri.
Liked by: Vera D.

have you read 50 shades of grey? what do you think abt that book?

I didn't exactly read it, but I skimmed through. I honestly believe that to be enjoyable, a book should be slowly sipped like a glass of wine, not chugged down like a bottle of water.
50 shades of gray is not wine. It is water. The language is quite literal and there is no climax (story climax, not the one you're thinking of!). I asked some of my friends and they say the BDSM portrayed there is not how BDSM actually is. You can see how the female protagonist actually was coerced into sex by Christian Gray and at times, she did NOT derive any pleasure from the sexual activities.
TL;DR: it sucks. And it is also a false portrayal of how BDSM actually is.

Hemingway once said : Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know. What is your definition of happiness? Apakah bagi kamu "bahagia" dan "senang" adalah dua terminologi yg berbeda? p.s: masih mending kalo kamu "root three" kalau kamu "root minus one" bakal lebih ngerasa sendiri lagi

Menurut aku, senang dan bahagia itu adalah dua terminologi yang berbeda. Mungkin analogi yang cocok adalah cuaca dan iklim, respectively. Di mana senang adalah cuaca dan bahagia adalah iklim.
Regarding what happiness is, I think there are several kinds of happiness (happinesses?): there is immediate happiness, long-term happiness, and life-long happiness.
My immediate happiness is simple. Unlike most people, I do not derive much pleasure from traveling or eating good food. Just give me a fast internet connection, a good game, and an amazing book, and I'm as happy as I could ever be.
Long-term happiness is a bit trickier. It's the kind of happiness I feel when other people are happy because of me. Which is why I write, and why I feel euphoric when someone likes my writing.
Then there is my life-long happiness. It's when I can see a certain woman smile. You see, my mom's life was not exactly what you would call a happy life. She wasn't fortunate enough to be born into a rich family, so she had to work to pay for her sisters' education. Even when she got married, she had to work really hard.
There is nothing I could do to give her a happy past (unless I magically have my hands on Doraemon's time machine, which is quite unlikely), so I'm doing my best to ensure she live a happy future. To give her a happily ever after. And to see her smile would be my ultimate happiness.
P.P.S. even imaginary number can coexist with another imaginary number, rejoicing as another integer, -1.

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mie anak mas berhadiah kupon, 1 kupon per kemasan, ada 5 macam kupon yang harus dikumpulkan (asumsikan equally likely) agar mendapat hadiah. Berapa banyak ciki yang harus adik beli agar terkumpul 5 kupon dan mendapat hadiah ?

Fak ampir ketipu. Yang satu anak mas yang satu ciki!
Liked by: Laurensia Ert

Gak nyangka kmu cek pintere ko, pingin tak jodohno ama ciciku..

Ini jadi secara ga langsung bilang mukaku keliatan bego?

Pilih mana : tau banyak hal tapi merasa terasing karena pikiranmu jauh melampaui umurmu, atau tidak tahu banyak tapi merasa bahagia?

Tau banyak hal tapi merasa terasing. In pursuit of happiness, smart people often end up dumbing down themselves, not knowing that their happiness is just around the corner.
Ini ada puisi yang bener-bener relevant about weird people, and by inclusivity, smart people.

What is your definition of love ?

I adore @wawawizal's definition of what love is not! Seriously, go check her answer in her "like" tab, it's worth the read. Attached is the tease. (Kak Rara, ijin share ya).
For me, love is not the kind of rigid slipper Cinderella left behind when the clock struck twelve. It's the kind of pants Hulk wears, the ever-stretching, continuously adapting to your ever-changing self, perpetually shifting your relationship into a more perfect one than the one you had yesterday.

The FIRST book you've read is?

