
350 people

50 posts


What’s something interesting you’ve learned of/about recently? 💁

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Lately, I have been reading a lot about wine-making, and the process of making your own wine from home. My fiancé and I often like to go berry-picking during the summer months and we decided that this year, rather than using those berries to make jam or putting them in cakes, we'd try our hand at making strawberry wine!
I'm quite excited, though also a tiny bit nervous. Even though I've done my research, it's a tad nerve wracking doing something new for the first time.
I'll keep you all posted and let you know how it goes! 😊🍷

Do you prefer sunshine or moonlight?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I like the sunshine. Being an August baby, the warmer, sunnier months of the year have always carried with them a lot of positive feelings-- excitement, nostalgia, hopefulness, etc.
But, I adore the moon. When I was a very small child I used to believe the moon was actually alive and I'd sit up by my window at night and watch it so that "it wouldn't feel lonely up there". Of course, now that I'm grown I know better, but I don't think my fascination with the moon ever truly left me. I still like to watch it. I still like to admire its' many shapes and colours.
There was a strawberry moon last night and I got the pleasure of being able to observe it from the passenger seat window of my fiance's car as we were driving back home from the cinema, after midnight. I first caught a glimpse of it behind some trees and it was so large and bright, my first thought was that it was the sign for a petrol station or roadside restaurant or something.
Once the trees cleared and I got a better look at it and I realised that it was the moon, I felt this childlike rush of excitement wash over me. I was so stoked to see such a beautiful moon!

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Do you prefer sunshine or moonlight

Do you have a favourite alcoholic (or non-alcoholic) cocktail? 🍹

amycheetham09’s Profile PhotoAmy Rose
I don't really drink cocktails. If I do I normally choose something long and fruity. The last cocktail I had was a Strawberry Daiquiri, which I had in Cape Town at a pool-side bar with a view of Table Mountain.
Do you have a favourite alcoholic or nonalcoholic cocktail
Liked by: Livi; Amy Rose Jo

دعواتكم لأسيل ربنا يردلها بصرها ويتتم شفائها ع خير ❤️

MhRaN74’s Profile PhotoA 7 M E D || مهـــــــــران
I wish all the good to all good people 👍💟 Now I should pray for my strawberry plant because my mother in law started to water them except me without telling me and they started to decay 😬 I had to put there warnings 'don't water'! 😂😂
دعواتكم لأسيل ربنا يردلها بصرها ويتتم شفائها ع خير

Have you ever had any sport supplements like protein powder? If yes, what’s your favourite flavour? If no: what is your favourite milkshake or smoothie flavour? 🥤

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (only English and Dutch)
I've never taken a sports supplement, but I like milkshakes and smoothies in different flavors, including strawberry.
I like my natural body! I think it's more beautiful that way, for me.

What kind of cake do you like most? 🍰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm partial to any cake that has fruit in it, except for fruitcake, because fruitcake is ✨ gross ✨. But lemon drizzle? Black forest gâteau? A classic victoria sponge with some fresh strawberry jam? All amazing, all delicious.

1. Ты делаешь закупы еды на недели вперёд или покупаешь всё по необходимости? 2. Твои любимые напитки zero sugar? 3. Любишь чуррос? 4. Куда ты обычно добавляешь лимонный сок? 5. Забегаловка или дорогой ресторан? 6. Какой любимый торт?

1. Покупаю всё по необходимости, иногда на следующие несколько дней, в которые не планирую выходить из дома
2. Кроме аналогов обычных напитков, Burn со вкусом арбуза, Dr Pepper крем-сода, Monster Ultra Strawberry Dreams
3. Да, особенно с шоколадным соусом🤎
4. Чай, салаты, соусы, маринады, алкогольные коктейли, лимонады, при приготовлении тортов или пирожных
5. Забегаловка)
6. Наполеон, Павлова, Алабама Лейн с бурбоном и фруктово-ореховой начинкой, тирамису, морковный торт с маскарпоне

Как сделать парню приятное? Без пошлятины плиз 😁

Welcome to my world
Ну... Если без пошлятины)
Можно купить ему (парню) какой-то сюрприз. Опять же, смотря что он любит (чем занимается, хобби). Если он геймер, то можно купить какой-то джойстик 🕹️🎮 или какую-то видеоигру. Или сходить с ним в кино, или просто заинтересовать чем-то. Опять же все зависит от того, чем этот парень увлекается. Выяснили увлечения, можно приступать к поиску подарка.
(Трек по настроению: Arab Strap- Strawberry Moon)
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 29/04/24
Time: 21:37
Как сделать парню приятное Без пошлятины плиз

Good afternoon how are you doing?

