
kent sutjipto

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Kak Kent! Kalau ada yang nantangin kakak buat nulis dari sudut pandang orang ketiga di terima nggak tuh?

Ini maksudnya orang ketiga as in third person point of view atau orang ketiga dalam suatu hubungan?
Agak ambigu yak...
And no. I have never written anything from a third person point of view and I intend to keep it that way for as long as possible.

bed sheets #writingprompt

I was 10 when I last woke up with my bed wet and crotch warm.

It was during a school trip and everyone laughed at me—my then crush included. I could feel every single drop of blood migrating from every nook and cranny of my body to my cheeks.

As soon as I got home, I jumped to my mom's lap and cried. "There, there," she said as she gently stroked my hair. "Promise Mom you'll try your best to never wet your bed again?" She erected her little finger.

In between my violent sobs, I repeatedly nodded and entwined my pinky finger with hers. "Now hush, stop crying. Pluto is watching; you don't want Pluto to think you're a crybaby, do you?" she said, suppressing a smile.

I kept my promise: I stopped crying and, ever since then, the only time my bed became wet was because of my untowelled hair.

Even yesterday when Pluto stopped moving, my little sister cried and cried, and when I thought she was finally done crying, she cried just a little bit more—but I didn't. I didn't cry. I held my head high, hoping the tears would pool in the tear duct and not flow out like my sister's did.

Today, however, I finally broke my promise with Mom. Pluto came to my dream last night and I woke up this morning with my pillow wet and cheeks salty.

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Bloody Mary #writingprompt

Margery Olethea
"Did you know about Bloody Mary?"

That was how our morning recess started. One of my friends started talking about urban legend.

"Of course I do," I said without even turning my head to her. Carly was an asshole, but I guessed listening to her wouldn't do me any harm. Of course, like my other life decisions, I was wrong.

"I'm sure you know the one where you have to face a mirror in a dark room while repeatedly chanting, 'Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.'"

I nodded. What kind of other Bloody Mary was there?

"Did you know about the one that, if you walked up a flight of stairs backward while holding a candle and a pocket mirror in a darkened house, you would be able to see your future husband's face in the mirror?" Carly said, her face lit up with what seemed like mischief. I did not reply, but my face must have expressed whatever response she was looking for, because she immediately said, "Do it. You're fat and ugly, I'm sure you won't see anyone even if you try it," she said as she giggled and walked away from my desk.

Fucking asshole.

But I did. I did try it.

I was alone in my house; my parents were out on a date. They always said that the monthly date was mandatory in preserving their marriage. Good for them. And good for me, because, thanks to them, I could try the Bloody Mary thing today. I took a hand mirror from my room and a lit candle from the kitchen after I turned off all the lighting inside my house and stood at the bottom of the stairs, with my back toward it.

As I lifted both my hands to eye-level, I started walking backward. Carly never said about having to chant "Bloody Mary," but I did anyway because I wanted it to be more potent. I was halfway across the stairs when I finished reciting "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary." I started fixating my vision to the mirror, expecting to catch a glimpse of my future husband's face. What greeted me from behind the mirror was not a handsome face, or even an ugly face, but a skull with hollowed eyes carrying a gigantic scythe slung over his shoulders.

I remembered mentally shouting to myself, "What the fuck!" as I tripped and hit the back of my head on the handrail. The candle fell and the tongue of flame touched my dress and lit it up.

My brain told me to scream, to kick, to do anything, but nothing happened; I was paralyzed from the neck down.


I closed my eyes and welcomed the hot embrace of my husband.

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#writingprompt apocalypse

sony hostiadi
One of them bit her.

We'd seen one too many zombie movies to know what would happen next: rapid infection, sweltering fever, insatiable hunger, and, before you know it, inexplicable craving for human's meat. It was eerie how spot-on all those zombie movies were.

"Do it," she said as both her hands--fingernails caked with dried blood, probably some was hers and the rest, her biter's--held my right hand, aiming the gun barrel at her forehead. "We only have one bullet; make it count."

"I-I can't," I said.

