
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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ko, knp ya belakangan ini ga ad yg deketin gue. my friends say i'm beautiful and fine posture. i dont smoke i dont go clubbing or do bad things. i'm also smart...based on my ranks and achievements. but why? :" apa gue kualat ya kak gr2 dlu ad cwo ngjer2 gue sampe parah bgt tp ga prna gw anggep?

Assuming this question is not a troll and you're dead serious, biasanya cewek yang super high-quality emang nggak terlalu dikejar sih. Most guys go for the low-hanging fruit since it requires less effort. That doesn't mean there is something wrong with you :)
Liked by: Nathania

kak aku bukan anon yang nanya tadi tapi mau jdi daily english conversation partner ku ga?

I don't mind sih, but I generally am not a social person. Unless you have an intriguing mind, I wouldn't be able to talk to you for a long time.

Kaka nulis teen lit wahh.. Aku aslinya pengen nulis novel teen lit juga kak, tapi aku ga ngerti cara caranya gitu. Info ya kaa trimakasih :)

hai non. kalo masalah novel itu sebenernya cara nulisnya semuanya sama kok. gue coba jelasin sebisa mungkin ya.
1. plot
plot di teen-lit ga harus sekuat plot di novel genre lain, soalnya teen-lit itu ceritanya ya gitu-gitu aja. kekuatan teen-lit itu ada di character developmentnya. note that this doesn't mean plotnya ga perlu bagus, it simply means you don't have to plot it as well as, say a murder mystery novel.
2. character
seperti yang dibilang di atas, teen-lit itu penting di karakternya. jadi try to make them as interesting as possible. your character must also be broken in some ways, dan nantinya mereka akan (preferably) membenarkan kecacatan mereka towards the end of the book.
3. niat
terlepas dari teknikalitas menulis, nulis itu butuh niat yang kuat. write, write, write! editing a bad page might be hard, but editing a blank one is impossible.
godspeed anon!

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Liked by: Diah Monika Aditia

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kak recommend website" yg seru dong. tolong jangan yg terlalu scientific, otak ga mampu.

1. 9gag.com, ini udah website yang gue kunjungin tiap hari. rasanya nggak puas kalo nggak sampe baca post yang terakhir dibaca kemarinnya. lucu, informatif, dan inspiratif.
2. cracked.com, gue samperin ini website dua hari sekali. cara nulis author-author di website ini bener-bener lucu. selain itu, informasi yang ditawarkan juga keren2. sempet ada artikel2 mengenai curhatan orang yang berhasil menyelundup keluar dari korea utara.
3. xkcd.com, smbc-comics.com, zenpencils.com, tiga-tiganya itu website komik yang lucu dan memotivasi. gue biasanya cek sekitar seminggu sekali.

ko pernah ml gak? rasanya gimana? *gakpapa yah frontal. hihi

tergantung lempernya, kalo daging ayam gitu apalagi yang dibungkusnya pake isolasi biasanya enak sih.

Kak, cowok kalau marah kaya apa? Mending yang kasar tapi menyelesaikan masalah, atau diem tapi masalah ga kelar? Kasarnya sampai gebrak meja, banting barang. Ampun deh

untuk pertanyaan pertama, cowok itu ga bisa digeneralisasiin ky gitu non. cara marah cowo itu beda2. ada yang teriak2, ada yang gondok, ada yang nyindir2 halus.
untuk pertanyaan kedua, much better kalo cowoknya tipe kekeluargaan dan musyawarah sih. tapi kalo harus pilih salah satu, lebih mending tipe yang diem tapi ga menyelesaikan masalah. ladies exist to be respected, not to be shouted at and thrown things upon.

Hello Kent, do you mind checking out my blog? Isinya ttg perjalanan gue LDRan sama orang Belanda. Lo kan novelist gitu mungkin bisa kasih masukan setelah baca? Kalo ada waktu aja sih :) Ini link nya, thanks a lot! http://mijnboele.blogspot.com/2014/04/tembak-aku-eaa.html

Luna Elysia Serena
whoever named you must have a beautiful mind and a strong affinity towards Latin! i envy you so much for having such a beautiful name.
anyway, truth be told, blog lu very interesting! karena lu minta masukan dan kalo gue ga kasi masukan satu pun takutnya kesannya gue ga baca dengan sungguh2, here is one: ada minor grammatical errors yang easily omitted sih, e.g. "darimana" instead of "dari mana," dan "kepala nya" instead of "kepalanya."
terlepas dari itu, your writing style is very entertaining, akhirnya malah baca pos2 lain hahahaha

ko kent, aku skg udah mahasiswa, trus bahasa inggrisnya patah2 banget ._. tipsnya dong..

1. read tons of books! this will help you understand how grammar works and expand the list of vocabularies you can utilize.
2. watch movies without subtitle, this will help you listen and comprehend the difference between spoken english and written english.
3. listen to songs and sing along, this will greatly help your pronunciations.
4. find someone who is comfortable and willing to have daily english conversation with.
i think that's it, good luck!

Would you marry a novelist?

assuming the said novelist doesn't have a penis and is attractive in ways more than one, yes.