Milky8889’s Profile PhotoyEET
I’m doing alright :) I went outside this morning to get myself a poke bowl with my mom (she didn’t get one for herself because she can’t fathom the idea of why someone would want to eat raw fish to begin with) and then got myself strawberry boba tea which costed a little more than usual together but it’s ok to do every once in a while. How are you doing?
Liked by: Smile Georgina Umair !

Do you have a picture when did you dye your hair first time?

Haha yes! It was in 2011, so I was 14 years old, not 11 years old.
It’s funny, because the way I dyed my hair in 2011, is what my natural hair colour is now and I’m trying to dye it lighter again 😂
The shade was darker sometimes, depending on the light. It was like a strawberry blonde colour.
Do you have a picture when did you dye your hair first time

Aren't you tired of those chronically online debate lords that want to turn everything into a debate? It could be anything you say. You could say strawberry icecream is delicious and they'd start mansplaining icecream flavours to you and why chocolate icecream is better. GO TOUCH GRASS, CHAD

Omg yes, had a "friend" who was like that, got sick of it because you literally couldn't say anything without him "playing devil's advocate" and being a massive douche

What all did you eat yesterday then? Can you list it all please? Just to see an example of how much that is, in a specific case

Breakfast : honey wheat toast with Eggs Benedict
Brunch : Swedish Cardamom rolls with chai
Lunch : Italian salad with basil purée and chai
Dinner : chicken korma with naan // side dishes
Snackies : chips, strawberry milkshake

Aik baat puchu? Why can’t you all just ban and not go to McDonalds? Itni kya sakhti hai McDonalds ko defend krnay ki? Apart from all controversy linked to it, its shitty and ridiculously overpriced. Ainwee fuzool mai hero na bna kro

syedarslan512’s Profile PhotoMuhammad Arslan
Yaar abhi jo shake mjhy march my 800 ka mila tha, wo aaj meny 300 ka mangwaya hy.
200 ki strawberry sundae.

what cocktail flavor do you choose? ♡ ► cream ► chocolate or ► strawberry

iceixequeen’s Profile Photo╰─ ❃ ICE QUEEN
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ( ⠀✿ ⠀)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀► cream ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☐
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀► chocolate or⠀⠀⠀⠀ ☐
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀► strawberry⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✓
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀
what cocktail flavor do you choose  
 chocolate or

what cocktail flavor do you choose? ♡ ► cream ► chocolate or ► strawberry

iceixequeen’s Profile Photo╰─ ❃ ICE QUEEN

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀╭────────⠀⠀ ∙⠀⠀⠀∙⠀⠀⠀∙ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I'ᴠᴇ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ɢᴏᴛ ⠀⠀feathers
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ɪɴ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴍʏ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀hair
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ∙⠀⠀⠀∙⠀⠀⠀∙
what cocktail flavor do you choose  
 chocolate or

°°¦| STRAWBERRY ¦|°°

#مستشفى الشفاء
بعد ١٢ ساعة من أكاذيبهم المتواصلة عن أنهم لقوا أسلحة وانها مركز لحماس واعتقال للناس اللي اساسا ميته و يشيلوا المرضى ويخرجوهم بره العمليات و و يقلعوا الناس عرايا و يحطوا روايات كاذبة و تضليل لكل الشعوب عااار علينا عارر علينا كلنا أن المجرمين دول اللي عقلهم اد الفسفس يحتلونا حثاله لا انسانيين ويقتحموا عروبتنا
متى نستنفر ولا نستنكر و ندين فقط ؟ متى؟؟

What’s your favourite childhood school meal

Our school food was not very different from the food that was cooked under the USSR.The most delicious thing was a fried cutlet with boiled rice and gravy,and a beetroot salad.It was divine.
And the most delicious thing was when they served lentils with fried fish and cabbage salad.
The dessert was especially delicious-a glass of milk with a cookie or a glass of strawberry or raspberry jelly.I also simply adored when they gave me cocoa with milk, semolina porridge and bread and butter.
And the most delicious thing is buckwheat with milk,and a soft-boiled egg on top.This is delicious.

