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50 posts


Do you agree or disagree with zoo's putting animals on display?

ItsTiffyTime’s Profile PhotoGeorgie
Disagree 100% if the animals are there because of life long injuries why would they be displayed? Elderly people aren't displayed. Also if they need the money to care for animals why are entering fees sometimes so little? Nothing about that seems right in my opinion
Liked by: T Hannah Georgie

Do you think children should wear modest clothes to school if there is no dress code? By modest, I don't mean raggedy clothes. I mean clothes that aren't overly fancy, like designer, so they don't make less privileged children feel bad about themselves because their parents can't afford such tings.

Kids nowhere go into school with designers stuff..but yeah kids bully kids for wearing none brand clothes as their parents can't afford them sad really kids think they better then kids with none brand clothes..the parents ain't teaching them value of money and people have different backgrounds ..as some kids in poor countries don't even have clothes so they lucky to have some on their back designer or not..you think you are worst of look at bigger picture some are spoilt brats don't get Me wrong hate that

Would it make you a monster if you didn't want to spend loads of money on your pets' health?

Depends what your version of not a lot was. If it was basic vet care & treatment then you shouldn’t have a pet if you can’t afford it. If it’s surgery/risky/they might not make it anyway then I think that’s case by case and whatever’s best for you and the animals welfare. I’ve spent thousands on my animals, I’ll go without for them. If your pet is in pain and you refuse to treat but leave them in pain for your own benefit then yes, maybe you are a monster. 🤷🏻‍♀️

All those drugs must be going to her head cuz nobody has talked about her in a long time

She says no one would care about me as if that's some big sad moment for me lmfao I've never cared about being popular on this app and I never cared if people on here like me, unlike her I didn't shake my ass and post half naked with my tits hanging out and promote my lame snap where she probably.scams people for money because I needed so desperately to he liked. She literally lives off a bunch of anons on this app liking her meanwhile half of them are probably 16. But, whatever makes her feel good about herself.
All those drugs must be going to her head cuz nobody has talked about her in a

Według Ciebie lepiej kupić samochód od osoby prywatnej, z komisu czy od dilera? Uzasadnij 😉❤️♀️

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
In your opinion, is it better to buy a car from a private person, from a commission shop or from a dealer? Justify
It is better to buy a car from a private person, preferably from a person you know and know how it was used. If the car has been used on a regular basis and still has a long period of valid technical inspection, such a car will last a long time and there will be no need to invest in repairs, and you will only spend money on purchasing fuel for the car and on necessary payments, for example car insurance against accidents
Lepiej kupić samochód od osoby prywatnej, a najlepiej od osoby, którą znasz i wiesz w jaki sposób był użytkowany. Jeżeli samochód był użytkowany na bieżąco i ma jeszcze dosyć długi czas ważnego przeglądu technicznego, to taki samochód posłuży latami i nie będzie potrzeba inwestować w naprawy. Jedynie wydasz pieniądze na zakup paliwa do samochodu oraz na niezbędne opłaty, na przykład ubezpieczenie samochodu od nieszczęśliwych wypadków

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Według Ciebie lepiej kupić samochód od osoby prywatnej z komisu czy od dilera

Are physical pains in the body without a clear reason inevitable?! And does having no financial issues mean that everything is still okay?!

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
I think physical pains increase with aging. That is very much inevitable no matter how much money or care. Though you can definitely ease any burden with enough resources. Even if only slightly. If you meant chronic illnesses that's probably also inevitable. There are always ways to improve our outlook if not our lives. That can make all the difference

Have you considered?

I colored this! And made a little money that's what I've been doing for two days laying in this bed using the Frisbee app playing games and I cashed out a $10 gift card Walmart that's available in my email 2 to 3 days and I know this app actually pays and this was one of the games a coloring one I'm trying to make money f****** hungry and I want to go home and I'm tired of this s*** man have a considered what going home I don't really have a home now I actually have nowhere now I've considered a lot of things maybe you could be more specific .
Have you considered

Jaka według Ciebie jest różnica między robotą a pracą?

