

Ask @antidem

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First PUAs, now WNs. Are you deliberately trying to piss off every potential ally you've got on the alternative right? What's next; gonna pick a right with MRAs? MGTOWs?

I've been saying this for days, and I'll say it again: there is a difference between levelheaded ethnonationalists and Blues Brothers Nazis. There is a difference between rational race realism and "zOMG 1488 GAS ALL THE NONWHITES NOW!!!11!!!!!!" The former are welcome into NRx; the latter are not. In addition, people who lack the subtlety to understand the difference between the two are too dumb to join up with us, and can head back to Stormfront where they'll feel at home. I have no time for fools, or Totalists, or nostalgists for spectacularly-failed historical flashes in the pan. They have nothing to offer.

Do you know how my grad grandfather met famous Soviet hero Chapayev ? Well, he was standing on a hill behind a machine gun when he uttered "Your Excellency, i think Chapayev is dead"

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Is waiting tables, manning a cash register, pushing carts, and other such work beneath the dignity of a university graduate?


Have you decided to drop everything and help build an AI lest it torture you for not bringing it into existence yet?

Roko's Basilisk is the most retarded shit ever.

Can you please remember, AntiDem, that no matter how bad your life gets, at least you are not Anthony Burch?



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