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kak kent pinter banget sih, six degrees of separation theory sampe dijabarin mathnya segala. Ada theory unik lain yang kakak tau ga? salam kenal btw :D

Hi, Carrisa!

Gue bongkar-bongkar likes page nih buat nemuin jawaban-jawaban yang cukup seru dan bisa dijelasin pake Matematika (lumayan banyak hitung-hitungannya sih, jadi kalo nggak suka angka, mending nggak usah dibaca):
The magic of the number nine: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/117505582728
My favorite paradoxes: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/119658911624
Explanation of above paradox: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/119662258312
The potato paradox: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/119664533128

I hope you find those entertaining!

Ganteng2 kok masih jomblo kakk?

Why are we so obsessed with beauty?

Imagine a world without sight.

A world where blindness was natural. And only a minuscule fraction of us could see how others looked like.

Imagine if we were born without eyes.

You woke up from your slumber and the morning scent grazed your nose. Yet the darkness didn't lift. The world was as bright as it would ever be. You groped through darkness with both your hands thrust forward, searching for the clothes inside your wardrobe. And you would fumble through it, endeavoring to undo your shirt button before you put it around you.

You would run your hands through your fridge looking for eggs; through the cabinet searching for a bag of coffee; through another cabinet for a frying pan; and through the kitchen set fumbling for a gas knob before turning it to the right hearing a cackling sound and feeling relieved when you felt warmth and simultaneously smelled the aroma of gas tickling your nose.

It's hard. Living without vision is.

Sense of sight has become so important to us that we often forget to consult our other senses. We become so obsessed with beautyfing ourselves: starving ourselves to get approval from others, buying things we don't need to blend in with people we don't even like, having our faces cut to fit in the shape of what society thinks is beautiful.

We do so much physical beautification that we forget that our inside is equally, or probably more important than the outside.

Imagine a world without sight.

If the whole world were blind,

How many people would you impress?

How many would have fallen in love with you?

How many lives would you have touched?

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Mz Kent, baca teori six degrees of separation, gue jadi berasa deket sama Taeyeon. #baper #maafin

gilangkharisma’s Profile PhotoInstagram: gilangkr
Aku di sini, dan kau di Seoul.
Hanya berjumpa via Youtube.
namun ku selalu menunggu saat kita akan berjumpa (yeu ngarep).
Meski kau kini jauh di sana,
kita memandang langit yang sama (langit Korea sama nggak sih sama langit Indo?)
Jauh di mata, namun dekat di hati.


Have you watched the original version of Stand By Me? (Here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKrrL-QTJRI). Gw nonton ini duluan dan nangis sih, much much better version than the 3D version (IMHO).

Whoa, this one is actually much better than the 3d version. I can't help but feel yang 3d version dipanjang-panjangin gitu. This one is more compact and more emotional.
Thanks, Bat!
(Buat yang di kotanya nggak ada Blitz, nonton ini aja. Nggak kalah bagus kok. Cepet bilang terima kasih ke Kak Jerbat).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKrrL-QTJRInyankent’s Video 123812150152 IKrrL-QTJRInyankent’s Video 123812150152 IKrrL-QTJRI

I just found out that Facebook has cut six degrees of separation into just three degrees of separation among people, and that was back in 2011. Now that social-media is blooming rapidly, do you think that it has cut the number again? To just, perhaps, one degree of separation?

For everyone who is not as knowledgeable as Maldi (and that would constitute me as well since the only "six degrees of separation" I knew of was a song from The Script),

Six degrees of separation that Maldi mentioned was a theory proposed in 1929, which stated that "Everyone is six or fewer steps away from any other person in the world."

According to that theory, I and Taeyeon are just six friends away (I have a friend, who has a friend, who has another friend, who apparently has another friend, who has another friend, and this friend knows another friend who knows Taeyeon). This "six degrees of separation" theory was "proven" by Microsoft by analyzing 30 billions electronic messages. (read: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2008/aug/03/internet.email )

The math actually makes sense, though. Let's assume that everyone in this Earth has at least 100 friends. This means that I would already have 10,000 (100^2) friends of friends. Add another person and I would have 1,000,000 friends of friends of friends. Add two more people and suddenly I have 10 billions fifth-degree friends, which is way more than the current Earth's population of a measly seven billions people.

So apparently Facebook cut this number to three degrees of separation, which means I now have a friend, who has a friend, who has another friend who knows Taeyeon.

Frankly, I think the "six degrees of separation" theory does not take into account people who have little to no access to Internet, for example: African starving children. Do I know a friend of a friend of a friend who knows a specific starving child in Africa? Chances are, no, I do not.

