

Ask @antidem

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What's your take on Evangelion? I mean Neon Genesis, not the Rebuilds, of course.

I've never been a fan of Evangelion. I wasn't in 1995, and I'm still not now. It's not even just not the best anime ever, it isn't even the best Gainax anime ever - Nadia, KareKano, and Abenobashi are all better series, and Wings of Hommeamise is the best thing they've ever created (probably because it was thought up by Yamaga and not by Anno, who I've always found overrated). As for Eva, you can't make up for cliche with pretension.

We all know Alan Moore's Rorschach was pretty disgusted with his alternate timeline 1980s. But how do you think he would react if he were transported into our 2014? Just as bad, or worse?

So, so much worse. I doubt he'd bother to fight for it.

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You're 'lukewarm at best about capitalism'? Are you a collectivist?

I strongly favor the right of free commerce - which, in an era in which the government tells you who you must and can't hire, who you must and can't do business with, and what you must and can't compensate your employees with, we don't even really have now. But the Whiggish elevation of merchants to heroic status and its worship of commerce as the apotheosis of civilization leaves me cold. Capitalism is - business are - inherently amoral, and nothing inherently amoral is going to save us. Merchants do not deserve to be repressed, but one can't base a decent civilization on them or on their concerns.
Thus the concerns of the merchants, while not nothing, are not a high priority to me.

What do you think of the minimalist trend of reducing your possessions until they all fit in a backpack?

I'm a great fan of the idea. A single backpack may be a bit extreme, but the idea of shedding unneeded possessions as much as possible is a good one. Fight Club had it right - we while away our lives working jobs we hate to buy shit we don't need, and none of it means a damn thing. Consumerism is as amoral and devoid of real meaning as all the rest of Modernity. Work to live; not the other way around. Work as much as you must to buy the stuff you actually need, and no more.

What do you think of Michael Anissimov's plan to establish a traditional neoreactionary community in Idaho? Are you interested in joining him?

Much like Anissimov's ideas on Transhumanism, I am sympathetic to his aims but skeptical about its workability. I don't know if I'd ever join - I definitely wouldn't be an early adopter.

I take it from your avi you've read Watchmen, ever read any of the Charlton Comics those characters were based off of?

I'm quite a fan of The Question, but that comes mostly from his appearances on Justice League Unlimited.

How would you react if a close family member came out to you as a homosexual?

I decline to answer personal questions. Let's keep to business, please.

Would you disown a family member? If yes, for what causes?

I decline to answer personal questions. Let's keep to business, please.

You must be the only Putin supporter who's actually anti-communist.

Hardly. Most people of the New Right/alt-right have some degree of admiration for Putin.

Why do you blame democracy for everything that's wrong with the world?

Everything? I wouldn't go that far. But it's a lousy political system and it always ends badly - specifically in social decadence and economic bankruptcy. Plato pointed that out twenty-five centuries ago, and it's held true ever since. The scary part about what Plato said is not that someday a tyrant inevitably arises to overthrow democracy - the scary part is that things will get so bad in the democracy that by the end, good people will be begging the tyrant to come in and restore order.
Our Sulla is very, very late.

What do you think about leftists who repudiate Stalin and Mao?

Rationalizers. They want to maintain the belief that their philosophy failed because of a few bad people, not because there's something fundamentally wrong with it, especially when taken to its logical conclusions. It's an easy way to stay in denial.

Tattoos are for losers and are a sign of cultural decline and moral degeneracy. Do you agree?

Generally, yes.
As with any form of art, this can be done in a tasteful manner. As with any form of art, the proles have no idea what that looks like or how to either appreciate it or create it for (in this case, on) themselves. In general, proles have no taste - that's (a rather large) part of what makes them proles. Get proles and their bad taste near an art form that's literally carved into their skin forever, and you have a recipe for trouble.

What is your opinion on Bruce Jeffrey Pardo?

He was and still is the best announcer that Saturday Night Live ever had.


Language: English