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Kak bisa bantu gak? Penggunaan kata "whom" dan kata "whose" gimana cara ngegunain nya Makasih ya kak sebelum nya :)

Hai Anon!
Mungkin untuk ini bisa langsung kita sandingkan sekaligus dengan "who" ya. Kasihan "whom" dan "whose" dibahas, tapi "who"nya ditinggal.
Whose itu adalah yang paling beda di antara tiga kata tersebut. Whose digunakan untuk menandakan kepunyaan.
"/Whose/ pen is this?" (Pen /punya siapa/ ini?)
Nah sedangkan perbedaan who dan whom ini agak tricky. Dua-duanya merupakan kata tanya, tapi "who" digunakan untuk pertanyaan di mana jawabannya adalah subjek, sedangkan "whom" digunakan untuk pertanyaan di mana jawabannya adalah objek.
Intinya, kalo sebuah pertanyaan dapat dijawab dengan "him/her," maka kata tanya yang digunakan adalah "whom." Dan jika sebuah pertanyaan dapat dijawab dengan "he/she," maka kata tanya yang digunakan adalah "who."
Pasti bingung. Langsung masuk contoh aja.
"//Who// kissed you?"
Kenapa menggunakan "who"? Karena jawaban dari pertanyaan itu adalah "he/she did," bukan "him/her did."
"//Whom// do you love?"
Kenapa menggunakan "whom"? Karena jawaban dari pertanyaan itu adalah "I love him/her," bukan "I love he/she."
Hope this answers your question!

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kak bener ga sih grammar nya kalau gini: it is important that english be studied. thank you :)

Eunice Elson
Hi Eunice!
Grammatically sih bener, tapi kalo dibaca jadi agak nggak enak due to the passive voice. It is wise to avoid passive voice if possible, especially in academic writing. Moreover, people do not "study" language, they "learn" it.
So, one possible alternative to avoid passive speech is: "It is important that everyone learns English."

kalo bedanya "yang" yang pake in which sama which apa? please help, thank you.

Meskipun dua-duanya merupakan kata yang menambahkan informasi, mereka punya dua arti yang berbeda. In which itu kalo di-translate bukan menjadi "yang," tapi "di mana."
Jadi kalo untuk perbedaan, "in which" ini digunakan sebagai pengganti kata "where" ketika "where" nggak terlalu cocok.
Which: Leap years, /which/ have 366 days, contain an extra day in February.
(Tahun kabisat, YANG memiliki 366 hari, memiliki satu hari tambahan di bulan Februari).
In which: Anorexia is an illness /in which/ a person has an overwhelming fear of becoming fat.
(Anorexia adalah sebuah penyakit DI MANA pengidapnya memiliki rasa takut akan menjadi gendut).
Hope this answers your question!

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Kak, I'm stuck in present perfect tense and present perfect continuous tense. I am confused. The time clues are both quite similar. How do I know when to use which? #English

Calvinia C
Hai Vinia!
Present perfect itu digunakan untuk kegiatan yang sudah selesai, sedangkan present perfect continuous digunakan untuk kegiatan yang dimulai di masa lalu namun sampai sekarang belum selesai.
Present perfect: "I have already eaten fried rice," kalo di-translate jadi bahasa Indonesia itu menjadi, "Gue udah makan nasi goreng."
Present perfect continuous: "I have been eating fried rice for an hour," kalo di-translate jadi bahasa Indonesia menjadi, "Gue udah makan nasi goreng ini dari satu jam lalu (dan belum selesai)."
Jadi intinya adalah, kalo sebuah kegiatan udah selesai, use present perfect. Kalo sebuah kegiatan belum selesai, use present perfect continuous.
Hope this answers your question!

Kak kalo habis kata "never" pake V brp? Never leave / never left?

Lah dua-duanya bisa. Tergantung kamu lagi ngomong dalam tense apa.
"The Sun never rises in the west." (Sebuah fakta sehari-hari, pake verb1 dan merupakan simple present tense)
"When I was sick, she never left my side." (Sebuah fakta ketika gue sakit, pake verb2 dan merupakan simple past tense)
Liked by: Fatita Jemima Ryuusa

Kak i wish i was atau i wish i were?

Hi Anon!
Gue udah pernah bahas ini dulu. Reiterating what I answered before,
"I wish I was" dan "I wish I were" itu dua-duanya bener, tapi penggunaannya berbeda.
"I wish I was" dipakai untuk sesuatu yang masih mungkin terjadi, sedangkan "I wish I were" untuk sesuatu yang hampir tidak mungkin terjadi.
Misalnya hari ini gue libur, gue bisa ngomong, "If I was in the office right now, I would be drinking cappuccino." (Gue nggak lagi di kantor, tapi gue biasanya di kantor. Jadi gue di kantor itu sangat mungkin; makanya pake "If I was.")
Misalnya gue berharap gue terlahir sebagai cewek, gue GA BOLEH ngomong, "If I was a girl..." tapi harus menggunakan "If I were a girl."
Hope this answers your question!