The study neatly used famous people such as Madonna, Dalai Lama, or Queen Elizabeth, because those people are the first thing that pop into our mind when we're talking about connection, not some starving children that we couldn't care less about. In conclusion, I think "three degrees of separation" is just a Facebook propaganda to make people believe that Facebook connects people better than it actually does.

I rest my case.

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ko kent doraemon seru ga?

It could be so much better.

Mungkin karena gue udah terbiasa sama anime-anime yang diproduksi baru-baru ini, tapi gue ngerasa ekspresi wajah karakter di Stand By Me terlalu dibuat-buat (well, mungkin dibuat demikian supaya sejalan dengan komiknya yang dulu) dan kadang jadi kerasa "wah lebay."

Selain itu, target audience-nya juga kurang jelas. Cerita yang diusung di filem ini ~70% adalah daur ulang cerita yang ada di komik, namun ada berbagai bagian cerita yang dilompati, di mana mereka beranggapan bahwa penontonnya semua sudah membaca komiknya. Jadi ya gitu.

But then again, I used to have all 45 hard copies of Doraemon's original comic and the other 20-ish for the Doraemon Petualangan. Doraemon was an integral part to my childhood, one way or another. And I'm glad I spent 95 minutes of my life to watch this movie.

All in all, if you liked Doraemon when you were a kid, this movie is worth your money. If not, just stay away from it.

Btw, OST-nya enak lho.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lq7l_svrPonyankent’s Video 123774335624 5lq7l_svrPonyankent’s Video 123774335624 5lq7l_svrPo

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nyankent’s Video 123774335624 5lq7l_svrPonyankent’s Video 123774335624 5lq7l_svrPo

kak, bisa sharing cara riset novel dan nyatet ide biar sistematis buat alur novel itu gmn?

chara perdana
Hi, Chara!
First thing first, beli notebook yang bakalan didedikasiin untuk novel kamu deh. Terus bawa ke mana-mana. Ada ide apa, tulis aja di sana. Ada kutipan yang mau kamu masukin ke novel, tulis di sana. Bikin sketsa karaktermu di sana juga. Jadikan buku itu alkitab dalam proses penulisan novelmu.
Berikutnya, coba beli post-it, itu penyelamat banget.
Kamu bisa nulis setiap adegan yang bakalan ada di novel kamu di post-it tersebut dan bisa ditempel di tembok kamar.
Nanti kalo ada yang berubah-ubah, tinggal kamu pindah-pindah aja susunan post-itnya.
Hope this helps!

Can we consider pi(3,14) as one of the examples of infinity? . . Well fyi, i don't know why but i got so nervous while typing this question to you. I think it's because either you will find me stupid for asking this kind of question, or maybe for me making grammar mistakes. Thanks.

Do I look that intimidating to you guys..

And yes, the digits of pi actually go on to infinity.

That's the first 500 digits of pi, and it goes on. And on. And on.

motivasi bikin novel apa kak? emang passion, dari jurusan sastra, atau gimana? *hanya kepo (maaf gak pandai bahasa inggris nanyanya, tapi kalau dijawab bhs inggris saya masih bisa ngerti kayaknya)

PeregrineAdvanceSetiawan’s Profile PhotoAdvance Setiawan
(jurusan Sastra)
Gue dulu jurusan Matematika kok, nggak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan tulis-menulis.
As for my motivation, I think it's all because I have a story inside me I'd like to tell.
As Toni Morrison eloquently puts it, "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."

Also, don't ever think of writing if you're simply aiming for money or fame, because

Lagu apa yang bisa menggambarkan suasana hatimu belakangan ini? Plus liriknya kalau boleh ^^

Thanks to a picture I saw on ask.fm, I currently have this song on repeat since yesterday.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DfqT6jLhoonyankent’s Video 123714234504 _DfqT6jLhoonyankent’s Video 123714234504 _DfqT6jLhoo

My eyes are so bleary, I guess I'm young
But I feel so weary, I've tried to express it
But I think it's all a bore
It's at the heart of me, a very part of me

Speak slowly I can't hear you
My mind keeps spinning closer
And closer
To the rain on the roof
And the rain in my head
And the things that you said
People take it further ahead
And it just gets so foggy
It's nowhere in here
And it's everywhere else
That I don't wanna be
But I'm stuck here
Getting misty over you
I'm alone
On a bicycle for two

Kak kent bisa tolong jelasin tentang penggunaan rain check ga? Aku udah coba nyari di urbandict tapi kok tetep ga paham ya.-. Maaf ya kak nanya nya bukan di #englishour ._. Terimakasih kak! Have a nice daayyy :)

Istilah "rain check" itu asal mulanya dari pertandingan baseball dulu. Misalnya nih, kamu udah beli tiket buat nonton pertandingan baseball, dan tau-tau hujan. Kan kamu jadi nggak bisa nonton, nanti penyelenggara pertandingan baseball itu bakalan kasih kamu yang namanya "rain check," yang berarti kamu diperbolehkan menonton pertandingan itu di lain hari, ketika cuacanya lebih mendukung.