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
What do you think is the difference between a job and a job?
There is no difference in English. In Polish it is the same, but written differently. It is generally accepted in Poland that hard work is paid less and more money is paid for the work
W języku angielskim różnicy nie ma. W języku polskim to jest to samo, tylko inaczej się pisze. Przyjęło się w Polsce, że ciężka robota jest mniej opłacana, a za pracę otrzymuje się więcej pieniędzy

🔹عبر عما يدور بداخلك بكلمات ..✨💙

NinjaStoRm’s Profile Photo「بِـہـقـہلہـبـہـي رسہمہتہگ♥ 』
بعد إذن الفاشون
بس كفاية ياريت بهدلة في الشباب ، يعني oversize و cutten jeans وتصريحات غريبة في الشعر
مبقاش في أي اعتبار ل old money style والقمصان والتشيرت البولو لا بنطلونات كلاسيك أو كتان مثلا 🔥
يعني البهدلة في لبس الشباب والذ ق المنيل ده آخرته ايه غير مرحلة اعدادي ، وصلنا ثانوي نبدأ نتعدل ونتهيأ المسؤلية 🔪🔪

Have you ever wonder how in the world you are single?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
Sometimes. Men are intimidated by me . They just want to use me for s*x or money. Don't want to fully commit. Wrong timing but right person
Hell, I was looking for a date last night for today and came across some people I didn't want. One seemed familiar only to realize we had a one night stand before. He creeped me out when he called me princess and came...

What do you think the meaning of life is?

Different for everyone.
I've had a hard life (rvpe, drugs, alcohol, bad marriages that ended in divorce) so God gave me money to help others out including charities. Live in luxury if I chose to. Have a bunch of houses and cars.
Entrepreneur and many other jobs. I stayed in school.
I have a large family. Hate the Cambridge curse , however, love the family I made.

"Looks don't matter, it's what you do that counts." --_--Remember, cute and cuddly, boys. Cute and cuddly.

i’m start from far away:
in our time love not everything.
( i’m talking about the love that is between man and woman )
a person girl or guy …
is enveloping… and enjoying himself…
he/she spends an interesting time… works… crests something
and he/ she comfortable with him/herself…
this is a fact…
not exist anymore
you must … date
be in relationships and and and
maybe there are still places where is cotton wool in the head
and the other mindset is old…
but mostly it’s like this
when it’s time for love …and
when you in love …
love is everything… !!!!
and it’s about beautiful actions !
it’s about beautiful spend time together… enjoying the life together
and… and …and…!and
everyone different have own visions of love and
i feel and think only like this…!
and your timing… it’s so
i don’t like … and don’t agree…
it’s sounds like a reproach…
i don’t like reproaches
but all women is different…
and you are like that…
everyone has their own vision…
and i wish
you found not handsome but your type man…who will make everything how you want…!
and i think
that beautiful men must be with beautiful girls! only!
but it’s my vision … everyone is different !
because from your question
i see you probably not beautiful …
when person really beautiful.
from birth
im not about that beauty which money give… or … or… or…
beauty from birth plus money it’s absolutely beauty!
it’s another
and i’m from birth so beautiful..
and for me important beauty and i
i want everything!
for me man must be absolutely handsome… tall …beautiful body …and and …and
inside and out…
you right in one moment … anon…about actions…
and i always “looks “ what man do
what he do about me…
because language of men is actions.!
doesn’t mean he is celebrity
all about actions only…!
and in me … thoughts …
without actions it’s about what…?!
it’s how …?!
you used to me writing i feel everything
and it will be so so so
yes i feel… but it’s doesn’t mean… that …
it’s even about more actions…
o, you feel Ines
i will do it with you
even more beautiful that you feel
and from man which i love and want…actions
it’s not for all.!i’ve never even thought otherwise
handsome … rich …golden childs sometimes famous
usually attacked me with such beautiful actions …it was me ….who blocked them…
who knows me know…!
and right now i answer on your message and think … hmm…
why i should write about..?!
what man must …want …do he do …and will…
without any words
need only my permission
in form …that i want it…
he must feel … ask… write … do
no one will not remember you because
you was thinking …
bla… bla… bla…
always need “to do” ask’ talk’
but look absolutely important too… for me.
and everything should happen
not only in mind heart or in body
everything must happen
in life.
i not created for
my man show himself with another woman
but inside everyone understand
he loves only me his Ines!
i was made … born for
my man must show me to the world with him!
only for that!

