
kent sutjipto

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andika ganteng kok, seganteng kakak <3


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please dong pap rambut baru please3x

ga mau.
ntr pasti pada report inappropriate content groarr

kayak andika kangen band disiram cat tembok putih!

ini berarti gue mesti sedih dong ya? andika lumayan jelek kan ya?

is it possible to love someone that u've never met before?

i believe it's possible to love your 'idea' of that person. but until you actually meet them, i don't think you can actually love that person inside out.
hope that makes sense!
Liked by: Bella Tri Atmasari

sumpah gue ngakak sampe ga sadar ngeces2 liat foto lu

ini sumpah gue ngga ngerti gue mesti jijik karena lu ngeces2 ato mesti bingung gara2 lu ngeces liat andika kulit putih.

prettyyy fotonya sis foto lagi dong sama potongan baru nya

jangan sis nanti takutnya ask.fm gue diban gara2 post inappropriate content.

kent sumpahlah foto lu itu sok korea abis hahahahahahahha ngakak

hahaha aduh gimana lagi. foto 2010 itu kynya. namanya juga masa lalu ._.


1. bersin di tangan terus peperin ke muka dia.
2. kentut di kuping dia.
3. setel lagu harlem shake terus joget di sebelah dia.
semoga membantu.

by the way ko, kalo kegantenganmu aja 100% udah kayak gitu, kalo turun 80% itu muka udah kayak apa yaa

ky begini kurang lebih.
p.s. bkn foto sebenarnya.

nggolek wong solo ae mas, ngomong jowo yo ra popo, dee ne sek lebi medhok

lho iki masalahe ak golek sesuap segoe ng jakarta iki yoopo iki yoopo! raenek wong solo raenek wong suroboyo, tak gembeng sek wes.
Liked by: Oshi Deviani

what is medhok?

medhok is when you speak with surabayan accent..
kurang lebih koyok ngene lah.
konon katanya kegantengan gue turun 80% waktu logat surabaya gue keluar.
Liked by: Jane Florence

why you still single? you are good person to talk to. the funniest as well, thanks for the laugh, koko!

oh, stop it you!
i don't have time for a relationship because I'm too busy analyzing why I'm not in one.
haha jk.
I'm still single because:
a. nobody wants to be my gf,
b. I'm too picky,
c. no girl wants to date a cat-freak,
d. no (jkt) girl wants to date a medhok guy.
e. all of the above.
(hint: the answer is e)

Masalahnya pake sabun ngga, klo air doank sih sama aja ko

pake ya tuhan pake. di mata kalian itu gue sejorok apa sih ;A;

denger2 kakak abis pipis ga cuci tangan ya?

first of all, gue cuci tangan abis pipis, but i do that purely because of social convention. in fact, i wonder why we have to wash hands after urinating.
i mean, think about it. you don't pee on your hand. unless you have a very bad hand-eye coordination. then by all means, cuci tanganlah sehabis pipis.
but most of us guys don't pee on our hands. and our (ahem) dick is safely hidden behind at least two layers of clothing. so technically speaking, touching your dick is like touching your own shoulder.
the hand that you use to urinate (that you previously used to touch SO MUCH other stuff) technically has more germ than your dick. in fact, it dazzles me as to why we don't wash hands BEFORE we urinate.

menurut lu selama ini ada ga pemuja rahasia lu yg ngestalk-in elu kmanapun lu pergi? Kalo ada dan ketauan bakal lu apain?

ga ada.
tapi kalo ada dan ketauan gue bakalan minta tolong diajarin cara jd stalker. ahihu

Loh kak kalo ignorance is a bliss, ngapain susah2 sekolah lagi bikin obat amnesia, ignore aja the fact that she is a transgender ;D

ada beberapa hal yang memang bisa diignore seenak jidat, tp kynya seksualitas masa lalu istri itu bkn salah satunya deh.
orang mau secuek apapun kayaknya ga bisa nyuekin kalo istrinya dulu pernah punya genital yang sama sama dia.

kamu sama kezia cocok lho

kezia itu nama sejuta umat sih, mgkn kalo diklarifikasi kezia siapa bakalan lebih membantu dalam proses pertukaran pikiran ini.

kak klo kakak pacaran sama cewe nih ya cuantikkk bgt bohay aduhay. terus kakak akhirnya insyaallah married sama tu cewek. eeehhh setelah berberapa tahun, kakak baru tau dia itu transgender! apa yang kakak lakukan

balik kuliah ambil jurusan farmasi (atau nanotechcnology) sampe s3. terus berusaha bikin obat (atau nanorobot) yang bisa bikin amnesia.
bikin diri sendiri amnesia.
ignorance is bliss.