Ko Kent, time travel itu kalau terwujud, impact dan contribution ke science world apa, apart from we get to test out theories and prove that it's possible? I can only think of how it will solve lots of mysteries in history and perhaps to serve as some kind of alarm from the future.

Steffi Teowira
Well, obviously kita harus tentuin what kind of time travel is happening, right?
Like, if we go back in time and change the history, would our world be affected by it? Or would the changed history branch into a new parallel world? Or would the Universe have one healing factor that would dictate our course of history (meaning that if you do go back in time and kill Hitler, another person would rise and do the Holocause, anyway, so there really is nothing you can do to change the course of history)?
It really depends on the type of time travel. Also, would we be able to travel into the future? If we could, then I guess the impact and contribution of time travel would be quite apparent: to start tackling whatever future issue we see when we travel into the future.
Liked by: Fatita

Semua mahkluk hidup diciptakan dengan tujuan tertentu, walaupun keliatannya tidak berguna. Pertanyaannya, TUJUAN KECOAK HIDUP ITU APA YA? Apa hanya untuk ekosistem?

Tujuan utama kecoak itu adalah penyambung rantai makanan dalam ekosistem. Banyak binatang-binatang (contohnya, burung dan tikus) yang menjadikan kecoak sebagai sumber makanan mereka.
Selain itu, kecoak juga berfungsi dalam kegiatan menguraikan bangkai. Dalam bangkai itu terdapat banyak nitrogen yang nantinya disalurkan dari kecoak kembali ke dalam lingkungan melalui kotorannya.
Jadi misalnya besok kecoak mendadak musnah, yang merasakan efeknya bukanlah hanya burung dan tikus yang merupakan predator mereka, tapi juga tanaman-tanaman yang tidak akan mendapatkan asupan nitrogen yang cukup.

aisaka taiga? :3 my bunny's name are taiga & ryuuji http://myfureclipse.blogspot.com/2014/07/new-rabbit.html | i wouldn't consider myself as a hardcore anime fan but i have seen a lot of series, please recommend a anime series worth watching, thankyou, have a nice monday!

kypph’s Profile PhotoH. K.
Hi Happy! I don't consider myself as a hardcore anime fan either, but here are several of my recommendations:
1. Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu (season 1 and 2)
This is a very funny series! If you're looking for a light-hearted anime and all around fun, you can't go wrong with this.
2. Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
School setting and slice of life. It is a very encouraging series about our passions in lives. Give it a try!
3. No Game No Life
Shounen Fantasy anime. The premises are interesting (albeit quite illogical), but it's worth your time investment to watch!
4. Mirai Nikki
A bit gory, but the plot twist towards the end justifies all the time spent watching it. Give it a go!

Kak bole tny grammar yg bener buat kalimat i wish itu apa? I wish i never go / went?

Wish itu nggak pernah disandingkan dengan present tense, it's either past tense atau past perfect.
We use past tense to talk about our current wish while we use past perfect to talk about our past wish.
I wish I lived in Surabaya now. (Ini kan kondisinya sekarang, jadi pake past tense "lived.")
I wish I had lived in Surabaya when I was 10 years old. (Ini kondisinya masa lalu, jadi pake past perfect had "lived.")

Kak kent menurut kaka baca classics itu pentig gak?

It's not essential, tapi kalo kamu suka ya baca aja. #JawabanNggaMembantu

u're already with someone since 2009 & dont hve problems, but u fall in love with another in 2010 (ur best friend since 2007), s/he loves u back, u get a scandal affair, deeper than ur currently relationship bcs u did something u never did with ur real boy/girl friend. what's ur final decision?

I think Johnny Depp's quote relates so much to your situation.
"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second; because if you really had loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."

menurut kamu majalah apasih yang entertaining dan edukatif at the same time untuk dibaca teenagers? terima kasih

Hmm.. Majalah entertaining dan edukatif untuk teenagers ya, udah coba Bobo blm? Bermain dan belajar itu. Pas banget sama kriteria kamu.
Liked by: Fatita

Kak, napa kok sperm rasanya pait" sepet?

