
kent sutjipto

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hi Kent, have u watch Interstellar? if u do, what's ur opinion about that movie? Thanks!

Hi, and yes I watched it yesterday.
Keep in mind that I'm not a movie critic nor do I claim to be one. So read this review with a pinch of salt.
I'll split this review into two: for those who haven't watched it and for those who have.
First thing first, Interstellar is a like-it-or-love-it kind of movie.
And I love it.
It's arguably the best movie I've watched this year. The graphics are breath-taking and the plot is amazing (agak curang sih, but amazing nonetheless).
The graphics, music, and acting blend into one fine masterpiece.
At times you will be left torn between two moral issues.
At another time you will have to breathe in through your mouth in order to not alert someone sitting beside you that you are crying.
And sometimes, you laugh.
Sure there are several scientific terms here and there, like: singularity, centrifugal, time relativity, etc. Contrary to popular belief, not knowing those terms DO NOT hinder your understanding about the movie that much. And all the people who keep ranting about the scientific plot holes behind Interstellar? They're doing it just to look smart.
So, kick back and enjoy the ride.
(spoiler ahead, skip this part if you haven't watched the movie)
Interstellar brings self-sustaining plot to a next level. Seriously. The whole plot is a chicken-and-egg classic dilemma that is generally taboo when you're creating a plot. (Near-extinct humans found a wormhole near Saturn, went there, saved humanity, evolved into a five-dimensional human being, AND THEN created a wormhole in the past for the near-extinct humans? Yeah that's fair).
However, Nolan's execution was superb and we're left with this excellent movie.
Talking about plot holes, there are several: be them scientific plot holes (there is no air in outer space, so the fiery explosion that occurred when Dr. Mann unlocked the valve shouldn't be possible [unless the Endurance-12 was pre-equipped with oxidizer])
or logical plot holes (logically speaking, Cooper wouldn't have agreed to enter the first planet where an hour there is equal seven years in Earth. They should have visited other planets first and return to the first planet on their way back to Earth. If they had done that, they would have saved more than 20 years. Clearly Coop overlook this was a plot hole, but a necessary one in order for Murph to be around the same age as Coop).
All in all, Interstellar is among the top five in my personal must-watch movies.
Nolan, you brilliant bastard.

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kak cowok kan ga menyusui, terus tetek cowok buat apaan?

Kromosom cewek: xx
kromosom cowok: xy.
Notice how they both begin with an X? Ini karena di awal perkembangan embrio, kita semua bertumbuh menggunakan template tubuh perempuan.
Setelah kurang lebih 14 minggu dalam kandungan, diferensiasi jenis kelamin baru terjadi. Tapi by this time, laki-laki sudah bertetek.
Jadi tetek laki-laki itu sesungguhnya hanyalah sebuah kejanggalan evolusi yang tidak ada gunanya.

ko kent, can you give me some writing tips? ive recently taken up a new hobby on writing poetry (even tho im shit at it) and youre like the reigning king of galau poems hehehe

I'm not sure how to respond to that.
I wrote about this topic once: http://nyankent.blogspot.com/2013/03/how-to-do-creative-writing-in-5-easy.html so feel free to look at it.
However, here are three additional tips I can impart to you regarding writing in general.
1. Keep a journal
Waktu pertama kali gue memutuskan untuk mulai menulis, gue ke mana-mana selalu bawa notebook kecil untuk inspirasi.
Waktu gue baca novel dan ketemu jenis tulisan yang gue suka, gue tulis ke notebook kecil itu. Waktu lagi naik bus dan nemu hal lucu, gue juga tulis di sana. Waktu lagi suka sama orang, gue juga numpahin perasaan di sana.
"Inspirations are everywhere, you just have to start looking."
2. Read read read
Read a lot! As Stephen King said,
"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot."
3. Make writing a habit
When I started blogging, I promised to write a new blog post every week. Paksain diri buat menulis, meskipun tulisan lo nanti nggak bagus ya udah, at least you do write something. My first few blog posts were utterly terrible, but I persisted. And voilà, here I am.
"A writer writes. So if you want to be a writer, write."
Oh and I'll end these tips with my all time favorite quote from Hemingway.
Best of luck to you, Jovina!