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Have you ever had a lot of money? What did you spend them on?

I am about to get a “huge” heritage of 5 million euros from a dying lady in Nigeria. It has been a bumpy road, but I can almost taste them now. So close.
First, I had to pay my lawyer for his trip here. Unfortunately, the authorities arrested him at the airport for attempting to launder money, so I had to bribe them.
After that, when he got out of prison, he got kidnapped. So I had to save his ass once again. Poor guy. Lawyer Saul Goodman, the guy from “Breaking Bad,” for god’s sake. I love that series.
But those kidnappers were the nicest people you could find. They told me I could keep the bag with the 5 million euros if I only paid them a few thousand euros for a new AC. Their hostages had been complaining about the dry air there. The bargain of my fucking life. They told me they knew how it was to live without money. You know you are poor when people in fucking Africa want to give you money. A big fucking shout-out to them. If you want to be kidnapped, contact those guys.
Anyway. When they released Mr. Goodman, he had to go to the hospital after suffering from a heart attack. Yeah, I cried too. I asked his doctor if there was anything I could do, and he told me that there was, actually.
They had to bring in an experienced cardiologist from abroad, so it cost extra to get him there. Otherwise, there was an 80% chance that Mr. Goodman could die.
Well, so I paid for his salary and flight. And since he hated to fly, I paid extra for a first-class ticket. It was a serious surgery, so the doctor couldn’t stress enough how important it was that this guy felt relaxed. Luckily, this doctor knew of a magnificent hotel. Like the doctor asked me:
“What is money compared to the inner peace of saving someone’s life?”
Shout out to Dr. Frankenstein's monster as well. I’m sorry. Dr. Frankenstein's cousin. I thought he said, “Dr. Frankenstein,” but only an idiot would have believed that. Didn’t Dracula kill him a long time ago? No offence to stupid people, but I feel sorry for you.
Now, he is on vacation—it’s a doctor’s order. I have paid for a few relaxing weeks on the Samoan Islands, and whenever he feels cured, he will deliver my money.
All this cost me a shitload of money, so I had to sell my house. But since I don’t own a house, I sold my friends' house. Oh, boy, they will be in for a surprise when they return from vacation. They think I’m watering their flowers. I did. Until I sent them to the hospital in Nigeria with a “get well soon” card for Mr. Goodman. There is no need to panic. I will repurchase it when he arrives here with my money.
Before publishing this, I got a message from Mr. Goodman: Unfortunately, he and his luggage went on different flights.
But coincidentally, he lives at the same hotel as Ace Ventura’s older brother, Big Case Ventura, and his nephew,Trace Ventura. I must leave because I need to pay for their flight to Paris.
Thankfully, I will get all the money back again when they sue the airport.

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Have you ever had a lot of money What did you spend them on

you've busy life, you spend much time with editing your pics

Learn how to form a proper sentence before you come at me. Also, it takes 2 seconds to add colour to a photo it takes vacation time, free time, money and energy to fly to Portugal and when you have a full time job and now a baby, it's not easy to just hop on a plane lmfao gtfo.

Okay, If a witch transformed me into a 1000$ pair of shoes and delivered me to your doorstep, would you spend all your time and money to turn me back into a human, what Would you do? 😆..

