

Ask @antidem

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Certain kinds are dangerous. Their reaction is understandable, but could have been avoided if not for the Left's stupid policies.

This is similar to what I've said about how Fox News and talk radio are entirely the creations of the leftist media. If they hadn't been so brazenly left-biased, and had actually done their jobs as impartial reporters of news, neither Fox nor Rush would have had any reason to exist. The leftists created them, and now complain about them.

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What if other European countries follow suit?

Other than Poland, Malta, and perhaps Ireland, I fail to see how it could possibly make them any worse.

What do you think about the Ukraine thingy?

My opinions of it shift as the events do. Certainly, Yanukovich has paid the price for his lack of will. I would have provided the protestors with a "whiff of grapeshot" days ago. This will be a warning to any other leader to not underestimate Soros/Obama/CIA-funded insurrections - to put them down immediately and forcefully before they get out of control. But now it appears as if Obama and Soros may have accidentally unleashed the nationalist far right in Ukraine. Not surprising - the two of them are petulant children who, around the globe, play with forces they don't understand. It will be interesting to see how things develop in the coming weeks.

It wasn't intended to make fun of you; it was intended to make fun of, ahem, "conservatives".

Ah. Well, yes. America is most definitely not the country that "conservatives" think it is. It really never has been.

Oddly the Left seems to despise the lower classes. Why do you think this is the case?

The left hates the working class for its consistent failure to be Tom Joad. They hate it because they want it to be leftist and to stop being "bitter clingers to guns and religion". As for the welfare class, the left has the sneering contempt for it appropriate to superiors when they think of their useful idiots.

What do you think about "conservatives"?

I used to be one myself, so I can't be too hard on them. But they are people who seem to believe that if you don't like how a movie ends, you can rewind it to a certain point, start it again, and maybe it will end differently this time. Even if we "rewound" America to 1985, or 1962, or 1850, and let it go again, what makes them think that things would turn out any differently this time than they did the last time? We are where we are because that's where history led us; because each point along the path allowed what has happened to happen. Why, for example, would we want to "restore" the Constitution that was powerless to prevent what has happened from happening? At best, it has been proven useless. At worst, it created the system that caused all of this.
I've said before that Neo-Reaction is what "conservatives" lay awake at night trying desperately to talk themselves out of knowing is true. Someday, they will be unable to do so any longer. Maybe someday very soon.

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What do you think about open relationships?

They are sin, and can lead to no good.
It is a great tragedy of the modern world that it cannot tell the difference between pleasure and genuine happiness. That kind of thing brings pleasure, but no true happiness.

What do you think of PUAs?

I think there's nothing to be gained by inviting Glenn Quagmire to the Angonquin Round Table. Neo-Reaction is a political and philosophical movement. "I want some pussy" is not a philosophy, and only fools and leftists (or do I repeat myself?) could think it is a political statement. At best, they are useless - people who know a truth, but use it only for their own personal gain. If they wish to repent and do something serious with their lives, the door is open. But as they are now, I have no use for them.

Oops. *What

For women, none - skirts or dresses are appropriate to your fair sex. For men, I am not a fashion consultant. But not jeans.

Why are jeans for proles?

First, jeans - or trousers of any kind - on women is an androgynizing horror. Second, they're de-inidivdualizing. Welcome to the 21st century, where we all show how unique and individual we are - by all wearing the same thing; the same blue denim pants. Wearing jeans just screams: "I am a replaceable cog; I am just like everybody else; I couldn't figure out how to dress myself on my own, so I'll just do what everybody else is doing". And, of course, they are the clothing of lower-class roughnecks, having come into the popular consciousness through cowboys and sailors. None of this is anything that a person of taste, style, and class should want to be associated with. Jeans are common - in both senses of that word.

Trying to get people to understand that corporatism is not a fancy term for what people commonly call "crony capitalism," but rather an economic ideology on its own. Is there any thing that you have trouble trying to explain to people?

Evola said: "My principles are only those that, before the French Revolution, every well-born person considered sane and normal". The biggest problem with being a Neo-Reactionary is trying to explain to people ideas that virtually all of humanity held in 1750, and having them react as if you'd just told them the ideas of the Mole People of Alpha Centauri. Sometimes, that's even true of explaining to people ides that their grandparents held.

Who do you think is more corrupt, Obama or Putin?

I see no particular evidence that Putin is very corrupt. Nor that, on a personal level, Obama is. But that "personal level" phrase is key.
One thing to keep in mind is the difference between American corruption and Third World corruption. America is deeply corrupt, but in America, corruption is only for the rich and powerful. The local building inspector (generally) won't take a stack of twenties in an envelope to approve your new garage. But Senators routinely write provisions into laws that create huge profits for private corporations, and then, after retirement, end up on some corporate board of directors or another, or maybe with a highly-paid no-show job at a corporate funded "think tank". It's all horribly corrupt, and perfectly legal. Of course it is - that's what happens when the people who want to be corrupt write the rules defining what exactly counts as corruption.

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What are your views on the lend-lease program?

Pat Buchanan called WWII "The War to Save Stalin and Empower Mao". Just so. America should have stayed neutral. As Gary Brecher noted, WWII in Europe was, militarily speaking, Hitler vs. Stalin; everything else was a sideshow. And who's the "good guy" there? No matter who won that war, it was going to be terrible. In such a situation, by far the best option is to stay out. But FDR was a fool - one who, because he was a patrician leftist, is lionized by the media and academics. Who else would get such credit for spending eight years *not* solving an economic crisis?

The western MSM just hates Russia because it's no longer communist.

That's true, but there's more. They also hate it for having "gone the wrong way" - becoming ever more rightist and religious as the west becomes ever more leftist and atheistic. And, of course, the American Establishment, always tied strongly to the Military/Industrial Complex, has never forgiven Russia for punking out on them during the Cold War.
Then of course there's the desire to gin up a story to report. That's bigger than just Russia. If I didn't know better - and sometimes I'm not sure I do - I'd swear that the MSM is intentionally trying to get a race war going in America just to give itself something to report.

Do you already have Ask.fm app for iPhone?

Better question: When are you going to make a version of the app for iPad?


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