

Ask @antidem

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What is your opinion on Noam Chomsky?

A cursed old lefty, but he made some good points about the manipulation of public opinion, which the left made much of before they got into power. Now apparently all those things either aren't true, or are all for the best.
Liked by: Max

Are you a peak oiler? What do you predict for the relative trajectories of oil, gas, and coal production? How about global warming?

I am not qualified to speak on the matter, but I direct you to http://www.kunstler.com for some interesting thoughts on these matters.

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'Following the precedent set by Moldbug, most neoreactionaries write in a very verbose, obfuscating style.' wrote one of your interlocutors. Do you agree? I haven't found this to be the case. Some do, to be sure, but not 'most'.

To quote myself from my column, "An Open Letter to Mencius Moldbug" (addressing Moldbug directly):
"I enjoy, and respect, the way that they’re not afraid to be long, complex, and a little bit difficult (without being pretentious or obfuscating just for the sake of it – I’ll have a lot to say about people who do that at a later date), thus rejecting demotism and egalitarianism by your columns’ very form as well as in their content. I dig it."
I do believe that many of them are verbose, and even a little difficult. But I see nothing wrong with that at all, especially for a movement based in intellectual elitism. There's nothing wrong with making people work for their enlightenment. As for my own writing style, it is what it is.
Liked by: aidan l. coyne

Why are you against hardcore pornography in particular? Is softcore pornography okay, or just less harmful?

While I am against all forms of sin, most civilized societies take the position of officially prohibiting vice, whilst turning a blind eye to certain controlled outlets for it. This is along the lines of what the Tongs traditionally have done in Chinese society, or the tacit and unspoken agreements under which the Mafia operated in 20th century America. Out of a set of unpleasant options as to what to do about the problem of vice, this is probably the best available.
If I had the ability, this is what I would likely do with some level of sexually titillating material - something along the lines of Bettie Page's photo shoots of the 1950s. Prohibit it officially, but turn a blind eye to anything along those lines that was discreetly circulated, so long as it was no more graphic than that.

Are leftists well-meaning?

Depends what you mean by that. Yes, they are a utopian cult, which means they really think they're creating a utopia. But many get into leftism as a cheap and unearned way to feel superior. And, as I said, leftists have no problem at all oppressing, and historically even murdering, people who get in the way of them creating their paradise. As Chesterton said: “It is not bigotry to be certain we are right; but it is bigotry to be unable to imagine how we might possibly have gone wrong.” Leftists don't seem often to ask themselves if they may have gone wrong, or may be going wrong, and they don't seem to care to ask that question.
But in the end, it doesn't matter. Focus on intentions is a leftist idea, and I am not a leftist. I don't care what their intentions are. I care what the outcomes of their actions are. In the end, they must be stopped, by any means necessary, and that's all there is to it.

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The Bible actually doesn't say polygamy is a sin; you need Tradition to arrive at that conclusion.

The point is at least questionable.

Do you think people are more likely to do it without a government breathing down their necks?


Why do you hate leftists so much?

Because they have declared open war on the faith and traditions that I hold true. Because they are destroying, and have been destroying for over a century now, what was once a great high civilization. Because they are a crazed, missionary utopian cult that has no hesitation about oppressing those who resist them. Because they have murdered 50 million children in the US, and countless millions globally, via the Abortion Holocaust. Because I have read Brave New World, and it sounds like Hell on Earth.

Do you think people would kill each other without a government to stop them?

They will with, and they will without. Human nature is what it is.

Do you believe homosexual attraction can be cured? If yes, by what methods? If not, how can a person so-afflicted attempt to live a virtuous life?

I don't know. Abstinence. Restraint... which is almost unknown in Modern society.

What do you think of polygamy? How about being married to a single wife, but knowing concubines/mistresses/prostitutes on the side like men of wealth and status used to do?

The Bible says it's a sin, and that's good enough for me.

Would you advise men to marry and have children in the current no-fault-divorce, you-go-grrrl, alimony-and-child-support-granting legal and social atmosphere?


There has been a lot of discussion about the Manosphere and its proper relation to Neoreaction lately. What do you think of Men's Rights Activists, Pick Up Artists, Men Going Their Own Way, and the Manosphere in general?

Men going their own way? They can go their own way... go their own way. They can call it another lonely day... another lonely day. They can go their own way...

Who would win in a fight, you or nydwracu?

Why would we fight? Fights between allies only help the enemy.

What do you think is the most promising avenue for neoreaction to achieve real world results? For example, Moldbug believes in an antiversity/revipedia which dissolves democracy, others believe in exit (including seasteading), still others think military coups are most realistic, etc...

In the US, the most likely result in the next 50 years is either breakup, or some manner of military government, with the latter probably being along the lines of Augustus, and keeping some token trappings of democracy for the foreseeable future (remember that the Roman Senate wasn't officially disbanded until the time of Justinian, 500 years after Augustus).
If breakup happens, every region is on its own, and likely many of them will end up with something acceptably authoritarian. If military government happens, it will likely become a de facto, and then a de jure monarchy over time.

Do you think the Kim dictatorship in North Korea will eventually morph into a monarchy, and if so, how long do you think it will take?

GANLopez84’s Profile PhotoGregory Lopez
I don't think it will, ever. The sensible thing to do would be for America and China to come to an agreement - China will topple the Kim family and allow Korean reunification in exchange for all American forces leaving the Korean peninsula, never to return. But that would be sensible, so of course it will never happen.
Probably what will happen is that in ten years or so, the US will withdraw its forces because it must, due to bankruptcy, and China will then engineer a coup to get rid of the Kims, who are frankly an embarrassment to them.
Liked by: Gregory Lopez

Following the precedent set by Moldbug, most neoreactionaries write in a very verbose, obfuscating style. You write clearly. Is there a reason for this, and can you recommend other neoreactionaries whose style involves plain, direct language and arguments?

I read a lot of literature. I also feel that a good writer is someone who can take complex ideas and make them easy to understand - not the other way around. For good stuff written in plain language, try Fred Reed (http://fredoneverything.net) and William S. Lind (https://www.traditionalright.com/author/wslind) and subscribe to the Radix Journal podcast on iTunes.


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