"Shush." Both her pointer and middle fingers pressed my lips. "What did I say about words?" She did not even wait for me to answer her question as she grinned and nodded. "That they're powerful. You can do it. You can, and you will." She closed her eyes and sighed. Was it a sigh of acceptance or was it one of contemplation? I didn't know.

And I never would.

I wrestled the gun out of her hands and aimed it at my temple--her eyes flung open and her face froze in terror as she realized what I was about to do. "Thanks for these past few weeks, Kirsten. And, I love you." The last thing I saw before I pulled the trigger was her springing toward me with her left hand outstretched.


This piece is actually a fan fiction from @katharania's zombie story. You can read her short story (~10k words) on her Wattpad: http://www.wattpad.com/story/35723948-ii
Do give it a read; I think it's awesome!

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Would you please help me with something, if you can? http://ask.fm/aditgrimm/answer/128442129519

The Grand Dementor of Cipete
Hi, Adit!
I'm really sorry to hear that; I'm not exactly the best at expressing my sympathy, so I won't even try.
Instead, since you asked for a story about aging/ill/dying relatives, here's mine, copy-pasted from a blog post I wrote three years ago: http://nyankent.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-dead-living-and-in-between.html


She was my aunt: my father's sister. I wasn't really fond of her. In fact, I had hated her so much since she had always hugged me just a bit too tightly every time I saw her. And her hug /always/ smelt like mint oil (or minyak kayu putih in Indonesian). I would always come up with a reason to not come to her house, and it almost always ended up with my dad scolding me and me going to her house (this was when I was 10 years old. It was common for a 10-year-old boy to hate huggers--at least it was for me).

Now I stood before her as she was lying on a bed. Her hair barely black and her teeth sparse. I could vividly remember how enormous she was when she hugged me a decade ago, yet now if I were to hug her, she seemed like she would shatter anytime. It was as if I absorbed her height (and fat in general, but let's not get into it). Her arms were wobbly, and I could make out her bone as her skin and meat (or what's left of it) dangling out of it.

Her eyes wandered from each corner to every other corner. She seemed to not be able to find what she was looking for. When she saw me, her gaze pierced right through me. She wasn't looking at me. No--she would if she could, her eyes gave up on her and she couldn't see me. I, and everyone else around her, were invisible to her. She looked at my general direction and gasped for air as she opened her mouth.

Her words were scarce and barely audible; stuttering didn't even begin to explain how she sounded. I looked around, trying to find anyone who could decipher what she was trying to say. But everyone whom locked eyes with me shook their heads. So I looked back at her, held her hands and smiled.

"... shun feng," I could finally pick off something among her sobs. She was crying before I knew it.

I hated Mandarin, so I didn't even bother learning it. But what she said was something that I heard so much since I flew a lot--so much that I didn't have to listen to the whole part to know what she wanted to say.

Yi lu shun feng.

Safe trip. Have a safe journey. May the wind guide you.

To say I was stunned was an understatement. I swore I wouldn't cry anymore after I broke up with my ex like 4 years ago, and I hadn't cried ever since. I guessed I'd need to make an exception for today.

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kak , bisa tolong jelasin apa itu FF ?

Tulisan fiksi itu dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa kategori berdasarkan jumlah kata yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Urutannya adalah:
- Novel (>50k kata)
- Novella (20-50k kata)
- Novelette (10k-20k kata)
- Short story (1k-10k kata)
- Flash fiction/micro fiction (100-1k kata)
- Drabble (100 kata)

Technically yang gue post tiap hari Jumat adalah drabble, tapi karena "Drabble Friday" rasanya kurang afdol, jadinya yaaaa gue nyebutnya "Flash Fiction" supaya lebih menjual gitu, kalo disingkat jadi FFF: Flash Fiction Friday.

Gue sadar sih kalo attention span anak muda jaman sekarang itu udah sangat pendek. Oleh karena itu lah gue mulai menulis fiksi-fiksi yang super singkat (yang gue pos di www.instagram.com/nyankent itu bahkan nggak ada yang lebih panjang dari 250 kata, jadinya tiap cerita bisa dibaca dalam jangka waktu kurang dari satu menit). Harapan ke depannya sih meningkatkan minat membaca orang Indonesia; doakan saja bisa.