Shuai ge drmn hahaha. Ayo ktemu mlaku2 mane bro. Cek suwene baru balik rekk, ak d sby terus skg. Nomermu piro? (Ak tau jok dibales disini lol)

hahahaha add line ae pu! nyankent. nanti kita nggosip lebih jauh

ko doain aku ya. bentar lg aku ujian diploma piano. uda keringet dingin nih.

ini kamu tanya dari kemarin2 kalo didoain sekarang kayaknya udah agak telat ya.
Liked by: Julita

so if u really love someone, would you protect her virginity or would you deflower her?

Assuming she is a virgin, then yes I'd protect it.

jadi mnrt koko, having sex before marriage itu oke2 aja?

I used to think it's not okay. But now I think it's fine.
I would much rather spend the rest of my life around someone I feel most comfortable with despite her not being a virgin. For me, comfort is a lot more important than the existence of hymen.

will you kiss your girlfriend on the lips? Or will you wait till marriage? At least till engagement?

Buset. Pertanyaan macam apa ini. Why do i have to wait until marriage to swap body fluid?

Kak, googling tentang junko furuta donk.. Kenapa ada orang-orang setega itu?

Ga perlu google, gue masih inget tentang Junko Furuta. As to kenapa ada orang-orang setega itu, menurut gue itu sama seperti kenapa we boys tried to throw salt to earth worm, because curiosity. The difference between them and everyone else is that we were taught about morale, what is acceptable to do and what is not, so we could draw the line.
I would guess that there was a powerful kid who wasn't really taught what not to do and he coerced his friends to do those things to Junko Furuta. And his friends were just afraid of him and started doing it to her as well.
May she rest in peace.
Liked by: Nathania

do your mother ever yells to you? hit you? throw you with things?

She used to yell at me when i was a kid. Thanks to her i dont end up as a spoiled kid. She never throws things at me though. I like her a lot.

Would you ever take the time to get to know someone who has a crush on you?

Yes? Would that be you? Hestegngarep

salah! yang lagi mainan askfm kan si I.. hayo I ngapain! HARUS BISA NEBAK!!

I lagi keramas sambil nangis di pojokan? #krik aduh garing

do you find any pretty faces in ask.fm?

Lots! I am very honored that these wonderful ladies find my thoughts share-worthy.

sekarang lagi tertarik sama satu cewek ga? kalo iya, deskripsiin orangnya dong, i mean kepribadiannya..

Ga ada. Maaf ya antiklimaks

Pak Abdul punya 9 anak, sebut aja A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I. Si A lagi cuci baju, Si B lagi tidur siang, Si C lagi mandi, Si D lagi nonton TV, Si E main catur, Si F lagi belajar di kamar, Si G lagi masak sop, si H lagi main askfm. Hayo tebak si I lagi ngapain?

I lagi jawabin pertanyaan askfm ini..?
Liked by: Maria E.

tau brita ttg florence sihombing? ada ringkasannya ga kak? brita yg beredar udah terlalu simpang siur

Tau. Google aja non kronologisnya. Kalo ga salah ada di detik atau mana gitu.

editornya di gramed ada brp org sih? ceritanya kita bisa choose editor apa trima nasib aja sama sapa aja gt?

Hmm. Di gramed tuh ada banyak editor tergantung genre buku yang kamu tulis. Misalnya nih, yang edit meter per second itu editor A yang pakar masalah teenlit.
Nah kan aku juga lagi nulis novel baru tentang psychological thriller (otomatis ceritanya lebih gelap jauh dibanding m/s) yang edit itu nantinya bakalan editor B yang lebih berpengalaman ngurusin cerita thriller.
Gitu deh.

lebih suka cewe yg pake bikini ato one pice swimsuit?

Eh.. Hahaha. I think whatever complements her body shape would be nice. Some girls are curvy (not the curvy adjective fat girls think they are) so bikini suits them well. For other girls, one piece is fine enough.

itu buku meter / second masi aja ga sampe dec pas gw balik indo? titip satu lah HAHAHAHAH

Hahahaha buku gratisan gw dari gramed udah abis dimintain temen2, Yen :')

Have you ever been truly in 'love'? Love as in I wouldn't mind giving up living with a hundred of cats just to be with a person for the rest of my life.

This kind of question really depends on our definition of love. And I'm sure yours differs a lot from mine.
But long story short, using your definition of love, yes, I have.

kak. waktu publish novel di Grmdia. sblm dicetak massal, kakak baca naskah akhirnya dulu gak? atau stlh di edit editor lgsg naik cetak?

Baca lg lah. Editor tuh harus punya writer's consent sebelum ganti apa2. Lagian kan nanti kalo dia ubah terus nada bahasanya jadi berubah kan malah salah.

Kent, The last time you log in to chatous, is it nice? Terus berlanjut gak?

It was okay. I met some very interesting people there! Ini bagian guerilla marketingnya chatous ya? ngaku.

ko I showed your blog to my rommte she is french and loves literature so much andd she said she likes your blog :)

Hahaha tell her i feel grateful that she likes it. Merci, belle dame! :)

kent baca poems ga? charles bukowski punya gitu misalnya

Ga banyak sih poem yg gue baca. Bacanya biasanya kalo udah diadaptasi jadi komik di zenpencils. Misalnya Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. Tapi in general i don't read poems.

okay than dont forget to tell me when you are going to release it kay... i'm waiting though... #bisabisanya wkwkkw

Boleh off anon kali ya. saya bukan cenayang D:
Liked by: feliciawijaya


Language: English