

Ask @antidem

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Do any of the questions here ever disturb you or make you legitimately question the asker's sanity?

You have no idea.

Best and worst anime you ever watched?

Best: Legend of Galactic Heroes (close second: Macross)
Worst: Macross 7 (close second: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)
Yes, Macross 7 - it's one thing to suck; it's quite another to suck in the name of a beloved classic.

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"Get this clear: I don't need your permission, or anyone else's, to talk to anyone I damn well please." lol nice response. Only slightly better than "You can't tell me what to do, shitlord!" Even threw in a "damn well" to confirm how masculine and uncaring of social niceties you are.

I almost said "Get this straight..." but, y'know... awkward.

The amount that you tweet at or about Tunney makes you look very desperate for her approval.

Get this clear: I don't need your permission, or anyone else's, to talk to anyone I damn well please.

Do you prefer Torrens title or common-law title for land?

Allodial title is the only true title. If you have to pay anyone - even a King - to stay on your land, you don't really own it.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

Is it degenerate if I get off to Chinese cartoon characters? Because I desperately want to copulate with Ryuko.

Of course you're degenerate. Everybody knows Satsuki is best waifu. Anyone who would prefer the tomboyish younger sister over Satsuki-sama, who is the epitome of ladylike strength, is absolutely degenerate.

Ferguson is a small town (20,000 pop) and minority white it's so weird that you lived there of all places. So you went from England to Ferguson to California or?

Ferguson is a suburb in the greater metro St. Louis area, not exactly a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. And who brought up England?

Should your boy Mussolini have been sent to a re-education camp while he was a socialist?

"My boy"? What, do you think me and him are down at my crib rolling some 40s of Old E and watching rap videos on BET?

You think it's OK to murder socialists?

Due to my religious principles, I advocate sending them to spartan reeducation camps where they can learn the error of their ways and pay their debts to the society they've poisoned through many years of honest hard labor.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks


Language: English