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kak kent mau nanya kata i'd itu berasal dari kata i had atau i would?thanksss before:)

Bisa dua-duanya kok, tergantung kata yang mengikutinya aja.
"I'd gone before you came." -> yang mengikuti V3, jadi "I'd" di sini adalah "I had."
"I'd go if I were you." -> yang mengikuti V1, jadi "I'd" di sini adalah "I would."
Pertanyaan ini mengakhiri #English Hour ya. I hope you guys learned something new today!

ka kent.. suka sebel gak sama orang" yg ngomong "halahh.. gak usah sok-sokan pake inggris lah" soalnya aku sering bgt nemuin org macam ini.. and it's like... hell yeahh! dunia nya terlalu sempit.. how a pity!

Ema Hikmaya
Kenapa harus sebel?
Karena merasa kita salah?
Kita belajar bahasa Inggris kok, dia yang nggak belajar.
Kita dapet sesuatu, dia nggak.
Bukannya harusnya dia yang sebel?

Kak bisa tolong ajarin formal english? For speech and written gitu. Jangan terlalu formal jg tapi si hehe. Vocab apa aja, gaya bahasa gimana yg digunakan gitu. Thankyou!

Ini jadi lo expect gue jabarin satu-satu gitu ya kata-kata formal yang biasa dipake buat speech dan written?
Nggak sekalian minta diajarin gaya bahasa informal sekalian? Nanggung amat nanyanya dikit gitu.

halo ka, aku mau nanya kalo perbedaan penggunaaan 'a few' 'a little' sama 'few' 'little' . Terimakasih sebelumnyaa

Hi, Falah!
Keempat-empatnya adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menandakan kuantitas. Bedanya adalah:
1. A few & Few
"A few" dan "few" sama-sama digunakan untuk menandakan kuantitas sesuatu yang BISA DIHITUNG.
Perbedaannya adalah "a few" digunakan ketika penekanannya pada "oh masih banyak kok," sedangkan
"few" digunakan ketika penekanannya pada "fakkk tinggal sedikit."
Langsung contoh aja.
Misalnya gue berada di dalam ruangan ujian dan KETIKA GUE NGUMPULIN kertas ujian gue, murid yang tersisa tinggal DELAPAN ORANG.
-> Kalo rupanya yang ikut ujian cuma 10 orang, berarti delapan orang yang tersisa masih banyak dong? Kita pake "a few."
-> Kalo rupanya yang ikut ujian 100 orang, berarti delapan orang tinggal sedikit banget dong? Kita pake "few."
"When I left the room, there were still a few students left." -> "Oh masih ada delapan orang."
"When I left the room, there were few students left." -> "Fak tinggal delapan orang."
Keliatan kan bedanya?
2. A little & Little
Sama sih, tapi bedanya ini digunakan untuk sesuatu yang NGGAK BISA DIHITUNG.
Langsung contoh:
"When I left the room, there was still a little water left." -> "Oh, airnya masih banyak."
"When I left the room, there was little water left." -> "Airnya tinggal sedikit."
Jir, capek juga ngetik gini. Hope this answers your question!

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kak tolong kasih tau tips untuk mengerjakan soal toefl dong, terima kasih sebelumnya

nzlqrn’s Profile PhotoNia Bakri
Beli buku TOEFL. And no, I'm not kidding. TOEFL books help a lot and definitely are worth the money. Just make sure you buy the right brand (I believe Kaplan is the best? Not sure) since they will teach you all the tips and tricks you will need to get a high TOEFL score.

Hello there, dear Kent! I often wonder, what differs 'hence', 'thus', and 'therefore'. May you help me with this?

Ash lotions
Thus can liberally be translated to "in this way."
Hence can liberally be translated to "for this reason."
While therefore can be liberally translated to "as a result."
They are all used to express a logical derivation from previously stated statements.
However, "therefore" is more often used in a scientific theories and mathematical proofs. (e.g. "A implies B and B implies C. Therefore, A implies C.")
"Thus" and "hence" are pretty similar in nature and are used interchangeably, but "thus" generally is used for the past while "hence" is for the future.
(e.g. "It rained heavily. Thus, they had to cancel the match.
"Our boss is planning to reduce spending. Hence, we will see many layoffs in the next few weeks.")
But in general, they're not all that different and pretty interchangeable.
Hope this answers your question!

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Ko kent, will you please explain the difference between urban,suburban,small town and rural area? Im confused. Thankyou!

