

Ask @antidem

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Do you support sibling incest (brother/sister) over miscegenation? What about close inbreeding (cousins)? Supposedly, the health risks are highly exaggerated on average. Also, it carries on the beautiful European race. So maybe incest, and certainly inbreeding?

I didn't know those were the only two choices.

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Is the Donald Sterling incident (see CNN tapes) the proxy of the Jewish people finally giving up on minorities, and possibly supporting Europeans for the next centuries?

No. "Right-wing for Israel, left-wing for America" is the pattern. The majority of Jews are all-in on American leftism. This will change nothing.

I don't see what's so convincing about Kunstler's critique of suburbia. It's just a statement of what necessarily would follow should peak oil catastrophism come to pass. That means that the discussion actually hinges on the veracity of peak oil. I think Kunstler just dislikes suburbia.

Sure, he's made no secret of that. Neither do I. But are his reasons for liking suburbia valid? Kunstler things they're wasteful, atomizing and isolating (even more so than big cities), culturally sterile, spiritually dead, architecturally stifling, purposeless, consumeristic, materialistic, soul-killing nightmares. And so do I.

Can you give us some examples of how insidious and omnipresent sodomite propaganda is in modern popular culture?

I can, I'm just not very motivated to. Find it yourself. Or better yet, don't.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

Any opinions on evolutionary psychology?

Putting Homo Erectus on the couch for a little analysis... now there's something that doesn't sound like pseudoscience at all!
Liked by: Freedom Fries

What are your biggest disagreements with Mencius Moldbug?

SovCorps. Like a lot of philosophers - Plato, More, Marx, Rand - Moldbug correctly identifies the problems with the society around him; it's just that his solution is batty. Corporations are by nature amoral because their goal is profit, not morality. Thus they will blow with the prevailing moral winds. Thinking that they will do otherwise is foolish - some combination of residual libertarian/Objectivist/anarcho-capitalist claptrap and Cold War nostalgia; i.e. memories from the days when it was "Capitalism vs. Communism". Nothing but authoritarian government, strong tradition, and deep religious faith is going to going to work as an answer for the ills we face.

Try this exercise. Go to your family and friends and ask them "what is more important when identifying an individual/group, race or religion?" Is there any inherent bias w/ certain individuals, and surprises (with me it was my mom, who identified race first, unlike my dad). Good idea?


How can I help out against modernity?

First and foremost, by cutting it out of your life. And out of the lives of anyone close to you, too - especially your children. Stop going to movies. Stop watching TV. Stop reading books published after 1964. Visit a short list of websites you may like, but nothing much beyond that. Read. Write. Learn a skill - how to grow a garden or fix plumbing or do basic woodworking. Go to church.
Start fighting modernity by unplugging it.

What do you think of Free Northerner?

i think freenortherner is a pretty cool guy. eh fights modernity and doesnt afraid of anything

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

Ayane, Gen Fu, Kasumi, Lei fang, and Tina.

Surely communists are worse?

What I'm saying is, I don't think there's a definite difference so much as a matter of degree.

Obama sitting on The Iron Throne. Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?

Nope. Only a mass-media democracy would end up with someone like that in charge.

What are your thoughts on Yukio Mishima? Do you see him as a reactionary?

Yes, more or less. His writing is a bit fatalistic, even for my tastes. He didn't do well in this modern age, ruled by the values of merchants. Me neither. His final act seemed rather... pointless to me. Nobody cared. Maybe in years to come, people will care more. I hope so.
How, I wonder, is the Japan he wanted so different from the one the merchants have created? Children grow up without their fathers after a war, but children in Japan effectively grow up without their fathers now - that's what happens when they work from 7:30 in the morning to 9:30 at night. How is seppuku in the name of a feudal lord really much difference from karoshi in the name of a corporation? I can't see much effective difference, really.

And most of the European public didn't want/approve the non-European immigration, it was out of our control. You're making it seem like the average European person should be blamed for this, blame the elites (regardless of their backgrounds)! Innocent women are being raped and killed for this!

Blaming the Muslims for all of this seems to me to be a cheap way of avoiding your own responsibility in the matter. And by "you" I mean Europeans collectively. You turn your anger outward because the truth is too horrible to face. You blame the symptom because you can't face the cause. Muslims didn't cause Europe to lose its faith, its traditions, its self-confidence, its will to live, and its fucking mind. It's the other way around - the Muslims are there because those things happened.
Britain, for example, ruled half the world a century ago. Now it looks increasingly like it won't even be able to hold on to Scotland. That's no one's fault but theirs.


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