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The Grand Dementor of Cipete
Adit is the word "pulchritudinous."
Most people don't understand what the word means, and some would say that the word sounds like a bad thing or disease, but did you know that the word itself means "a person of breathtaking and heartbreaking beauty"? Adit's mind is a plethora of surrealism painting and a jigsaw of emotion: a beautiful place to take a stroll on.

But Adit is also facial powder applied in dark and narrow alleyway.
He seems flawless but I can't help but think that Adit has sadness that he tries to cover using makeups and what have you.

Let's hang out together again, Adit. I miss Lola.


Dival is a stun gun when you're walking at night in a kawasan full of begal.
He makes you feel like you got the whole mafia behind you and makes you feel secure. (Gue masih inget pas Charity FM, bokap Dival took care of everything dan cuma bilang, "MAINKAN DUNIAMU, VAL!" Gaul bets.)

But Dival is also a suppressed laughter when a teacher is teaching in class.
His comebacks and witty remarks are top notch and laughter-inducing, making me extra sad that my selera humor is so receh.

Dival is Winnie The Pooh.
Because he is obsessed with honey. (Get it? Honey-Hanna? Haha please laugh, writing this HTA thingy is actually very hard.)

#HTA atau persahabatan kita bubar.

Janit is salt.
It is mandatory in most cooking but some people take it for granted, only realizing when the salt is no longer there.

Janit is also a perfectly cooked Indomi.
It's not hard to make and she will make you feel happy.

But above all, Janit is like anon yang minta follbek dan suruh like balik 20 jawaban.
Pamrih dan demanding soalnya.

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me, please?

A long pause before the first crayon scratch.
Janice is thoughtful and talented in drawing.(Sekilas info: poster-poster @belajarbareng Jakarta itu didisain oleh @janicevania gaes.)

A light drizzle that makes you want to go out and dance like no one is watching.
Gue masih inget dulu gue bolos kantor buat maen Fantasy Life di 3DS bareng lo, Je.

Cepet pulang, Je! I'm sure your dogs miss you.

Moi, s'il te plait. <3

An ice cube.
Cold and refreshing at the same time. Please refrain from grasping at her for too long lest she dissipates.

McD's Prosperity burger.
Only available for a limited period of time. And when she is, I make sure that every second counts.

A computer.
You do not need Kira to live but it would be very great to have her around.

Kira, I miss you!

Moi c:

A time machine.
Lou is not a time machine per se, although sometimes she makes me wish I had one just so I could travel back to 2006 and showed the then-15-year-old me that there is this amazing 15-year-old girl who can write very well while he spends his days playing games.

A water balloon tied to a running water.
Lou expands at an alarming rate, and observing her is very fascinating, but I am afraid that one day she would pop and there is no way to sew her back together.

An "I'm fine" uttered by women.
Independent. But please know that sometimes, it's okay to not be okay. And know that I (we) will be there for you if that time comes, Lou.

Go, puppy #HTA

HannaTheodora’s Profile PhotoIG: hannatheodora
In the kingdom of animalia, Hanna Theodora Angelia is a hedgehog:
a cute nocturnal with defensive quill on the outside and a (metaphorical) soft furry belly on the inside.

In biology class, Hanna Theodora Angelia is lactic acid:
the acid that makes us feel a burning sensation in our muscle as we work out.
Sure it hurts and is uncomfortable, but our muscles become stronger because of it.

In the world of quantum mechanics, Hanna Theodora Angelia is a black hole:
the kind that exerts a tremendous gravitational pull without herself noticing it; interacting with her causes you to understand that time is, in fact, relative.

Yang bilang Kent jahat coba ayo diajak makan terus kalo makannya ga enak sumpel Kent jauhin dari waitress nya :-)

matamu mok ndi pernah aku jahat
mentok-mentoko mek dadi pasif agresif
"mbak ini daging kenapa kayak sandal ya he he he"
"mbak ini makanane kok ga keluar-keluar; nernak ayam dulu ta he he he"
"mas ini restoran kok puanas nggak nyalano AC, lagi hemat listrik ta he he he"

Malam kak kent :) Aku punya sahabat perempuan yang bener2 deket sama aku. Tapi, beberapa waktu yang lalu aku denger dari teman aku kalau sahabat aku ini menjelek2an aku dan bilang aku itu attention-seeker. Menurut kak kent, aku harus tetap berteman sama dia atau tidak? Thanks before :)

There are two sides to every story.
Siapa tau yang bohong sahabat kamu yang ngadu?
Try to find the truth before you make any rash decision.

