

Ask @antidem

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What say you to Christianity lifiting some of its influence from Germanic paganism, particularly in the Holidays?

I dunno, anon. What *do* you say to Christianity lifting some of its influence from German paganism, particularly in the holidays?
I cannot imagine the punchline to this one.

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then explain to me the difference between anime and music, for I really can't see why one is legitimate and the other is "for plebs".

The difference is that they're two completely different things. What's the difference between apples and oranges? What's the difference between shit and Shinola? What's the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground?

What was the last anime series you finished?

I know I'm late to the party, but I just finished Kino's Journey. I think I need to take some time off after that, or have a few shots of whiskey, or maybe get some counseling. It's a great series, but man oh man is it bleak. And not in the Hot Topic "Behold how Grimdark I are!!11!!!" way that American or British shows can often be. I mean Kino's Journey fills one with philosophical dread.
Again, great show, and everyone should watch it - but boy is it ever hard to take.
Liked by: ratiomon

You say that "music is for plebs". Why anime is not for plebs?

"Why is A not the same as B?"
Because A is A, and B is B.

What do you think of China's "citizen score" system?

Welcome to our future, once the left gets its hands on the internet.

Thoughts? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_kErty6kug

Another pseudo-edgy pseudo-intellectual whose overblown style (intentionally) masks the fact that he really doesn't have very much to say that rises above the level of basic-bitch social justice and/or the sort of superficial nihilism that incoming freshmen latch onto after their Philosophy 101 professor gives them some Sartre to read. Poseurs think that being wordy makes them sound sophisticated; people who really know literature and composition understand that persistent verbosity just makes you sound like a pretentious twat.
Also, out of curiosity, I watched his video on A Serious Man and was unsurprised to learn that he got the movie exactly wrong.

If you hate TV so much why do you watch netflix shows like Jessica Jones and anime anyway?

Anime doesn't count as "TV", and I am often forced to watch television in social situations.

Why do you put monarchies in High steem? Sweden and Spain are monarchies and they are probably the most degenerate countries in Western Europe. Russia, Hungary or Poland are republics and they are quite conservative

No, Sweden and Spain are mass democracies. The fact that they let an effectively powerless man hold onto a now-meaningless title because he's so irrelevant that they can't even be arsed to go through the trouble of stripping it from him does not alter that fact. Russia is an authoritarian state under a benevolent and velvet-gloved dictator, and the states around Russia (like Hungary) will follow its lead politically because it's the local hegemon.
This is Formalism: Name where power *actually* lies, instead of where the powerful tell us that it lies.
(As for the Poles, well, they're Polish. God bless 'em.)
Liked by: Skylark ........... Ian

Are you *sure* being ruled by the global elite is so much worse than living under fascism? Just checking...

I am often, as a monarchist, asked: "What if we end up with a bad king who turns against his people?"
My reply is: can you - could anyone - imagine an elite class that has turned against its own people any more viciously and thoroughly than our present ruling elites have turned against us? When has any king or hereditary aristocracy tried with all its might to destroy not just the faith, the traditions, or the culture of its people, but sought their demographic destruction and replacement with foreign peoples? Say what you will about, for example, Vlad Tepes; he was loyal to his land and volk, and died defending them from the Turk. Our elites invite the Turk in - but swear that they made them promise to be good.
Worse elites than we have do not - could not - exist. How much better it would be for us if, like the court of Louis XIV, they merely dressed in finery, drank, and screwed their mistresses all day!

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Why do people associate that Willy Bascuñan song (i.e. the Daily Shoah outro) with Pinochet when it was originally written with Manuel Baquedano in mind?

As I understand it, Bascunan publicly states that he wrote the song about Baquedano so as to not get himself in trouble with the current authorities, but the truth is that it really *is* about Pinochet.

Isn't trying to save white people pointless?

One thing I've learned in life is: You can't save a suicide case. At the moment, the white race (no, not all of them, not you or me, but the white race as a whole) is determined to martyr itself in the name of the Cult of Egalitarianism. As long as this remains the case, nothing can be done to save it.
The physical details are unimportant, as are the actions of any outsiders. The bottom line is: If the white race someday breaks free of the Cult and decides that it wants to live, then it will live. If it does not, then it will die. It's as simple as that.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May your next year be better than this year has been. I'll be sure to remember you in my prayers. No need to answer, cause I'm no longer following. I just wanted to wish you well. Peace.

Thanks, anon... I guess.

Remember the lessons of #NotAllWomen, friend! Wimmen are here to help us reproduce, and only some of them are manipulative cunts; most are pretty good.

In the great scheme of things, women rank above spending eternity in the lake of fire for enjoying cuteboys, but below both waifus and solitude.


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