Karena kamu tanyanya dengan sopan pake "please" and "thank you," I'm making an exception to answer this question even though you're anon.
Urban: kota (contoh: Jakarta)
Suburban: pinggiran kota, biasanya terletak dekat dengan urban (contoh: Alam Sutera)
Small town: kota kecil, semacam suburb tapi nggak harus dekat dengan urban (contoh: Bekasi hueheuhue)
Rural area: desa (nggak ada contoh ya, soalnya gue nggak tau desa daerah Jakarta)

Why Alaska? Why not Margo? -tertanda anon yang pissed setelah baca looking for alaska-

Because Alaska is a vivid character while Margo is simply a theme.
If you noticed, Margo spends most of her time missing, leaving her personality a total mystery. She is simply an idea that Q chases up until the end of the book, to that paper town.
The only thing I like about Margo is this relatable quote:

Can you please list the important qualities one must have in order to be my girlfriend/boyfriend? BANTU TEMEN, KENT! COZ' I MYSELF DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T WANNA DROWN IN THIS MISERY ANYMORE~~~~~~~~ (IYE INI GUE COPY-PASTE YANG PERTANYAAN KE MACAN SOALNYA CUMA KALIAN YANG MENGERTI AKOH :")

pft easy.
1. Be smart. Stupidity repulses Maldi probably only second to STDs.
2. Learn how to properly type with punctuation and shit.
3. Learn how to speak medoknese. For whatever reason every time I and Maldi talk and my Surabayan accent slips out, she finds it cute. Ugh.
4. And the most important, as @to_rant pointed out, be patient.
Tadi niatnya gue mau photoshop muka lo ke someecards ini, tapi I forgot I have no skill whatsoever in photoshop. So.

kak, aku sering buat cerpen dengan karakter jahat sebagai tokoh utamanya tetapi teman bilang kalo itu bisa mempengaruhi pembaca... menurut aku pembaca mesti pinter buat milah milah isi cerita, bagaimana menurutmu kak?

Pembaca yang bodo kok kita yang repot.
Daripada bikin pembodohan massal semacam Handsome Handsome Wolf,
it's time to create something that will make Indonesian people smarter.
If not now, when?
If not you, who?

Ka mau minta sarannya. Jadi gua lagi dlm project bikin novel, tapi gua jarang ada waktu karena banyak kegiatan disekolah. Nah sekalinya ada waktu, baru buka laptop, nulis 2/lebih paragraf gua udah nge-blank bingung mau nulis apa. Merurut kakak gua harus gimana? Gimana kaa?!!?? T.T

Fety Kristiani
Tanyanya nyantai aja, nggak usah ngegas dek.
"Baru buka laptop, nulis dua/lebih paragraf udah nge-blank bingung mau nulis apa."
Ada plot nggak? Udah tau mau dibawa ke mana ceritanya? Udah bikin karakter? Apakah karaktermu punya suara cukup unik yang bisa mendorong cerita ke depan? (Ini questionnaire yang gue pake buat bikin karakter btw: http://www.creative-writing-now.com/writing-character-profiles.html )
Menulis itu mirip sama memasak, di mana plot adalah resep, karakter adalah daging, dan caramu menulis adalah teknik memasak. Lah kalo resep atau dagingnya aja belum jelas, mau gimana masaknya?

kenapa lobus temporal? temporal kan untuk pendengaran?

Ya Tuhan akhirnya ada juga yang nanya pertanyaan ini setelah berbulan-bulan di ask.fm. Off anon dong, gue mau tau siapa yang take the effort to read my bio :')
Anyway, no.
Lobus temporal tuh bukan cuma berperan dalam pendengaran, tapi juga dalam memahami kata-kata dan emosi.
It should be obvious now why my location on ask.fm is stated as "in your temporal lobe," yes?

om kent kan lagi research buat nulis novel kan ya? yang mau dikemanain mayatnya kalo abis bunuh orang. ya gue emang gak diask sih tp sekedar bantu aja kalo mayat yg dibuang ke daerah yang ada saljunya itu bisa mengacaukan perkiraan mayat tsb dibunuh. gitu

Ide kamu brilian sekali,
btw setting novel gue nanti di Jakarta, jadi mungkin ide kamu bisa dipake kalo:
1. Mayatnya diterbangin ke Australi (tempat bersalju terdekat dari Indonesia), atau,
2. Jakarta mulai bersalju.
Untuk alternatif satu kayaknya masih banyak option lain yang lebih efektif ya.
Untuk alternatif dua, mending gue jadi Cinta nungguin Rangga daripada nungguin Jakarta turun salju.