Ini contoh salah satu flash fiction (cerita 100 kata) yang pernah gue tulis.

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Hi! What is the laziest thing you have ever done lately?

Kemarin gue nyetir kan, mau ketemu orang gitu ceritanya.
Pas sampe di lokasi meeting, gue ngaca dulu dong. Rupanya muka gue udah lusuh banget.
Kan nggak enak kalo ketemu orang kucel-kucel gitu, dan gue males ke kamar mandi.
Rupanya di mobil gue masih ada sisa Antis semprot. (Iya yang alkoholnya tinggi yang kalo digosok-gosok ke tangan rasanya dingin itu.)
Being a lazy piece of shit yang males cuci muka di kamar mandi, gue semprotin Antisnya ke muka.
Cem Nanospray gitu.
Terus pas meeting langsung ditanyain, "Kok mata kamu merah gitu?"

Yaaaa you learn something new everyday.
Yesterday I learned that I was a stupid shit.

Im pretty sure that u r smart. But a real genius doesnt even need to show off his intelligence.

Kalo nggak dijawab:

Kalo dijawab:

Ini anon apa Kim Jong Un sih, kok selalu benar?
Sendirinya kalo ngomong cuma berani kalo sembunyi di belakang anonimitas aja.

Kok sok ngomong inggris sih lu, i bet you've never even lived in an english speaking country

Jujur gue bingung loh sama kalian.
Segitu nggak ada kerjaannya ya sampe-sampe preferensi bahasa seseorang aja dibacotin?
Look, having ever lived in an English-speaking country (yes, you need a hyphen there, Dildobrain) is not mandatory for someone to prefer to use English over their native language.

P.S. Last I checked, USA was an English-speaking country.

Kent, I wonder what you actually think of when reading those hate questions like do you go sad hurt etc or you just smh rolled eyes and said "those brainless fucktards clearly have no life, huh?"

Kalo dibacotin karena gue Cina:
yaaaa mau gimana lagi, kan udah nggak bisa diubah.

Kalo dibacotin karena muka gue jelek:
ngaca, terus hipnotis dan meyakinkan diri sendiri kalo aslinya nggak sejelek itu.

Kalo dibacotin karena gue jomblo:
yaaaa mau gimana lagi, kan udah nggak bisa diubah.

bang, kenapa cina selalu dipermasalahkan? gw sebagai cina kadang kadang capek hati juga

Nggak kok.
I've met and befriended very very wonderful people who do not even care about the fact that I have squinty eyes.

Every now and then ada orang yang emang nggak bisa berargumentasi dengan baik jadinya bawa-bawa ras. Cuekin aja.

Mengutip jawaban gue empat bulan lalu:

Dari antara Age of Ultron, X-Men: Apocalypse, Ant-Man, Deadpool, Superman v Batman, The Force Awakens, dan Jurassic World, film mana kah yang paling kamu tunggu? Terima kasih! ^_^

Eronu Telaumbanua
I have a confession to make.
I actually (strongly) dislike superheroes movies.
Gue bahkan belum nonton ironman 3, Transformer, Spiderman 2 (dan nggak ada rencana nonton). Kayaknya satu-satunya filem superheroes yang gue masih oke cuma Batman deh...
By the process of elimination, kayaknya paling gue tunggu cuma Jurassic World.

Kita masih temen kan, Ron? Plis jangan begal gue di @belajarbareng.