Gue nggak pernah minum sperma sih, tapi secara ilmiah sperma itu rasanya beda-beda tergantung diet orang yang ngeluarin. Harusnya rasa global yang ada di setiap sperma itu asin, karena we have lots of natrium in our body ready to be excreted at a moment's notice. #jadijawabanilmiah

ka ajarin conditional text dong,hehe

Conditional text itu bisa dibagi jadi tiga (empat sih harusnya, tapi yang satunya jarang banget dipake, jadi abaikan saja).
Conditional type one dipake ketika ngomongin sesuatu yang belum terjadi tapi masih mungkin terjadi. Menggunakan present tense, jadi kombinasinya adalah ((verb1)) dan (("will."))
> If he ((goes)) to the party, I ((will)) go too.
> If I ((get)) a hundred in my final exam, I ((will)) get an A in my final score.
Conditional type two dipake ketika ngomongin sesuatu yang belum terjadi tapi kemungkinan terjadinya super kecil. Menggunakan past tense, jadi kombinasinya adalah ((verb2)) dan (("would."))
> If I ((were)) you, I would go to the party. (Tapi gue bukan lo, dan meskipun ada kemungkinan nanti diciptakan mesin penukar roh, kemungkinannya super duper kecil, jadi pake conditional type two).
> I am in Jakarta. If I ((came)) to Surabaya in 10 minutes, I ((would get)) free lunch. (Tapi gue lagi di Jakarta dan sangat nggak mungkin gue menempuh jarak Jkt-Sby dalam 10 menit).
Conditional type three dipake untuk ngomongin sesuatu yang udah kejadian dan nggak bisa diubah. Menggunakan past perfect tense, jadi kombinasinya adalah ((had+v3)) dan ((would have+v3.))
> If I ((had got)) a hundred in my final exam, I ((would have scored)) an A in my final score. (The fact is that I did NOT get a hundred, so I was just imagining).
> If I ((had been)) in Surabaya yesterday, I ((would have got)) free lunch. (But I wasn't in Surabaya yesterday).
Phew. Semoga masuk akal!

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kalo verb nya past future gimana? kaya would gitu?

Yep. Past Future itu sebenernya is not a proper tense, itu cuma dipakai waktu ngomongin masa depan di masa lampau.
Misalnya gue dua jam lalu telepon lo dan bilang gue bakalan sampe dalam satu jam, lo bisa ngomong, "Yeah, Kent called me and said that he WOULD come in an hour."
See? Segala aktivitas yang dijelaskan dalam kalimat kamu itu dalam masa lampau, tapi gue telepon lo dan bilang gue AKAN dateng dalam satu jam, hence the need to use past future.

Ko Kent, what do you think is the end game for human evolution if there is one? If modern humans are still evolving, what are we evolving into now?

Steffi Teowira
Hi Steffi! I love your questions!
As to what we are evolving into, it depends on the time span that we're talking about.
Did you know that humans come from a single-cell organism who treat oxygen as a harmful substance? Before we evolved into humans, we lived as a single-cell organism which would burn when we came into contact with oxygen. In the span of a few billion years, we have evolved into an organism that couldn't live without oxygen.
See how drastic of a change that was? So, there really is no answer to your question. At least none readily available to us right now.

How will you set yourself or your mind to be an open-minded person?

Open-mindedness, for me, is just a willingness to see a problem from other people's point of view.
So the first step to be an open-minded person is to realize that other opinions are as valid as yours and to see the world from their lenses. As soon as you feel the need to understand other people, you're a step away from open-mindedness.

Hai. . Menurutmu, apa beda & samanya antara narsis & egois? Yang manakah kamu di antara keduanya? . N.B. Saya menanyakan pendapatmu & bukan menanyakan definisi dari keduanya. . Terima kasih. Semoga hari-harimu dihiasi kebaikan & kesenangan...

Hai Jawara,
Menurutku, narsisme dan egois itu adalah rasa cinta yang terlalu besar untuk diri sendiri. Dan perbedaan paling mendasar antara narsis dan egois ada di pihak yang dirugikan.
Narsisme itu sebenernya nggak merugikan siapa-siapa, cuma bikin orang yang liat lusinan selfiemu agak risih aja. Egoisme, di lain pihak, adalah rasa cinta pada diri sendiri yang mulai merugikan orang lain. Misal: nyerobot antrian.
Liked by: Vndr D.

Ko, jadi kalo sebaliknya the only thing keeping a person decent is fear of divine (or not divine kayak karma) retribution gimana? Sama aja?

Same shit. Do good without a reason, not because you're afraid of something.
Liked by: Nathania Fatita

dear kent, I'm very sorry to trouble you with what I'm about to ask, currently translating an abstract, and I'm a bit confused translating batak mandailing into english, should I use Mandailing Bataks instead ( because I saw wikipedia using this ) or do you know any actual term for it.

Hi, as you know that English uses MD (Menerangkan Diterangkan; e.g. red house di mana "red" menerangkan "house") as opposed to Indonesian DM (Diterangkan Menerangkan; e.g. rumah merah di mana "merah" menerangkan "rumah").
With that rule, since Mandailing explains Batak, you should go "Mandailing Batak" and not the other way around.
Hope that makes sense!

