

Ask @antidem

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Thoughts on Brett Stevens (Amerika guy)?

i think Brett Stevens of amerika.org is a pretty cool guy. eh chronicles the end stages of a corrupt, decadent, dying civilization and doesn't afraid of anything

Is it hypocrisy when atheists speak of moral imperatives as justification for their wicked designs when they have no higher authority from which to derive their morals in the first place?

No, it's not hypocrisy, it just doesn't make any fucking sense.
Stop looking for hypocrisy everywhere, or describing every bad argument you find as hypocritical. Puritans are obsessed with hypocrisy. We're not, and instead of looking for hypocrisy everywhere, we should be on the lookout for every kind of bad argument. The case of the atheists you mentioned, for example, is not hypocrisy, but unsupported assertion. What you typically hear in such cases is some derivation of: "These moral imperatives exist because I say they do, and if you disagree, then you're an evil person who doesn't have the same inbuilt moral imperatives that I have, and who only does good because a made-up phony god told you to." Notice how the bad argument of the unsupported assertion here is compounded by the further bad argument of personalizing a philosophical point - making it about whether the person questioning them is wicked (or crazy: back-alley psychiatry of their opponents is another favorite of leftists) instead of the logical point being argued.
The point is that if you obsess on looking for hypocrisy everywhere, you won't see what's really there, which is often much worse.

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So, the "pro-life" conservatives are once again outraged because Trump said that women should be punished for having illegal abortions. What am I not getting here?

Trump cucked on abortion today. There's no other way to put it.
Cucking can be reasonably defined as turning your back on the people who *will* vote for you in order to not be called nasty names by people *won't* ever vote for you. With his retraction, that's what Trump did. It's disappointing, it's a serious bungle, and it's very concerning, not just as regards Trump's pro-life beliefs, but also as regards his ability to resist cucking when the heat is on.
Not good, and a reminder why we should not put our faith in Trump.

Alt-(F)right misfits on Twitter making fun of Bernie supporters for being Bronies and Furries is priceless, isn't it? A complete lack of self-awareness + inchoate rage is such a winning combo, no?

Yeah, those Bernie supporters are totally alpha and tough to make fun of, bro.

What is are the best pizza toppings?

I wouldn't know - I'm allergic to cheese, so I've never eaten pizza.

Do you have any announcements to make?

Yes - I'm leaving for a weeklong road trip on Sunday. Tentative destinations include Lake Tahoe, Reno, Wendover, then a loop up to Twin Falls, Portland, Crater Lake, then down the Pacific coast to Mendocino, Fort Ross, and back to San Francisco. I'll be taking my phone, but updates here may be a tad slow for that week.

Remember that the problem of the Mega-City is the direct result of the turd-world overpopulation (now bleeding into the West) that anti-abortion hipster AntiDem refuses to discuss. No amount of bon mots that you quote from Evola or anybody else will change that abysmal reality, will it?

Japan has very little immigration, and virtually no third-world immigration, yet still has megacities, complete with the social problems they bring. Not all exactly the same problems, of course - the Japanese have less crime, for example, but are more dysfunctional in other areas (such as the hikikomori issue) - but megacity-related social problems of one sort or another.
There's some abysmal reality for you.

ROADTRIP! Where are you going and who are you taking with you?

Funny you should mention that - I actually am going on a road trip next week. Destinations will include Reno, Wendover, Shoshone Falls Park, Crater Lake, and a nice winding trip down the Pacific coast from Oregon to California. I'll take pictures and let everybody know how it goes.

Do you think the Sermon at the Mount can be interpreted as a leftist agitation?

Anything can be interpreted as anything. The Supreme Court, for example, excels at this, having figured out that the unlimited power to "interpret" the Constitution is functionally identical to the unlimited power to rewrite it. The Constitution was clearly not intended to mean that abortion or gay "marriage" are mandated, except that it does because a star chamber of nine unelected, unaccountable ambulance chasers in Hogwarts costumes say it does, and nobody can quite bring themselves to tell them "no".
So I guess technically the answer is to your question is yes, but it's also completely meaningless.
Liked by: Skylark

If countries like Germany or France were to uncuck themselves and throw off the shackles of liberalism, do you think this would have an effect similar to what communism did to Eastern Europe (cf. permafrost effect)?

The entire point of the permafrost effect is that it *stopped* countries like Poland and Hungary from ending up where countries like Germany and France are now.

Just listened to your podcast with Reactionary Expat. Great stuff! Looking forward to your blog posts on the problems with Mega-Cities. Keep up the great work.

Many thanks. Did you catch the podcast with MillennialWoes and Ryan Landry, too? That's well worth a listen. Anyhow, with a bit of free time (finally) on my hands, I hope to get some writing done in the next couple of weeks, so keep your eyes on the blog!


Russia *is* the Tsar and the Orthodox Church. Any other leadership structure is the imposition of (((outside elements))). Putin knows this. He has restored the Orthodox Church to its rightful place, and understands that the return of the Tsar is inevitable, as well. Whether he himself facilitates the Tsar's return or whether it happens after he leaves power is merely a detail.


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