
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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Kent, I just found out about this article a few days ago http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/06/magazine/06Riff-t.html?_r=0 and I wonder are you doing this marginalia thing too?

Hi, Az!
For those of you who are too lazy to open up the link, "marginalia" here means scribbling up your book (underlining memorable quote, writing keywords in blank spaces, jotting important page numbers inside of back cover).

Answering your q, I GENERALLY don't do that. Except when I intend the book to be a media for me to learn. In most cases, I keep my hard-copy books pristine.

One such example (for me) is my Looking For Alaska.

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Kak Kent, mau nanya, dulu sebelum berhasil publish buku dan masih dalam proses melatih skill nulisnya pernah merasa 'tulisan gue jelek' atau 'kayanya ini gak appealing' enggak? Kalau pernah, what do you do to throw that feeling away?

The first thing to do in art is to boost your standard; know what is good and what isn't.
This is why you read books.
Or why you attend painting exhibit if you paint.
Or why you listen to a lot of great singers if you sing.
In order to produce, you have to consume first.
You have to be the harshest judge of yourself. If you think what you just wrote is bad, don't publish it.

So, answering your question: yes, yes, yes.
If you go into my blog dashboard you'll see hundreds of posts I decided not to post because I think they're not good enough.

How do I throw that feeling away?
I don't.
Jangankan dulu, sekarang aja masih sering gitu kok.
I still write crap every now and then; it's just that the frequency of my crap production has gone down (significantly, I would argue).

Hi, Kent. I've just read your latest ff (too late, I know) (should I call it a short story?) and it becomes my fav among your other ffs! I feel that one is "unique", maybe because it's much longer than your usual, it's around 500 words I guess? Either way, keep on writing :) x

Maybe because it's long, I can describe things better there.
My writing council said that my description is getting better and I couldn't be happier.

(jk i could be happier if you give me $1,000,000)


Language: English