Hai, thought you might want to correct it. Kalau dari penjelasan kamu tadi, sepertinya lebih cocok kalau rumus passive tense nya adalah: O + am/is/are/was/were + V3 + by + S Karena sebagaimana kalimat pasif, objek diletakan di awal kalimat.

I stand corrected. Thank you!
Liked by: Fatita

mind to share yours? me>> https://www.learnmyself.com/Personality-Type#RIOGD

Hi! I got Prophet (REOGS)as my personality type.
Prophets are emotionally reactive, which means that they experience their emotions strongly and can be very passionate, however they also have a higher tendency to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression. With a good sense of social awareness, they tend to be outgoing and enthusiastic, with a tendency in groups to talk and assert themselves. The Prophet enjoys a good balance between the real world and fantasy, they are mostly aware of and in touch with their emotions. Being open-minded to new and unusual ideas helps them to interact with the world. With a healthy skepticism of the motives of others, and a belief in justice and being self made, sometimes the Prophet can come across as guarded or intimidating. However the Prophet has a refreshing impulsiveness about them, they tend to dislike too many rules and regulations and can be casual and whimsical.
Haha I think it's spot-on! Thanks for sharing this with me :D
Full link at: http://www.learnmyself.com/Personality-Report?x=sPIx3x3765834-3497003xs4hj2x3

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Liked by: veronika Juju Lamlo

koko jadi penyiar radio kayaknya pantes deh

paku digeret di papan tulis aja masih lebih merdu daripada suara gue. gila ya lo suruh gue jadi penyiar radio, bisa-bisa stasiunnya dirajam masal.
Liked by: Kezia Djawa

Kak aku masi bingung yg perfect continuous present past perfect nya, "sesuatu yg sudah terjadi tp blm slesai" maksudnyaa?

Perfect continuous itu dipake buat kejadian yang udah berlangsung tapi belum selesai. Misalnya kamu nonton filem yang durasinya dua jam.
"I have been watching this movie for an hour and it's not yet over."

Kak Kent, saya tertarik sama kecerdasan kakak & personality kakak. Tapi saya ga berani off anon, banyak sekali yg tertarik sama kakak juga sepertinya. Saya cuma berharap hari2 kakak selalu menyenangkan, berharap dibalas pun tidak kak. Terimakasih ya kak, jawaban2 kakak selalu menghibur saya.

"banyak sekali yg tertarik sama kakak juga sepertinya."
Semua itu fana dek, fatamorgana.
Liked by: April-ya Fatita

Kadangan bahasa inggris itu kan pake idiom2 gitu yang beda artinya kalau diartiin per kata. cara aware terhadap konteks kalimat english itu gimana ya? supaya ngerti apa yang coba disampaikan tanpa miskomunikasi dengan persepsi sendiri. *need a help*

Banyak baca aja. Idiom Indo juga nggak se-literal itu kale. Bule belajar idiom Indo "one rope three money" juga bingung non.

Ko wdyt about racism ? It seems like our government pun ga suka chinese people like us :/

"We do have a lot in common.
The same Earth, the same air, the same sky.
Maybe if we started looking at what's the same,
instead of always looking at what's different, well, who knows?"
Can you guess who said that? No, not some historical figures. It's Meowth from Pokémon.

Kak rumus tenses dong, kalo bisa tlg jelasin dong

Tense secara umum dibagi jadi tiga: past, present, future. Dan dalam tiga tense itu dibagi lagi menjadi empat: simple, continuous, perfect, dan perfect continuous.
Simple umumnya dipakai untuk sebuah fakta.
Present: S + v1 + O (I eat rice; he is a businessman)
Past: S + v2 + O (I ate rice for breakfast; he was a businessman)
Future: S + will + v1 + O (I will eat rice; he will be a businessman)
Continuous dipake untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang berlangsung dalam durasi.
Present: S + am/is/are + v1-ing + object (I am eating rice)
Past: S + was/were + v1-ing + O (I was eating rice when the door bell rang)
Future: S + will be + v1-ing + O (I will be eating rice for the next three weeks)
Perfect dipake untuk mengatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi.
Present: S + has/have + v3 + O (I have eaten rice)
Past: S + had + v3 + O (I had eaten rice)
Future: S + will have + v3 + O (I will have eaten rice)
Perfect continuous dipake untuk mengatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi tapi belum selesai.
Present: S + has/have + been + v1-ing + O (I have been eating rice)
Past: S + had been + v1-ing + O (I had been eating rice)
Future: S + will have been + v1-ing + O (I will have been eating rice)

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