

Ask @antidem

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Do you have any degenerate habits?

I occasionally bop my baloney whilst thinking of Sailor Mercury.

So what are you trying to ensue, that I'm some Nazi? I thought you're anti-democratic (hence the name), yet you sound like a typical Leftist. Please explain what I did, without the anime. I'm part Slavic anyways, and Hitler hated Slavs, so why would I even respect the man?

Liked by: Radio Control

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You're pussyfooting around the issues by posting pictures of "cutesy" anime; you're just like your boy Anissimov, aren't you?

In an earlier post you stated that " I really don't give that much of a damn about race. I care about ideas." Ok, you don't give a damn about race. How much importance do you place on genetics?

"I really don't give that much of a damn about race. I care about ideas." Culture, ideas, and behavior are heavily informed by genetics (race), your argument is invalid. Also, European traditionalism built western society (often deists), not the concept of Christianity. I don't hate Christians.

"Call me unimpressed by the idea that whiteness is the answer/" Yes, those people were mostly white, but that in no way rebuts the importance of Pan-European nationalism. So yes, the answer is 'whiteness;' what do you prefer, a mixed population? Dumb straw man argument.

What's the population makeup and racial composition of your current metro area?

Why? Gonna stop by and take me to dinner?

Are 'genetically modified organism' foods dangerous? Is this fad more of a conspiracy? Are they bad for your health?

I'm sure not scared of them.

Also, what's the point of Neoreaction, if it just half-asses the issue of (Pan)European identity? I thought identity is important to you guys, or do you just say the mediocre meme of "it's just culture, not race at all" line?

White European culture destroyed itself quite nicely without help from other races. What race was Robespierre? Jefferson? Bonaparte? Marx? Engels? Lincoln? Walt Whitman? Edward Bellamy? George Bernard Shaw? Lenin? Beria? John Reed? Margaret Sanger? Woodrow Wilson? Arlo and Woody Guthrie? FDR? Gramsci? Marcuse? Timothy Leary? The Beatles? Betty Friedan? Gloria Steinem? Jefferson Airplane? Jerry Brown? Jimmy Carter? Ted Kennedy? Bill Clinton? Tony Blair? Ed Balls? How many nonwhite faces can you see in crowd shots of Woodstock? What's the racial makeup of Portland, and what are its politics?
Call me unimpressed by the idea that whiteness is the answer/
Liked by: Eric H. Looney

Christianity very well could have been (and still is) the downfall of Occidental society. Like democracy, it drifts left, and does not allow an "us vs/over them" mindset, relating to race. Richard Spencer has documented this.

1) Christianity built Western society. 2) I really don't give that much of a damn about race. I care about ideas. 3) There were nineteen centuries between the ministry of Christ and the French Revolution. That's a helluva long "drift" - so much so that one is tempted to say that the whole idea is nonsense.
But thanks for playing.
Liked by: Eric H. Looney

"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1o1Spi_cf8" A white "Christian" family adopts 8 negro children because god told them to... Isn't religion just great for European traditionalism...

To quote the great @AvengingRedHand, this is neoreaction, not Stormfront.

If in heaven, you know all knowledge, and are inherently perfect; what's the point of it? Also, there is a parallel between eternal nothingness and eternal existence, but both lack consciousness. In heaven, how can you be conscious, when you already know everything; it seems illogical? Help please.

What's leftist about girls wearing pants?

It's androgynous. It suppresses the natural beauty of woman in favor of the one-size-fits-all equalism of Whigs that reduces us all to interchangeable cogs in the machinery of industrialized capitalistic society. It says: "There is nothing special about women; nothing that is beautiful about femininity, and even if there were it would not be worth preserving, much less celebrating. Certainly not in the face of the opportunity to make women into bus drivers and pipe fitters". It is the most common symbol of the Enlightenment hatred of women and of everything related to femininity - it is this, which takes the form of a masculinization of women and a transformation of them into interchangeable cogs (they cannot be gotten rid of, after all, so the plan seems to be to just make them as much like men as possible) that has been packaged under the name "feminism".
It is an aesthetic and philosophical horror. It was the first shot in the war to destroy gender and sexual norms. It is sheer awfulness.

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Do you agree with Moldbug's theory that communism is an American export to Europe?

Largely, yes. The American and French Revolutions were connected events, that together set the whole thing off. Whether the latter would have happened without the former is questionable - I believe for multiple reasons (including the economic effects of the money the French crown spent on its participation in the American Revolution) that it probably wouldn't have. Without both, the ball would really never have gotten rolling on communism.
And certainly the worldwide spread of 20th century Cultural Marxism is something that America (via Hollywood, mainly) is pretty much entirely responsible for.

Has anime also drifted leftwards with time?

To some degree, though not terribly badly. There's more pants-wearing among girls, which is inherently leftist, and a bit more conspicuous homosexuality. It hasn't reached very bad levels, though, and I hope it never does.
Liked by: Radio Control

What do you have against jeans?

On men, they are slovenly.
On women, they are mannish, as all trouser-wearing is.
On all, they make you look like a piker. You'll be different, just like everybody else - wearing the same blue denim pants as literally every other person around you.
Have a little pride - wear something different.
Liked by: Cameron Parker

Should we celebrate July 4th? On the one hand, the American Revolution should clearly be condemned, but on the other, opportunities for building asabiyyah are rare enough as it is.

Of course we shouldn't - what began on that day is a horror, an abomination. Moldbug is right: it is the ideas of the American Revolution that spread worldwide and caused virtually all the trouble we see today. "God bless America"? Why would He bless a nation that explicitly kicked Him out of government? Nonsense... horror.
Liked by: Cameron Parker

"One wonders what "experience" that would entail. Following random white women around with a notebook and logging the race of the men they date?" Should an anti-egalitarian ask their partner if they have ever engaged in "interracial romance?" Would you turn a woman down for that?

If you want dating advice, ask Ann Landers.

Re the papacy: No, you actually dont.

Several people have corrected me on this in the past few hours, including some recommendations to watch "The Borgias".

What is the nature and purpose of marriage?

To serve as a stable place for children to grow, as the basis of the family and the community, as a way to peaceably unite clans, and as the model for a decent, hierarchical government.


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