1.Любишь детей? Сколько хочешь? 2.Есть ли у тебя питомцы? Кто, как их зовут? 3.Можно ли тебя разговорить с помощью алкоголя? 4.Какие у тебя любимые цветы? 5.Любимый энергетик? 6.Какие на₽🐈и ты пробовал(-а)?

1. Нейтрально отношусь. В ближайшее время я точно не готова к детям, но в будущем, возможно, хотела бы одного
2. Пес Бисквит
3. Думаю, это зависит от компании, в которой я нахожусь
4. Кустовые розы, лилии, вереск
5. Monster (Ultra Strawberry Dreams, Reserve White Pineapple)
6. Никакие не пробовала

Jaki napój alkoholowy najlepiej opisuje Twoją osobowość i dlaczego?😏🤣

Murzyniopl’s Profile Photobiseks
Najbardziej pasuje do mnie owocowe piwo Garage Strawberry Margarita, ponieważ jest to trunek inspirowany koktajlem alk*holowym o nazwie Margarita (moje polskie imię po hiszpańsku też tak brzmi jak ten drink).
Ten napój alkoholowy zawiera aromat truskawek, który dodaje mu słodyczy i orzeźwienia, co podkreśla moją młodą aparycję.
Smak i kolor tego trunku pasuje do mojej osobowości, ponieważ jestem osobą pełną życia i radosną.
P.S. Na I roku mój profesor określił mnie w taki sposób przy wszystkich studentach w trakcie zajęć: "Kolorowa i pozytywna osobowość, którą musiał namalować jakiś artysta". 💚
Jaki napój alkoholowy najlepiej opisuje Twoją osobowość i dlaczego

Have you ever made jam at home? It is strawberry season and since they're my fav I want to make the most of it by preparing different things with them. I'd love some homemade strawberry jam🍓

I think I made some when I was little!
I feel like I made some when visiting my great aunt and great uncle's home! We made plum jam, just they had plums growing in their orchard :)
But I don't remember making any since then. So it has been quite a long time! I rarely eat jam, so I haven't really had the inkling to want to make any jam since haha
Have you ever made jam at home It is strawberry season and since theyre my fav I

Do you prefer to eat savoury food? 🥩 Or sweet food? 🍰 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Dear Tommy, I love desserts like ice cream and cakes. I especially like to eat strawberry cake.
Lieber Tommy, ich liebe Süßspeisen wie Eis und Torten. Besonders gerne esse ich Erdbeertorte. Lakritzeis esse ich zurzeit jede Woche, denn im Winter ist es nicht ausverkauft.

Do you make jam? What’s your fav?

I haven't made jam since I was a child! I think that was with my great aunt and uncle :)
They had an orchard, as well as a fruit and vegetable patch! So we made strawberry jam, and plum jam! The smell in their kitchen was amazing xD
My favourite jams are either strawberry or raspberry :3
Do you make jam Whats your fav
Liked by: Matilda. Trin.

Eww, I hate it. I am team strawberry and vanilla

SamEvansGlee’s Profile PhotoSam Evans
Dang well to each ur own right I mean I’d understand if a good majority of ppl hated chocolate ice cream too, but I mean it ain’t that bad. As much as I may like or tolerate chocolate ice cream it’s not one of my favorite flavors.
Liked by: jason Sam Evans

Mir ist langweilig, tipps gegen Langeweile?

