

Ask @antidem

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Is the world of Game of Thrones better or worse than the modern world?

Zu jeder zeit
An jedem ort
Bliebt das tun
Der menschen das gleiche.

Are there any bastions of tradition and faith left in America? Churches accept premarital sex and divorce as a matter of course, the army not only lets sodomites into their ranks but allows them get "married" at their own academy's chapel...

America never really had any. Moldbug was right - America is a communist country, and really always has been. There was a veneer of religiosity over over America's natural, pure Whigism that was always far thinner than anybody believed it was, at least until recently. As soon as it became thinkable and respectable (i.e. something that would not associate one with Soviet Communism) to do so, America started ditching Christianity on the grounds that it would interfere with the Whig vision of eternal, unending "progress".
But... what if Americans became disillusioned with Whigism, just as the people who we once called "Soviets" became disillusioned with Marxism?

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I meant a literal zombie apocalypse, but if "zombie apocalypse" is some sort of metaphor for progressives, then I would be interested in hearing about that, too.

Literal zombie apocalypses are fiction, goober.

What is your plan for the zombie apocalypse?

Do you mean the zombie apocalypse, or the "zombie apocalypse"?

Should modern men be taking testosterone supplements (legal steroids, basically) to help them recover some of their masculinity?

Medical questions should be directed to a qualified physician.

In the current anti-male climate, where politicians loot from producers to buy votes from immigrants and welfare queens, what possible incentive is there for a man to build? Shouldn't we all just go Galt, have sex with whores, and enjoy the decline?

No. And you're not going to enjoy what's coming - no one will. If you think *you* will, you're fucking delusional.

How can progressives defeat the neoreactionaries?

Why would I give strategic advice to my enemies?

"Grow the hell up, stop being nihilistic, stop being selfish, stop treating women like shit, stop being part of the problem, find a nice girlfriend and save it until marriage, or just keep it zipped." Er, that's the sort of blue-pill mangina crap I can get from any mainstream political party.

And PUA is the sort of pathetic tragicomic crap I could see at any lonely hearts singles bar on a Saturday night. Sorry, but "I like to fuck" is not a political philosophy, getting your dick wet doesn't make you Nietzsche, and using the old hump-and-dump as a way to work out your personal hostility towards women doesn't make you a soldier in the revolution.

I read dark enlightenment blogs, but I'm not sure how to join in. Do I just pick a handle, make a blogger or wordpress account, make a twitter account, make an ask.fm account, and write forbidden thoughts until I get a card from Raddish?

That's pretty much how everybody else has done it, me included.

Are you afraid that the "new right" will adopt some extreme views from the "white nationalist" sphere. Some would include: absolute racial purity, anti-Semitic views, extreme eugenics, anti-government rhetoric, etc. I certainly hope it doesn't, or it could be its downfall. Thoughts?

Moldbug once wrote a piece called "Why I Am Not A White Nationalist", and I basically agree with him. An obsession with race at this point is misplaced. Most importantly, it lets white liberalism off the hook. When this country was 90% white, it degenerated into what it is. How many black faces do you see in the crowd in footage of Woodstock? Are notoriously-leftist places like Madison, Portland, and Burlington hotbeds of conspicuous blackness? Sorry to say, no. So an obsession with racial purity seems nearly as misguided and unproductive as the neocon obsession with Islam.
As for myself, I'm an idea man. That's what I focus on.
Liked by: Foolish Pride

Thoughts on Jokeocracy/Duck Enlightenment's suspension? Has the twitter purge against reactionaries begun?

It's a travesty. I hope not.

Do you have any advice for the manosphere?

Grow the hell up, stop being nihilistic, stop being selfish, stop treating women like shit, stop being part of the problem, find a nice girlfriend and save it until marriage, or just keep it zipped.

What do you think about women in the workforce?

Generally a bad idea. I have no desire to see the Marie Curies or the Aphra Behns of the world confined to milking cows or huddling over kettles, but most women will neither add much to society nor be very fulfilled by holding down a job outside the home. This is because, as many women have discovered since 1970 or so, a very few jobs may indeed be fulfilling, but most work sucks. Thus, the presence of large numbers of women in the workforce has served mainly to destabilize the family and to depress wages.
As I intend to discuss in a soon-to-come column on my blog, I am an unabashed elitist. I believe that, whether enforced through laws or social mores, there should be strong rules, but rules that are different for elites and proles. A few elite women - the aforementioned Behns and Curies - should be permitted to live by different rules than prole women, which includes rules regarding work. But for the most part, women working outside the home should be strongly discouraged, especially after marriage.
Now, the tricky part - how to discern poorborn elites from proles! That will be a challenge.

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Is it a good idea for a man interested in marriage and children to convert to Islam and marry a traditional woman in a country where divorce is quite difficult?

If that floats your boat.

What is the key to a happy life?

A good king, a strong church, a comfortable old house, a sweet plump wife, a small circle of good friends, and some delightful children to call you father.


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