I've read plenty (and I do mean PLENTY) of comic books since I was a kid. My sister had (literally) thousands of comic books and I probably already read 3/4 of them.
Assuming you're talking about novels, I did read Harry Potter in high school but didn't quite like it. I also read lots of Caprice Crane's books. But I think my reading spree really kicked off after I read The Hunger Games. I was amazed at how a mind can conceive such a beautiful story. I ended up re-reading THG trilogy three times.
Liked by: Vera

dua terakhir aku udah nonton kak :D makasih, btw :) ahh, recommend buku dong kalo gitu. aku suka yg kaya hunger games ato harry potter. eh, parfume ato karyanya dan brown juga.

intan risda
Kalo suka hunger games, coba baca Divergent trilogy deh. I like the first book, love the second, but dislike the third. Udah baca Infernonya Dan Brown? Itu buku terbarunya dan super super bagus.
Kalo suka yang bikin mikir, coba baca Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn deh, ga lama lagi filemnya keluar (October 3 kalo ga salah).

so, do you believe in fisrst sight? how do you know she is the perfect one? you know, need a whole life to searching the perfect one :)

exactly what at first sight? I don't believe in love at first sight. Attraction at first sight, yes. But love requires a comprehensive understanding of a person, and first sight doesn't really give you any insight regarding that.
There is no such thing as the perfect relationship.. at the beginning.

buku yang lagi dibaca/terakhir dibaca apa kak? baca sherlock/ novel2 agatha christie gak kak??

Baca dong! Gue lebih suka Poirotnya Agatha Christie sih daripada Holmesnya Sir Conan.
Novel yang baru2 ini gue baca itu Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children trilogy. Buku yang gue baca sekarang:

kak, recommend anime kece dong :D

intan risda
1. Nirai Mikki (scifi)
Sumpah ini bagus. 20-an episode. Ceritanya tentang sejumlah orang yang disuruh saling bunuh untuk mendapatkan kemampuan jadi tuhan. Ada gore2nya dikit sih, tapi plot twistnya bener2 bikin mind blown.
2. Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Ini school life. Ada romance-nya dikit tapi kalo nonton ini bener-bener pingin melakukan sesuatu yang berguna. Abis nonton ini gue langsung nulis terus-terusan selama seminggu. (Abis seminggu leye-leye lagi)
3. Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu (season 1&2)
Ini lucu. Titik. Kalo mau ketawa, look no further than this anime.

suka main dota?apasih enaknya? dulu mantan aku hobinya dota, full day main dota terus sampe lupa makan dan waktu buat aku pas lagi loading doang. akhirnya aku gabetah dan putus, kmren stalking twitt nya ehh dibio ada tulisan "dota is my future<3" apa istimewanya dota? :'3

putriatanaka’s Profile PhotoPutri Ayu W
Gue sih ga separah itu ya sampe bilang "dota is my future." Gue tuh ga pernah main dota sendirian. Dota, buat gue, itu quality time sama temen2. Ini sekarang gue juga udah mulai ngurangin dota, I think it's time for me to graduate from it.
Tentang mantan lu, good thing lu putus sama dia. Cowok kayak gitu mah ga pantes diperjuangin.
Liked by: yun Putri Ayu W

"Science is true whether you believe in it or not" << can you say it a little louder so the avid creationists in the back can hear you?

Religions are like hats. Christians have a hat. Muslims have their hat. Buddhists have a hat. Atheists do not wear said hat. Kids should grow up a bit before deciding whether they like hats or not, and not get one shoved on their head before it fits.
What you're asking me to do is to knock off people's hats. Would you like it if someone forces you to put on a hat?

ka penulis novel ya? aku lagi buat novel pertamaku nih, tapi masih bingung covernya gimana tapi judulnya udah comnfirm deh heheh kasih saran dong ka :'' abisnya bete butuh suasana yg pas buat nyelesain novel ini huhu

Halo! First of all, congrats udah selesaiin novel! Yang pertama harus ditentuin itu adalah target market pembacamu. Umurnya berapa? Jenis kelamin? Pendidikan? Sifat?
Setelah mengkerucutkan target market pembaca kamu, tentuin feel and manner dan impression yang mau dirasakan oleh pembaca ketika mereka melihat cover novel kamu. (e.g. warm fuzzy or dark and enticing)
Nah kalo udah, baru ditentuin visualnya mau gimana. Nah kalo masalah ini mending langsung diskusiin sama designer. Cover novelku digambarin sama @devlinputra, designer super cetar. #numpangngiklan
Liked by: Putri Ayu W


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