Expensive shoes ain't my cup of tea sorry. You wouldn’t be coming back. Rest assured tho ur sacrifice would mean new shoes for the homeless so you wouldn't have di.ed in vain. Just think of all the dirty and smelly feet being shoved into u, day and night until you were worn out and thrown away. That’s a far better use of ur carcass than ur current hobby of thinking up stu.pid shitposts here 😁

Share a poignant movie dialogue, and how did it impact you in the first place?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
“I was good, I was really good!”
When Neil Perry cried out these words in Dead Poets Society, the lump jumped to my throat, threatening to spill from my eyes. I find it unbelievably cruel when parents don't let their kids do what makes them shriek in excitement. Especially, when they can financially afford to. Like, how could you? Isn't the point of having money and goods to immediately think of your loved ones and what makes them happy? This world is insufferable enough, we do not need to have harsh homes.

﹅⠀ʟᴠᴄɪꜰ⠀︰⠀♡﹒❛ ʰ ᵒᶰ ᵉ ˢ ᵗ ˡ ʸ⠀ˢ ᵘ ᵐ ᵐ ᵉ ʳ ☀️ ‣Jaką postacią z filmu Mamma Mia mogłaby być Lottie?

REVERIE__ARCANE’s Profile Photo♡﹒lvcif
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀♡⠀DONNA. Lottie łączy z nią naprawdę wiele, tym bardziej że Marsjanek też będzie miał kilku ojców. (TO TYLKO SPEKULACJE) Oby tylko nie skończyło się to tym, że ktoś straci zęba lub oko. Love jest też zapracowana i również potrzebuję wielkiej fortuny w końcu; Money, money, money. Must be funny in a rich man's world.
ʟᴠᴄɪꜰ ʰ ᵒᶰ ᵉ ˢ ᵗ ˡ ʸˢ ᵘ ᵐ ᵐ ᵉ ʳ  Jaką postacią z filmu Mamma Mia mogłaby być

What kind of gifts do you like to get for your birthday? Do you prefer store-bought, unique things found on random websites, or handmade presents?

Emmagine_This’s Profile PhotoEmmagine_This
I don't really want people to spend their money on me and buy me gifts tbh, I prefer they come to see me or just send me a card or a message online just to say "Many happy returns" ✌️
But handmade gifts I do think very highly of, regardless 🤩
What kind of gifts do you like to get for your birthday Do you prefer

everyone genuinely likes you so much. Do anybody know what this mean?

You possess something which they desire. It could be solace, wisdom, friendship, love, excitement, money, punishment, gratification or perhaps, something which you aren't aware of. Eventually, they will tell you. Directly or indirectly. Assume nothing and remain skeptical until you are certain. Nothing clarifies with greater precision than time. Observe. Absorb.
everyone genuinely likes you so much Do anybody know what this mean

Where can we send money for the Palestinians, kindly share bank account numbers plz

Greetings and assalamualaikum bros and sis , I'll share bank account numbers where you can send money alongwith the WhatsApp number where after sending the amount you can specify your category as in sadqa , zakat and kherat on that WhatsApp number to them, no need to text them again and again as they are busy doing the same for many people , InshaAllah in a week they'll send you a specified receipt of your amount, there are two organizations mentioned in the pic below , you can send to either of them , WhatsApp number for receipt is only available for Darul uloom Karachi, plz bros and sis , help them , they are starving now
Where can we send money for the Palestinians kindly share bank account numbers

Do you personally find it wrong that someone in their late 20s has never had a job, not due to health issues, but simply because they come from a well off family of generational wealth and don't need to?

I don’t find it wrong but I do think that it’s good to work and make your own money (if you can) to understand what it’s like to earn money and in the process, understand its worth. A person who hasn’t worked would most likely not know money’s worth because they never had to work for it and who knows, they may want to work later on to feel more productive and independent.

