

Ask @antidem

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Do you think Mein Kampf does a good job refuting Das Kapital?

Any precocious, bookish 12-year-old who possessed the slightest understanding of human nature could do a good job refuting Das Kapital. Marx set the tone for all modern leftism - weak logic and a completely unrealistic worldview married to absolute, total, unquestioning sureness in the rightness and inevitability of their cause. This is why I say that leftism is not a political philosophy, but a fanatical utopian cult.

Which Apostle is coolest

"Cool" is a Modernist concept; a tool of social control that must be utterly eradicated in order to bring back traditional modes of life.

"The devil loves virtual reality" [Citation needed]

Overly literal thinking is not a sign of intelligence, it's just a sign of autism.

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Did you have a good Thanksgiving?

Yup. Said maybe a dozen words all day, which is great for someone with social phobia like me. Went to a Vietnamese coffee shop in San Jose and finished off a blog post. Ate dinner at a cheap Chinese place, had some cheap liquor, and slept well.

Would a virtual reality be one day preferable? Not as a means to a utopia, but as an alternate world where people could start anew.

The devil loves virtual reality - it is far better for him than actual reality. Hell has always loathed reality, because in reality, Christ is king. Thus, be extremely cautious of any attempts to divorce you from reality; they are almost certainly attempts to divorce you from Christ.
Don't run from reality. Stay, become worthy, fight.
Liked by: Skylark

You know, we. The people. The government. The country.

Those are three completely different entities. Anyhow, the people will do whatever the television tells them to, the government is your enemy, and I don't even know what "the country" is other than something that Abraham Lincoln murdered 600,000 people to keep in business.
Become worthy. Put yourself and your household in order.

I haven't watched the show. Is this Sunset Shimmer girl really a alt-rightist, or just a conservative?

There's such a thing as overanalyzing a meme, you know.

I think either too much racism made me mentally ill or I have some undiagnosed mental illness that's making me really racist to an unhealthy degree. What should I do?

An hero?

What do you think about sortition as a method for appointing people for public offices?

How about no? Feudalism or bust, nigga.

I know it's crazy but I'm seriously worried about Islam. As shit-tier of a religion as it is, I get the appeal of it as it isn't pozzed like low-church Christianity. Do you see mass conversion to Islam in the West? I hope not but who knows.

Mass conversion to Islam will be one of the prices to be paid if Christianity does not find its backbone, and soon.
Liked by: Ian

How do you feel about Stormfront?

I'd rate it as the third best Billy Joel album ever, after The Stranger and Glass Houses.

What do you think about faith healing as practiced in the US today?

If you've sinned and want to be forgiven, go see a priest. If you're sick and want to get well, go see an AMA-certified physician.

If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be?

My parents, if you had a time machine that could reach 1982.

Was communist approach to female "emancipation" more honest one ? At least they sent women to work and army. In todays liberalism, they only shout "yeah we will emancipate them, just you wait for it !" while women continue to get support from state and live at expense of their husbands doing nothing

That's easy. Nothing about communism is honest.

http://fredoneverything.org/vdare-hbd-and-me-a-great-weariness/ Any thoughts on Fred Reed's latest column? Oh and happy Thanksgiving to you sir.

Ann Coulter has a long history of playing fast and loose with facts, and WNs have a notable tendency towards both hysterical emotionality and fantastical exaggeration (these, I note, also being common traits of leftists).
The truth is bad enough. Let's stick to that instead of telling tall tales designed to hit emotional buttons.

"Lots of places were lovely before the colonizers left." Then the Middle East and the Balkans were lovely before the Ottoman Turks left. Agree?

Much better than they are now, certainly. We destroyed the weak, trade-minded, moderate-Muslim (but Muslim enough to have the legitimacy to put down extremists without looking completely like infidel crusader outsiders) Ottoman Empire because we thought that would make things better, and a hundred years later we've got chaos in Libya and Yemen, nasty dictators in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Oman, and ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Is that any reasonable person's definition of "better"?

"fascism ... inevitably morphs into monarchy over time." How so? Do we have any examples of that happening?

I'm thinking of Rome. It took 500 years after Augustus for Justinian to start calling himself "basileus" and to send the Senate home for good, but eventually it did happen.

Monarchy or Fascism?

Fascism (of one form or another) is probably the only system that can defeat globalist bourgeois liberal democracy in the short term, but fascism (if it can find a way to last beyond its founding leader) also inevitably morphs into monarchy over time.

You've written about Rhodesia, do you know much about Mozambique? Years ago I read somewhere that it was a lovely place before the Portugese left.

Lots of places were lovely before the colonizers left.
Liked by: Skylark Ian


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