Kak, saya agen La MENZA. Kakak sudah saya email tapi kok ga dibales? :(

sekali dua kali masih lucu lah. tiga kali udah capek nanggepinnya.

pap lg apa

terjebak kemacetan jakarta yang dipenuhi oleh makhluk2 yang ingin berpacaran dan bereksis ria.

kak kent, lebih suka mana cewe cantik tapi oon atau cewe gendut tapi pinter? pinter buat kak kent happy

kalo pilihannya cuma 2 itu gue mendingan pake option B: beli kucing.
Liked by: Lita Cingling

Hi jelek lg malming dmn nih

hai cantik/tampan/makhluk yang superior secara fisik, lagi mau ke sency nih.

kak pernah merasa forever alone ga?

coba pertanyaannya diganti "kak pernah merasa GA forever alone ga?"
lebih gampang jawabnya.

di Purdue pernah kerja part time ga?? kerja apa? gajinya berapa?

pernah dulu unofficially tutoring kelas math buat anak2 desperate selama 1 semester doang. ga digaji non, kan dibayarnya per jam (berasa lelaki panggilan)

Permisi, melihat VS for men ingin hire anda, saya dari agen resmi La MENZA juga ingin mengajukan proposal agar anda bersedia menjadi model lingerie keluaran terbaru kami. Dimohon memberikan email dan nomor telepon supaya saya dapat memberi keterangan lebih lanjut. Terima kasih.

saya sangat tertarik non! email aja ya tapi, saya agak risih ngepos nomer telepon di ask.fm.
email saya di sampean.gedabrus@gmail.com
saya tunggu kabar baiknya!

Keterangan maksud saya kak. Boleh minta emailnya? Akan ada keterangan mengenai honorarium dan komisi. Jika sebulan telah hits, kami akan kirim kakak ke HQ kami di Amrik. Terima kasih dan saya minta email anda.

kamu persisten juga ya. pasti jomblo.

Kak, bisa minta waktunya sebentar? Saya mau hire kakak jadi model untuk VS (Victoria Secret) for men. Saya minta email kakak boleh, mau kirim ketegangan lebih lanjut mengenai hal ini. Terima kasih

cara kirim ketegangan lewat email gimana ya dek.

kak bikin memenya pake aplikasi apa sih?

pake meme generator non.
(jadi ngerti rasanya jadi cewek terus ditanyain "edit fotonya pake apa?")

Hello, kent! How are you? What do you think about Prabowo vs Jokowi?

wah ini pagi2 masih ada pertanyaan berat aja.
I'm well! to be honest, i couldn't care less about indonesian politics. but prabowo, to me, seems a bit too strict military-wise and it could be bad news regarding indonesia's relationship with other countries.
moreover, there seems to be a discussion running around about how prabowo is gonna team up with ARB (and i hate him).
so by elimination, i prefer jokowi. not to mention stock market would climb if he's elected.

I wanna ask about pharmaceutical patent. Inventors patented the drugs that they invented so that the price will exponentially rising. Yes,patent protects the idea of the inventors. However, commoners would face difficulty to buy such pricey drugs. Thus, how to balance between both parties interest?

i believe patents don't make prices rise 'exponentially.' if the invention is really useful to the people, I'm sure the government would offer him a huge sum of money and/or subsidize the invention so it's more readily available to the people at large.
and pharmaceutical scientists usually (underline this word) research for greater good trying to make this world a better place. so i don't think they would try to milk the money out of their patent.
keep in mind i have absolutely no background whatsoever in pharmacy.


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