I still can't get over Richard telling you he wants kids right now as he's sitting in a little room in his mom's apartment, birds making noise, and hasn't had a reliable car in years. I'd ask what he's smoking, but we already know. How does he expect to be taken seriously? Dude is on another planet.

I told him obviously I can’t right now because I need to get into my career to start making money lol

Why do men have this weird irrational fear that women are going to use them for money they don't even have??

Because women do use men for money? But the thing is, that men also use women for money. Love is a ruse 😂

what insecurity holds you back the most?

Not enough money!😬 These cruise ships which are visiting my town every summer are full of people in age 60 - 80 who fulfill their travel dreams. (btw @SimonHess all 3 were from CH! 😁) Me in their age will be "happy" to spend all my saved noney for everyday rent and meal! 🤷‍♀️😅
what insecurity holds you back the most

What’s the best investment you’ve ever made in your life?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
When I was younger, I collected the money that my parents would give me every once in a while or the money I’d get on holidays to get myself an iPod. I thought I had more than enough money in my piggy bank but my mom said she had to add on to it at the store because apparently, I didn’t have enough. I haven’t invested in anything else after that (as far as I recall).

(It may be strange.. but asking for a friend🌚) Would you back your friend if he committed a heinous crime, or would u hand him/her a shovel and say "Good luck"?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
Once one of my employee told me that she is pregnant without a wedlock for the second time with her bf. And asked me to sign the dnc papers. I told her that firstly it is a big sin, secondly you should be wise enough to use protection. Nd thirdly i can only help u with money and the time off.
Later that same girl launched an FIR on another person not the one she became pregnant with and accused him of rape.
She dragged me into all this by stating it all happened in my office. Lawyers later told me that if u signed those papers to u are either in jail for 25 yrs or u have to give her alot of money to get out of it. I know Allah saved me. So i advice everyone to stay away from anything which can later cause legal issues.

What wouldn't you do for money?

I wouldn’t cross my boundaries for money.
This means I wouldn’t sell my body, only if it was for clothed/modest pictures. It also means I won’t cheat on my partner, nor would do anything that could look like it. I won’t sell my personal information and I wouldn’t put myself or anyone else, including animals, in danger for money.

How do you define success? Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you use that definition towards society?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
According to me, real success is something else .... I had a close friend from school who's father passed away young 🌱 but at his funeral I saw a huge crowd of people to pay their las rites to the man ! So huge in number that the highway had traffic as there was no place to stand from inside till the highway 🛣️! I think that's a real success it's not money... It's not someone that can be expressed but how we treat people.. what impression or Mark we leave on them .. what aura do we have that even a person who met us only for 5 mins remembers us and takes efforts to come at our funeral to remember that 5 min conversation 🤷🏻✌🏻 that's success the mark you leave on people the memories you leave ✨ ... Because your hopes and dreams they die with you ✌🏻
How do you define success Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you

السلام عليكم، حد عنده فكرة ازاى لو شحنت رصيد مبلغ معين واتجددلى باقة أنا أصلا مشتركتش فيها نهائى ومعرفش ازاي اتجددت، ينفع ألغيها وأسترجع الرصيد؟ وازاي؟ أورنچ

الشركة الوحيدة ال عندها ميزة استرجاع الرصيد ، هى شركة فودافون عن طريق التطبيق خدمه اسمه money back 🔙... لكن أي شركة تانيه عند طريق خدمة العملاء و على سبيل الإستثناء و بنسبة كبيرة ك شركة orange متحاوليش..

What is the most valuable freedom you possess?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I was never free and even I had never my own room to enjoy my own privacy! 😅 From beginning our life we are managed by parents, school, society law and customs, obligations towards partner and family. 🤷‍♀️ Maybe when I will be old widow with cat and government will pay retire money to me, I will feel to be free... 😂😂😂🤦‍♀️
What is the most valuable freedom you possess

Language: English