
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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Halo, kak Kent! Aku dengar kakak kuliah matematika, ya? Aku juga sedang kuliah matematika, tapi baru semester tiga. Bagaimana kuliah matematika sejauh ini, kak?

I was scared; I kept being bombarded with, "Hah kuliah Matematika? Mau kerja apa kamu nanti?" I also couldn't help myself feeling jealous toward people who were taught readily-applicable skills in their major, such as designing or coding.

Me? I learned how to crunch numbers, how to integrate equations, and how to solve ordinary differential equations that would practically be useless the day I wore my graduation gown.

But after three years of professional experience, here is something I can tell you.
Mathematicians might not possess readily applicable skills like other people do, but we are problem solvers: we can break down complex problems into smaller components and delve deeper into them.
And that's where we win.
We are a telescope, not a microscope.

Honestly? I am still scared. My workplace is filled with geniuses. Our designer designs very well. Our programmers code amazingly complex programs. And then there's me: an impostor. I don't know what I can do; I just pretend.

I am still scared, yes. But I am less scared today than I were three years ago. And hopefully, I will be less scared tomorrow than I am today.

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I'm sort of giving up tryna ask you questions but here goes. Do you dream? Is there any particular dream that you remember? Have you ever written anything about them?

I do, every now and then.

I hardly remember any of them sih, but sometimes I dream about someone I used to hold very dearly and I woke up feeling like shit.

Have I ever written anything about my dream? This six-word story was inspired by a dream I had the night before.

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Hi, Kak Kent! What is consciousness? And, Does it transcend death?

Consciousness is memory.

Why are you not touching the steaming stove? Because you've touched it before and created a mental connection between a searing stove with heat: what you will do next greatly depends on your previous experience.

We can safely say that our memory resides in our brain. And thus, by extension, so does our consciousness.

Here is food for thoughts. What happens if you and I switch brain? Your consciousness would be inside my body, and mine, inside yours.

Which between us are you? And which am I? Then, what if someone comes and threaten to shoot one of us? Would you let yourself (you're in my body) get shot? Or would you tell the shooter to shoot me (inside your body)? What if this consciousness exchange happens for good? (Highly related: google "Ship of Theseus paradox.")

If you're like me (and probably lots of other people), you would let the other person get shot (although they're technically inside your body).

By this, we can infer that consciousness is what makes you, you.

Does it transcend after death? I highly doubt so. When you're dead, your brain no longer gets the necessary blood it needs to operate (duh), rendering thought process and memory-recalling highly improbable. I personally think life after death is just an incentive for humans to do good.

Woah niat juga gue jawabnya sepanjang ini.

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guruku pernah bilang "se-enggaknya rumus matematika ini masih berguna sampai kalian lulus. entah setelah lulus masih kamu pakai atau tidak." jadi aku tarik kesimpulan yg kita pelajari ini sia sia dong? bagaimana kalau menurutmu? terimakasih

Other subjects teach you the answer; mathematics teaches you how to get the answer.

Hi, I'm resigning from my current job and I'm thinking about giving a gift for my boss for being such a great mentor for me during my tenure. We have a pretty good relationship as well. What should I get for him?

You can never never never go wrong with a book, Dee.

The next question, then, is what kind of books does he like?
If he likes books and is aspiring to start his own business, I recommend getting him The Personal MBA.
Hands down the best and most simple business book I've ever read.

perusahaan apa kakk?saya tertarik niih

Sorry I forgot to mention the company name. It's qerja.com; di qerja.com, kamu bisa "ngintip" gaji orang-orang lain. Pingin tau gaji pacar kamu? Gaji bos kamu? Bisa. Mampir aja ke qerja.com.

We're a relatively new startup in Indonesia. In just under eight months, we managed to secure a funding which put us at an eight-digit valuation (in USD, obviously).

This should be an exciting job opportunity for you people. Do send me your CV if you're interested!



Btw, mau nitip ngiklan ya.
Perusahaan gue lagi nyari content writer.
Persyaratannya cuma tiga:
1. Bisa mencari/generate content yang berhubungan dengan karir,
2. Bisa menulis menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar,
3. Bisa menulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar,

Udah. Itu aja.
If you're interested or if you think you're up to it, please send your CV to my e-mail: kent.sutjipto@gmail.com.

Kalo kepikiran teman yang bisa menulis dengan baik dan benar, please refer this position to them ya.
Thank you!


Language: English