Learn a foreign language. Mix it up a little, it can become Denglish, maybe you can think to yourself: Wow, love is Liebe, Strawberry is Strohbeere, Ruffy is Luffy. What an amazing Tag, um die Synapsen ein bisschen anzufiren. Mazel tov! Habe kürzlich gelernt, das wird mesaltof oder so ähnlich ausgesprochen. Maseltow geht auch von der Aussprache, ist aber badly pronounced. Tahini ist tchina. Das ch wie im Rachhhhhen ganz tief fauchen lassen. Sooo ist's recht. Salud und so, ne, bonjour au revoir dzień dobre ( I wished you several good days in a row thank me later)

ugh im already craving for sth nice as donuts or brownies Y U HAVE TO BRING THIS RN 😭😭 yk all i could get rn is bread and jam aur jam b strawberry, not a strawberry fan, i mean is ok as a froot but not a good flavour idk if this makes any sense to u

what no ;( strowberis are <3333 as a fruit, jam, jelly, icecream, cake, custard, donut and everything u can think of!!!

If you could have your dream three course meal, what'd it consist of? 🤤

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Today we had dinner in restaurant and I can say that these 3 meals would be good for me 👇😋:
1. Grilled chicken breast with grilled vegetable
2. Nocks with sheep cheese and roasted bacon (our national meal❤️🇸🇰)
3. Dough balls with strawberry inside 👌 😁
If you could have your dream three course meal whatd it consist of

Guten Abend Strawberry Sun, hast du Lust, mir etwas über Evelyn Magnolia Van Doren zu erzählen, die du für die fantastische Idee von storybrooke (ff.de) namens hearts of snow erstellt hast? Ich bin soeben mit meiner Teagan Bates fertig geworden und habe endlich die Zeit, meiner Neugierde nachzugeben

pawfoot’s Profile Photopfote
Aber liebend gerne! Ich gebe die Frage auch gerne an dich zurück 🤍 Kommen wir zu Evelyn's 5 Facts:
1. Evelyn ist seit knapp 16 Monaten mit ihrem Ehemann, Vincent Theodore Van Doren (geb. Beauregard) verheiratet, der ein renommierter Züchter von Abraxaner ist und während des trimagischen Turniers für die Versorgung der Beauxbatons Pferde zuständig ist.
2. Da Evelyn sehr anfällig für Sonnenbrand ist und die ganzen Muggelmarken grässlich findet, ist sie seit einiger Zeit damit beschäftigt eine eigene Sonnencreme herzustellen. Dafür ist sie in einem regelmäßigen Austausch mit Scarlett.
3. Nach Ende ihrer Schulzeit hat Evelyn ausschließlich in den USA gelebt: Die ersten Jahre hat sie in NYC verbracht, doch inzwischen arbeitet sie als Künstlerin in Chicago und hat sich sehr eingelebt. So liebt sie amerikanische Burger über alles und ist ein großer Fan von Chicago geworden.
4. Evelyn hat einen eigenen Kunststil entwickelt, der hauptsächlich von Magie gezeichnet ist. In ihre realistischen Gemälde fügt sie immer die "unsichtbaren" Dinge magisch hinzu. So sind es die feinen, silbernen Figuren, die in den Wolkenkratzern herumwuseln oder auf den langen Straßen Chicagos entlangschlendern und miteinander agieren, die ihre Kunst zu etwas ganz Besonderem machen.
5. Da ihre Eltern keinen Wert daraufgelegt haben, dass sich Evelyn auch außerhalb der magischen Welt auskennt, gehört sie zu denjenigen Zauberern, die nicht in der Lage sind mit nicht-magischen Dingen umzugehen. Daher kennt sie kaum irgendwelche Muggel-Gegenstände und kann eigentlich nie Lösungen zu Problemen ohne Magie finden.

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Apa yang harus aku sarankan pada sepupu yang punya anak remaja, sebentar-sebentar mengatakan butuh healing, mental health terganggu, dan mengatai sepupu aku sebagai "Mama Toxic"? Apakah sepupu ku salah didik anak?

Professor Reinald Kasali menulis buku yang berjudul "Strawberry Generation". Generasi sekarang memang lebih manja, mungkin ini berkaitan dengan berkembangnya teknologi dan mudahnya akses.
Aku gak bilang kalau anak sepupu kamu manja, karena kita gak pernah benar-benar tahu apa yang terjadi dalam sebuah rumah.
Sebaiknya kalau anak sepupu kamu merasa orang tuanya toxic, ada baiknya dibawa ke konselor atau psikolog. Mungkin disana bisa diperiksa psikologisnya dan dilakukan terapi keluarga.

Language: English