

Ask @antidem

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Hitlers existence altered the political course of the world moreso than any factor of that century, perhaps even in all of history (besides maybe the French Rev). Had the third Reich never risen, god only knows where we'd be today.

Yeah, without Hitler we could have ended up with the Soviet Union directly controlling half of Europe and the other half slowly succumbing to socialism and godlessness until it got so bad that one day even Ireland would do something like making it legal for two sodomites to get married to each other. Thank God nothing like that ever happened. Thanks, Hitler.

What is your best answer?

I once answered a question with a pic of Eli Ayase, and as we all know, Eli is love.

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For someone who claims to be redpilled and educated in the stuff you are that's a very shocking claim to make about Hitler.I know you sperg a bit about NatSoc but Hitler was a powerfully reactionary force for Germany and to call him a bad man is really very westernized of you. Any justification ?

Adolf Hitler is a blank screen onto which people project aspirations, fears, perceptions of good and evil, dreams both dark and hopeful, sadism, masochism, and beliefs both about themselves and about their enemies. And that is his use to us - to be a metaphor for the ideas we hold about the world and about ourselves. We don't generally even know or care that much about the actual Hitler, what he did, and why. We just need him to be a symbol of pure unadulterated evil, or of our own hopes. But it's really all just a fantasy either way.
Liked by: Ian

Was Hitler a socialist?

Who cares?
Increasingly, I'm convinced that it's not so much a matter of rejecting the idea that Hitler was the worst thing that ever happened (objectively, in terms of people killed and suffering caused, he wasn't even the worst thing that happened in the mid-20th century), but of rejecting the idea that he was the most important thing that ever happened. The 20th century was a tremendous clusterfuck, and many hugely important, civilization-altering (and civilization-destroying) things happened during it. Of these, Hitler's reign was important, but by no means the most important of them; arguably not even in the top five (WWI, the Russian and Chinese Revolutions, and the eradication of smallpox are examples of more important events). Hitler was just one of many very bad men who did very bad things during that century, and our absolute obsession with him is insensible.
So who the hell cares about Hitler? He, and his ideology, have been dead for seventy years. Time to move on, already.

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Could a real woman ever compete with anime perfection?

In a sane society, yes. As things are now - don't be silly, of course not.

Should the people who just read the blogs and agree with the political and metapolitical points of neoreaction but don't contribute posts or theory be called NRx?


Velo vAnti dem. Vow vis vyour daye? Veverything goingz z good? I bevt svo.

I vill giff you phy-si-cal pun-ish-ment!

Why does Japanese animation tend to portray young males as boyish, almost androgynous creatures while young females are readily identifiable as such? Is that a cultural or an animu/mango thing?

I think you're watching the wrong shows.

How do you convert to Catholicism?

I started the process by walking into a church at the end of a Mass, finding the priest, shaking his hand, and saying: "I'm interested in becoming Catholic". Give that a try - if it worked for me, I'm sure it will work for you, too.

Should we go to university?

If you're smart and interested in a STEM field, then yes. Maybe a couple of other fields like law (though Lord knows, we have enough lawyers already) might be worth it, especially if you can get into an Ivy League school. Otherwise, probably not.
I would recommend to parents that once they have a pretty good idea what their child has an aptitude for and an interest in, they should sit down with them and discuss precisely which degrees they will and will not agree to pay for. If the child has a straight A's in math and wants to do an engineering degree, mom and dad should be happy to put as much money as they can into that. If, however, the child is a B- student and wants a degree in sociology, well, hey kid, good luck to you and all that, but you can pay for that on your own. I'm not a member of the cult of college - bullshit degrees clog up our universities with dead weight and load down young people with astronomical debts in exchange for no marketable skills, and the only way we're going to get rid of them is for parents to stop agreeing to put money into them.

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Should we vote for whomever promises basic income in the upcoming elections?

Sure, if you think the social problems we have with 50% of the population being on welfare just aren't bad enough, and you'd like to see how bad they can get when 80% of them are.

Last op thinks it was the womenfolk giving you romance problems, huh ? top kekking it

The female of the species is capable of a level of crazy that males really can't even contemplate.

If you had a daughter, would you allow her to dress like zettai ryouiki?

Well of course I would. Then again, as a dutiful father, I would never let my daughter be alone with an unrelated male until she was married, or at least engaged, to a suitable young man of whom I approved. So hey - she could dress up like Gypsy Rose Lee for all the good it would do her.

Would a return to monarchic rulership inevitably require a violent revolution or could things potentially be solved without (much) bloodshed?

Justine Tunney brought up a good point once when she said that it's leftist revolutions that tend to be real bloodbaths, whereas rightist revolutions tend to go down with a lot less violence. Think of it this way, which end of the Russian Communist period was bloodier - 1917, or 1991? What that says about what, I'm not quite sure. But I do know that it's generally quite true.


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