Sekarang sih "rain check" digunakan untuk membatalkan sebuah aktivitas dan menggantinya dengan aktivitas yang sama di lain hari.
"I can't come to your dinner this weekend, but I hope you'll give me a rain check."
-> "Gue nggak bisa dateng ke makan-makan lo weekend ini, tapi kalo nanti ada makan-makan lagi, gue ikut."

Kurang lebih gitu sih.

Please, be a darling and write something beautiful for me. If you deem my request too selfish, please be lovely and write something beautiful for everyone.

Mario, since we have never met (and yes it is terribly hard for me to write something to someone I've never met), let me just dedicate this love poem to your brain, it was originally written by Nina Schuyler, and I think this fits you very well.

A Love Poem to Your Brain

I love the deeply layered glial cells lacing together your frontal cortex,
your finely honed axons, dendrites and synapses so you can speak and hear.
The way your amygdala responds so quickly to external stimuli so you, too,
can emote and empathize with your fellow man.
The links between your hypothalamus and somatosensory cortex are so thick,
so numerous, the messages sent so clear.

I could kiss the amount of testosterone flowing through your blood stream,
the estrogen, the progesterone, so you can think like a woman
and hold me like a man.

The lovely rivers of your mind, the dopamine, serotonin and
nonadrenaline, just the right amount for anyone,
I could kiss, kiss them all, all three.

If I made an incision through the hard bone of your skull,
I’m certain I would find a larger than normal inferior parietal lobe
right above the level of your ear,
just like Albert Einstein’s or Galileo’s.

Your brain, your neurotransmitters, your hormonal excretes,
My love, I could not have found a more perfect trio for me.

(And no, please don't ship me with Mario. Being shipped with Devlin is troublesome enough as it is).

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Hi, Kent! What's your opinion about being 'arrogantly' smart? A smart person is hard to resist, but being arrogant because of it, is different thing I guess. Thanks & have a nice day!

Ah, but ego is the ultimate price of intelligence; some people are just better at hiding it.
Some blatantly tell the world they're smart,
and then there are some who cleverly hide their arrogance behind humor.

Kenttt main yuk..aku kasih kamu 1 kata dan kamu buat tulisan tentang kata itu, topik bebas misal tentang hidup, cinta dll. Contoh: "merpati" dan kamu jawab "Cinta sejati itu ibarat merpati, kemana pun ia pergi, ia akan selalu menemukan jalannya untuk pulang." Dan kamu boleh tanya ke aku juga.. -H-

mama bilang nggak boleh main sama orang asing, nanti ginjalku diambil.

Manusia merupakan keturunan Adam dan Hawa atau manusia adalah evolusi dari kera?

Oh hmm I don't know.
Should I believe that humans and monkeys share the same ancestor based on all the fossils and evidences supporting it,
or should I believe that we come from Adam and Eve based on the words of a book written thousands of years ago without any references whatsoever?
Hmm.. What a tough choice.

Kent, give me your reason why that math can't explain love. Don't ans with "why not", please. Danke. Sorry, my grammar is too bad.

Because math quantifies everything.
Can you quantify love?
Or perhaps a more proper answer is "not yet."
What society deems as love is nothing more than just a combination of several neurochemical: norepinephrine (the stuff that makes your heart race), dopamine (the stuff that makes you feel pleasure), and oxytocin (the stuff that makes you want to cuddle).
So when you're feeling love, it is really just a fluctuation of chemicals in your brain.
It is, skeptically speaking, artificial and controllable.

Sure we can theoretically scan our brain and use a Fourier Transformation to break down our feeling in terms of those respective neurochemicals, and ultimately explain "love" using math.
But we don't have that kind of technology right now.
Maybe later.

kak, kenapa suka galak jawab pertanyaan anon?

1. Despite my sweet words, my thoughts are actually bitter as fuck.
2. I'm not "galak" when answering anon's questions. I'm "galak" when answering stupid questions.
3. If you are off anon, I either answer your question by dropping you another question or just don't answer it altogether since I don't want to publicly insult you.
4. People who hide behind anonymity deserve to be bashed, anyway.

Why do you dislike books written in third point of view? What are the considerations for both writing it in first and third point of view? Thanks, Kent.

I hate third person's point of view because it puts distance between me and the narrator.
If you're writing something informative, use third person's POV to be more objective.
If you're writing something emotional, use first person's POV so the readers can immerse themselves in your writing.


Language: English