

Ask @antidem

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Everypony has a price, AntiDem. What would the Princess Celestia AI have to offer you in order to get you to upload? Satsuki-Sama? https://derpibooru.org/798625 Belldandy? https://derpibooru.org/893579 ...one of your lost loves?

I had to cut a fair amount from Part III because it just kinda didn't fit in with the rest of the review. One bit was about how FiO assumes that *everybody* can be satisfied with an MLP universe. If you offered me Inaba from Persona 4 instead of Ponyville, I'd be pretty tempted (Yukiko is MINE!!! Hands off!!!). But ponies? Nope.

Imagine if Stauffenberg's (or any other) attempt to assassinate Hitler had actually succeeded. Is it reasonable to assume that history would have been altered for the better by such an outcome?

Probably. Hitler wasn't a very good general. In addition, with Hitler gone, a negotiated peace might have been more possible. In the end, we'll never know.

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Are you ever going to turn your blog into an ebook?

I fail to see the point of doing so. If you want to read the blog, just read the blog. Besides, blog posts and books are very different in format. If I ever want to write a book, I'll just do that.

How much clarity is brought to the philosophy of someone like Kant once the concept of the "autiste" is applied to him?

I didn't even know that Kant liked 2D waifus.
Liked by: NO NAME Ian

Does NRx aim for total destruction of the Cathedral or simply a change of management?

My attitude toward The Cathedral is that of Gandalf toward the One Ring, and for the same reasons. Take it to Mt. Doom and throw it in the lava.

"Catholics know that they will be mocked and hated in the world". Why even bother examining your dogmas and behaviour if this persecution complex is central to your identity ? You're starting to sound paranoid now. This cult of yours is profoundly unhealthy.

It's not a "persecution complex" if you actually *are* being mocked and hated. Then it's just noticing reality. I know that the left has a full-bore War on Noticing happening, but I feel no compulsion to take part in it.

Should the US have dropped the nukes on Japan?

The US should never have pushed Japan into that war in the first place. They defeated the (traditionalist) Japanese Empire, and in doing so handed China, Korea, and Vietnam to Communists, resulting in another 100,000 American lives being lost in failed or semi-failed attempts to clean up Asia over the next three decades. Always, always American intervention makes things worse, costs more lives, and results in the handing of power in foreign places from bad people to even worse people. We chased out Hideki Tojo and got Kim Il-Sung; we chased out Saddam Hussein and got ISIS. We never fucking change and we never fucking learn.


antidem’s Profile PhotoAntiDem
I just mass-deleted the 527 unanswered questions in my Ask.FM inbox because I was never going to get to them all. If you all had one you really wanted me to answer, go ahead and ask it again.

Not a troll question: what's your moral stance on non-retards (IQ above 65) dating retards? Should the Modernist notion of "consent" be taken into account?

(That TRS drop where someone just babbles incoherently)
Liked by: Ian

Actually, the question you answered was which one you would bang first, not which one you would actually marry. That being said, which one of the Angels would inspire you to forsake all others?

I'm Catholic. What's the difference?
Liked by: Lucasta Pendragon

Would you rather never have internet access again or never be allowed board an airplane again?

The internet, of course. It's been way too long since I took a 172 up for some touch-and-goes or a hundred-dollar hamburger someplace, but I'd be heartbroken by the thought that I couldn't ever do it again.

Were Norsefire the good guys in V for Vendetta?

Well, of course they were. V for Vendetta was written in 1988, when we didn't fully understand what giving "freedom" to the kind of people who opposed Norsefire would mean for the rest of us. They had not yet flooded our cities with rape-minded welfare leeches from the Third World, they had not yet started suing Christian bakers into homelessness, they had not yet started tearing the crosses off of war memorials, they had not yet started forming ideological lynch mobs to render their enemies unemployed and unable to feed their children, and so on. We now understand - they have made abundantly clear to us - that they are always either at your feet or at your throat. They will bleat on about freedom while they are out of power, but once in power they will become very bit as bad not only as the reality of the people they complained about, but as the excesses that they projected onto them. Oppress, or be oppressed - those are the only two choices, and I know which one I choose.

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Liked by: blue_traveler


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