Kak Kent, jarak STAN ke rumahku hanya 7 menit jalan kaki. Aku mau datang dan bertemu Kakak, sekalian menambah ilmu! Tetapi, aku masih kelas 3 SMA dan bukan mahasiswi STAN. My questions are: 1) apa acaranya terbuka untuk umum, 2) tarif masuknya berapa, ya? Thanks a lot, Kak Kent^u^

Ini baru tanya ke panitianya. (Iya aku bela-belain tanya demi kamu.)
Katanya sih terbuka untuk umum dan nggak ada tarif masuk kok.
I'll see you there! :)

Ko, bisa bantu sedikit? Meskipun kita tak saling mengenal.. Asudahlah~ . . Diketahui sebuah kerucut dengan tinggi 20cm dan jari-jari lingkaran alasnya 7cm. V=V1. Jika jari-jari lingkaran alas diperbesar menjadi R sedangkan tingginya tetap. Maka volumenya menjadi V2 dengan V1:V2=4:9, berapa nilai R?

Bisa kok. Dateng aja ke @belajarbareng nanti hari Minggu di Taman Menteng.
60 menit diskusi bebas bisa dipakai buat tanya-tanya soal Matematika.
See you guys there!
*ngopi jawaban Maldi*

Berikut adalah topik-topik @BelajarBareng untuk hari Minggu, 19 April, 2015.
Formatnya adalah:
- 45 menit pertama diisi dengan penjelasan dari Kakak Pengajar
- 15 menit istirahat
- 60 menit sisanya akan diisi dengan diskusi bebas
● Course title: Fundamentals of English
Course description: Learning the building blocks of English (noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb)
Indikator keberhasilan: Peserta kelas dapat membedah elemen-elemen penyusun sebuah kalimat.
● Course Title: "Batu Akik: Investasi atau Konsumsi?"
Course Desc.:
- Studi Kasus Batu Akik
- Mengenal supply dan demand, irrational exuberance, dan bubble
- Investasi: Karakteristik, instrumen, dan manfaat
- Kesalahan umum dalam mengidentifikasi instrumen investasi
Indikator ketercapaian sesi: Peserta mampu mengenali karakter dan instrumen investasi.
● Course Title: Chibi Drawing
Course Desc: Menggambar bentuk tubuh (kepala, badan, lengan, tangan, kaki) dengan gaya chibi
Indikator ketercapaian: Peserta kelas memahami dasar-dasar menggambar bentuk tubuh dengan gaya chibi.
Kelas akan dimulai pada pukul 10:00 WIB, berlokasi di Taman Menteng, Jakarta Pusat.

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Kak kent, gue disuruh bikin pidato bahasa inggris buat perpisahan SMA. Ada saran/tips ga buat bikin pidato kyk gimana? Sampe sekarang masih nge-blank mau bikin pidato yang seperti apa. Btw skill public speaking gue juga sebenernya jelek, gimana ya biar (setidaknya) gue lancar ntar? Thanks in advance

A good speech should be like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.

I saw your comment on lou's ig. So you do have a gf/crush. Kenapa ga pernah dipublikasikan Kent? Apa kamu takut dia 'diserang'?

The ";*" comment wasn't a kissing sticker; I wanted to fix her punctuation. She originally used a comma instead of a semicolon, making her caption a comma splice.
She fixed it already.
So yeah. My point remains: I don't have a crush.

siang kent, setelah aku (maaf) stalking, ternyata suka banget sama jawaban2 kamu, bener2 suka, tapi dimana ya biasanya sering post cerita gitu, pengen baca semua deh! maaf bgt kalo terkesan ga sopan yah, hv a nice day!

Kok nggak sopan? Boro-boro tersinggung, yang ada malah tersanjung.

You can view the (almost) full collection of my flash fictions on IG www.instagram.com/nyankent

Halo gue boleh sedikit curhat? Jadi ternyata sebenernya pacar gue udh pernah melakukan hubungan suami istri sm mantannya. Gue shock karna gue pikir ga akan sampe sejauh itu. Gue sendiri sih ga masalah sama hal tersebut. Namun temen deket gue bilang, udh lah mending putus aja. Terus gue bingung...

(gue sendiri sih ga masalah)
(disuruh putus jadi bingung)

Ask yourself this: do you like him or do you like the fact that his dick has never penetrated someone else's vagina?

Ya udah lah menurut gue sih putus aja. Kasian juga dia jadian sama cewek yang otaknya dangkal banget.


Language: English