

Ask @antidem

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Do you ever watch John Oliver?

Sorry, I've got no time for cunty English weens who run TV shows dedicated to A-Logging anyone who disagrees with their politics.

Maybe I'm wrong, but could it be that many of those who complained about McCarthyism and the Red Scare back in the day did so because they themselves were Communist sympathisers? Or were things genuinely that awful?

McCarthy was an insane tyrannical bigot for going after hardcore leftists in the media; I know this because hardcore leftists in the media told me so.

Re: "Progress". Some would accuse you of harboring a non-European-like sentiment. Progress, reaching new heights and transcending our limits, are those aspects of the West that make it "Western". Conservatism is unnatural for a European. You want Whites to rebel against their very nature?

What's your angle, buddy?

Where does the "incremental suppression" meme come from?

The first time I ever heard it was on this week's Shoah, to be honest.

"Progress" is rooted in the Faustian Western spirit. Without material, and more so spiritual, "Progress" - the West is without uniqueness. It then follows that "Progress" shouldn't be resisted, by channeled to a pro-civilizational, stable dynamic. Do you share this view?

In both governance and engineering, changing something that works fine just for the sake of changing it is dangerous and insane. "Progress" - toward what? Does anybody know? Or have we just closed our eyes, stomped on the gas, and trusted that we won't end up wrapped around a tree because things like that just don't happen to nice guys like us? How is that wise? We've had almost 250 years worth of "progress" in governance, and anyone with a brain in their head would take every bit of it back if they could. Similarly, in engineering, the ceaseless desire for "progress" ends up in products like Windows 8 - a solution that nobody wanted to a problem that nobody had.
Saying that we should, as a civilization, do dangerous and insane things because doing them is what gives us meaning is an argument that will go nowhere with me. If you need to do dangerous and insane things in order to give your life meaning, take up bungee jumping. But leave my civilization alone.

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Liked by: Ian

Do you support #KillAllTrannies?

In all seriousness, I have no inherent hatred within me for those of what Fred Reed called "baroque sexualities". In sane times I would rather pity them and believe that they needed to repent, but would otherwise simply let them be. Sane times meaning, roughly, times in which they were not being used as a battering ram with which to destroy the faith, culture, and traditions I love and which are the bedrock of my civilization. Those who wish to tear down civilization are, by definition, barbarians, whether they wear furs and carry battleaxes or wear suits and appear on MSNBC. Barbarians must be dealt with harshly by any civilization that wishes to survive. I wish for my civilization to survive. We must do what we must to stop the barbarians.
I feel terribly sorry for those "LGBTs" who never wished for any of this to happen and who just want to be left alone to go discreetly about their business. There are more of them than one might think (unsurprisingly, they get little attention from the media, which is run by barbarians). I hope they manage to keep their heads down when things change - which they will, eventually, inevitably - and things start going badly for the barbarians.

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If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

The Victorian age, of course. Second choice would be America in that wonderful interval between the end of World War II and the beginning of the war in Vietnam. An eternal California in 1964... what could be more paradisiacal?

Which is your favourite Shakespeare play?

I tend to favor the comedies, and have a great fondness for Much Ado, Midsummer's, Taming of the Shrew, and As You Like It.

You write enjoyable prose. Have you thought about writing your own version of "Patchwork: A Positive Vision"?

ratiomon’s Profile Photoratiomon
Anyone who wants to know what my vision of how the world would, and should, look after the Great Reactionary Counterrevolution is just has to watch Aria: The Animation.
Liked by: NO NAME

Idealism is a mild form of utopianism. Utopianism is almost exclusively leftist, though idealism sometimes engulfs the right-wing. Should NRx ensure no idealist-thinking takes root within its philosophy?

That's an idea that can be taken too far. One could say that even believing that X is better than Y, and therefore we should do X instead of Y, is idealism. If we take anti-idealism that far, we just end up in relativism and/or nihilism - precisely the things we're trying to avoid. As in most cases, a balance is in order. It's reasonable to say that this world, and human nature, are not perfectible and never will be. It's reasonable to say that the perfect is the enemy of the good. It's reasonable to say that often one must choose the least awful from among a set of bad options. But let's not go too crazy here.
Liked by: Ian

In hindsight was Benedict Arnold a mere opportunist or one of the few of the revolutionaries to regain their senses?

Neither. He's a lesson in why you don't mistreat key people in your organization. The Continental Congress treated Arnold like crap, and then wondered why he turned on them. The American Revolution was pure Whigism, and Whigs have no concept of personal loyalty - you are expected to be an obedient cog in their machine until your usefulness is expended and you are thrown away like a worn-out lug nut. Arnold thought he deserved a little more consideration than that, and he was right - he did.
Liked by: NO NAME ratiomon

Why don't you, like, write more stuff? It's not like you don't have the time, or something.

I kinda don't just now. But I'll have more free time this summer to write.

Well if you don't dance then you're no friend of mine

Well I don't trust you Lannisters either.


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