Kak Kent a random question I have here. Banyak yang bilang kalau mencari partner yang bisa balance & nutupin kekurangan kita kan. Since you use logic quite a lot, with a bit of dry humor here and there, also world play. So are you interested in girls yang opposite dari things I described itu? :D

Hi, Stella!
Sejujurnya gue nggak pernah memberi label dan membatasi cewek sih.
My requirement in girls tuh benernya cuma ada satu: yang bisa bikin nyaman.
Tapi nanti dari sana biasanya nyabang-nyabang.
Kalo ceweknya pengetahuannya sempit, gue tiap kali ngobrol harus mikir, "duh dia ngerti nggak ya yang gue obrolin ini." Jadi ribet.
Kalo ceweknya beda selera bercandanya, tiap kali gue bercanda gue harus bikin bercandaan yang menurut dia lucu. Ribet.
Kalo ceweknya nggak terlalu logis, tiap kali dia curhat dan gue kasi masukan yang objektif, bilangnya gue nggak berperasaan. Ribet.
Jadi yah, intinya gue kalo ketemu cewek nggak pernah membatasi sih, as long as I'm comfortable with her, I can be interested in her. Gitu kali ya?

kak kent, bahasa inggris aku jelek bgt. sekarang lagi ada tugas bhs inggris bikin pamflet. bantuin dong, bikin kalimat2 buat di pamfletnya, pamfletnya tentang apa ajaa. makasih kak kentt :333

Iya dengan senang hatiiii banget!
Bilang aja apa yang bisa gue bantu, bisa dikirim ke e-mail: LOKIRAGUEPRIMAGAMA@gmail.com
(Re-answering karena masih ada yang menganggap idontgiveaflyingfuck@gmail.com adalah e-mail beneran)

Hello, Kent! :D So if you have a spare time, there's this interesting video I found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHAuGA7gqFU and honestly, I was perplexed by the message that video's trying to convey. Mind giving me your opinion about the video?

Joice Tentry Wijaya
(warning: long answer ensues)
Hi, Joice!
Thanks for sharing this, that was definitely thought-provoking. The video is only seven minutes long. It's very well-made and worth your time.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHAuGA7gqFUnyankent’s Video 122291629704 EHAuGA7gqFUnyankent’s Video 122291629704 EHAuGA7gqFU
Untuk kalian yang mager ke Youtube buat nonton, gue rangkumin di sini aja.
Ceritanya adalah di dalam sebuah SD, guru sedang mengajarkan bahwa 2 + 2 = 5.
Pertamanya satu kelas setuju dan percaya bahwa 2 + 2 =5,
tapi nggak berapa lama kemudian, ada satu anak yang nyeletuk bahwa 2 + 2 itu harusnya 4, bukan 5.
Gurunya marahin anak tersebut, dan dia kembali duduk.
Terus ada satu anak lain lagi yang bilang bahwa 2 + 2 = 4.
Gurunya marah dan menyuruhnya untuk diam dan percaya saja bahwa 2 + 2 = 5.
Tapi anak tersebut membantah dan akhirnya dia disuruh maju ke depan menjumlahkan 2 + 2.
Setelah ragu sejenak, anak kecil tersebut tetap menjawab, "4."
Anak kecil tersebut ditembak mati, darahnya terpercik di papan tulis.
Gurunya menghapus tulisan "2 + 2 = 4" berdarah tersebut seolah tidak terjadi apa-apa dan kembali menuliskan "2 + 2 = 5," dan menyuruh murid-murid lainnya untuk mencatatnya.
Filem pendek tersebut diakhiri dengan seorang murid yang menulis "2 + 2 = 5" dalam buku catatannya sebelum akhirnya ia mencoret angka 5 dan menggantinya dengan angka 4 diam-diam.
Benernya banyak banget simbolisme dalam filem ini. Menurut gue, filem ini menggambarkan sistem edukasi Indonesia juga, tapi kayaknya nggak cukup kalo gue tulisin di sini.
Secara garis besar, filem pendek ini menceritakan tentang penyalahgunaan kekuasaan oleh otoritas agar kita berpikir sesuai kehendak mereka.
Penyebaran propaganda dan penggunaan kekerasan dilakukan agar mereka dapat mengontrol pemikiran kita.
Tapi every now and then selalu ada orang yang rela mati demi apa yang mereka percaya, demi ide mereka.
Sure, they might die and the world keeps revolving like nothing happens.
But, as portrayed by the last student secretly holding onto the truth, their idea lives on.

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nyankent’s Video 122291629704 EHAuGA7gqFUnyankent’s Video 122291629704 EHAuGA7gqFU

hy Kent, what will you do if you find out your gf is not virgin anymore? will you break up with her?

Guys who break up with a girl over her virginity are just jealous because they don't get as much action as she does.
Anyway, if I do get a girlfriend, I'm sure my feeling for her is far more important than the fact that she no longer has a membrane in her vagina.


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