Hai kak Kent! besok hari pertama kerja dan menjadi wanita kedua (me and ibu senior) dikantor so ya I'm nervous. Beri masukan dong biar kuat dan tetep percaya diri. thankyou before

Risnanda N.
Hi, Risnanda!
Sorry I have never been a girl (duh), so I can't really tell you something relevant, but keep in mind that no one can bring you down unless you let them.
Keep your chin up and good luck for your first day of work!

astaga kak, gue udah baca meter/second sampe 3x, barusan pas bagian capturean twitter tentang Hotdog ulangtahun, gue baru sadar gue familiar sama username dibawah foto Hotdog & sol sepatunya, ternyata itu lo kak yaampuuunn kemana aja gue:(((((((

Hahahaha yes!
For those of you who do not know, Meter/Second is my first (half) novel that got published by a major publisher.
In one of the pages, you can see my name in a Twitter screenshot as an easter egg.
(Btw I am very surprised by how some people reread that novel multiple times; I think it's a very light novel that doesn't warrant multiple read-through.)

Hai, Kak Kent! Aku kelas 3 SMA, dan seminggu yang lalu aku diwisuda. Adakah nasihat yang ingin Kakak sampaikan padaku (dan mungkin sekaligus kepada para pelajar lainnya) terkait kehidupan di jenjang yang lebih tinggi? Terima kasih banyak and have a great day! :)

Salsabiila Luqman
Hi, Salsabiila!

First of all, congratulations on graduating. You still have four years of tutorial before you can play this game called life; better enjoy every second of it.
I'm sure you received tons of advice regarding organizational stuff and CV building, so I'm not even gonna bother about that.
With that said, I would urge you to create stuff.
Sing, write, make movies, design, code, organize events, DIY craft.
Anything, really.
If, in the middle of doing it, you realize that you do not like that particular thing, stop.
Remember, quantity over quality.
Do a lot of things and hopefully you find where your passion is.
Me? My major was Business Math and, just for fun, I decided to take a writing class in my last semester.
I just wonder where I would be if I started writing earlier.

So yeah.
Stop consuming and start creating.
Most grown-ups haven't found their passion. And that's a sad thing.
Tirelessly search for it because the younger you are when you find your passion, the luckier you are.
I just hope you find yours.

Godspeed, Salsabiila. Godspeed.

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hai kaak! maaf menganggu ya. disini kami menyediakan tempat curhat. isnyaallah akan membantu. daripada curhat ditempat seleb ask.fm dan gak dijawab serius? mending disini ajaa😁 bagi yg ingin curhat lebih privasi bisa pakai line! tenang aja privasi aman kook hehe makasih kak😁😊

curhat? yuk.
dont you guys have something better to do

Nomor 19, kak.

19. Three guilty pleasures.

Betho aku bingung... Apa ya.
1. Ask.fm deh. Benernya ask.fm tuh buang-buang waktu yang berharga, tapi seru. Jadi ya. Gitu deh.
2. 9gag. For the same reason.
3. Nonton Youtube sebelum tidur. Benernya ini nggak bagus buat kesehatan kan, soalnya ada gelombang dari layar yang bikin tidur nggak nyenyak dan besok bangun jadi capek. Tapi ya, gitu.


23. What someone would find in your bag.

1. A pen and several books: selalu ada dua buku tulis (satu buat ide umum; satu lagi buat plot novel) dan satu buku yang lagi dibaca (biasanya nonfiksi).
2. Laptop dan charger-nya (buat ngantor dan buat nulis).
3. Kindle (buat baca kalo lagi bosen baca buku hardcopy).
4. KlikBCA (jaga-jaga ada yang nagih hutang on the spot).
5. Kotak kartu nama, dompet, HP, kunci mobil, dan kunci rumah.
6. Paramex (soalnya sering mendadak pusing).

37. Have been a loyal fan of your writings. I would love to know what inspires you on a daily basis

37. What inspires you/what keeps you going each day.

As Romaine Bruney once said, "It is my intense fear of mediocrity that drives me."
And perhaps that also applies to me.
I do not fear death; I fear dying while being mediocre.


Language: English