

Ask @antidem

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How many of those principled anti-democratic reactionaries do you reckon are going to vote for the democratic politician Trump this November?

I dunno - lemme call 'em up and ask.

Evola :"Every sane and well-born person considered sane and rational." You're from The US - a country founded by the dregs of Europe, accompanied by the dross of Africa - you have to stop thinking that "sane and well-born people" are a blueprint (or even a thing) in an American context. Idealism...

No, sorry, I'm not obligated to think that a bunch of agnostic 18th century slavedrivers are the apotheosis of wisdom simply because, a couple of centuries back, they happened to live on the same continent that I do today. As Stefan Molyneux would say, that's not how philosophy works.

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All you do is theorize, dude. The Pope himself isn't the ideal of what you think a True Catholic should be; women don't match up to your ideals of womanhood; messy democracies can't compare with the moribund Throne and Altar Romanticism that exists in your head. Your idealism is Totalism, right?

1) It's obvious that you don't understand what the word "Totalism" means. Hint: It doesn't mean "any idea set that I find totally unacceptable".
2) Everything I advocate for has been the norm during extended periods of human history. As Count Evola said: "My principles are only those that, before the French Revolution, every well-born person considered sane and normal."

You're not one of these 'Overton Window' windbags, are you? The type who thinks that theoretical, political models are reality itself.

More autistic Totalism. Somehow "the map is not the territory" (which is true) morphs into "maps do not in any way represent the actual features of a territory, and therefore are useless" (which is nonsense).
Read up on the Lewis and Clark expedition if you want to see what trying to get around a territory without a map is like. Spoiler: It's incredibly hard, is extremely dangerous, and it takes a really long time. Things tend to happen like falling into icy rivers, getting chased around by Indian tribes that like to scalp outsiders, and spending months on end in subzero weather looking for a pass through a mountain range. If you survive, you can make a map that the people who come after you can follow, marked with helpful notes like: "River Impassable In Spring", "Danger: Hostile Indians In This Area", and "Mountain Pass Located Here". Trust me - they'll appreciate it.
(There's a reason why good mapmakers are revered - so much in fact, that the entire continent I'm sitting on was named after one.)
So yes, I know - the map is not the territory, the recipe is not the meal, the blueprint is not the building, and the theory is not the political action. But there's a reason that maps, recipes, blueprints, and theories exist. The more one has a robust model of something (e.g. a territory, a process, an idea set) built in their minds, the easier it will be to understand and successfully navigate through it. Only an autiste par excellence would have such an inability to grasp the concept of abstraction that they wouldn't see the value in that.

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Nazism is Islam for Whites?

Would you all just give up on the Nazism thing already? It came and went. Time to start looking towards the future.

Any advice for someone who was redpilled late in life (40s)? basically a graying ex-SWPL who sees stuff like "JJ Abrams to add gay character to next Star Wars" and thinks "well, shit, no wonder they hate (((us))) and are backing Trump"?

As for the Star Wars thing, Gay Gay Abrams can say whatever he likes, but it's almost certainly just talk. Star Wars is a global entertainment product, and Disney knows that the inclusion of gay characters would hurt box office numbers in a lot of non-pozzed places around the globe. So I doubt it's going to happen.
Here's some starting advice: Make a maximum effort to stay away from television, and indeed all pop entertainment. Once you're away from it for a little while, you'll be surprised not only how much more clearly you can think, but if you go back and catch a little after its spell on you has been broken, you'll be shocked at how bad it is. Read old books instead. And it doesn't even have to be books of rightist philosophy, either. Read any novel written before the Great War, and notice how differently the people act. What you're seeing there is called "normalcy" - women, men, children, and families acting like normal human beings. You'll find it odd, in that these people act nothing like how the warped, distended, chronically angry, chronically miserable Moderns around you act after a century of being bombarded with dystopian egalitarianism, sexual (((neurosis))), and nihilism. After a short period of adjustment, you'll find that you quite like normal people. Keep finding out more about them. Eventually, you'll want to work on trying to make yourself and those around you more like them - a difficult task, but by no means impossible.

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Liked by: ratiomon Ian

If you've been watching anime for a while, would you agree that the characters have because very same-facey? It has always been the case to some degree but got way worse in the 2000s. Kill La Kill is cool in that it's a recent anime where the characters' faces don't all have the same exact shape.

Any wager on who the next dissident right target of the full-retard right will be, now that we know that even Charlemagne is not safe?

Have you ever heard of the Westboro Baptist Church? Of course you have, because the media never shuts the hell up about them, despite the fact they're a tiny group based in the middle of nowhere with no power or influence. You see, the media insists that they hate the WBC, but if they really did hate them, they'd simply stop talking about them. The reason that the media doesn't stop talking about them is that they secretly love the WBC, and never get tired of presenting it to the world as if it was the real and true face of Christianity.
The point here is that if there's some tiny, insignificant group of nutters out there that have no real power and influence, the most certain way to make sure they stay that way is to not bother talking about them. Don't discuss what's wrong with their ideas. Don't clutch your pearls at their antics. Don't defend yourself against their accusations. Don't give them any more play than they deserve, which is none.
So in response to your question: Who cares?

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Liked by: Ian

"...the universities are an extension of The Palace" Very interesting answer. I'd love to see an extended version of it on your blog. That said, don't you think the quoted bit is more true when stated the other way around? The Palace is culturally downstream from universities.

In the West, universities are almost all government institutions. Trying to pick apart what exactly is the tail, what exactly is the dog, and what is wagging what is pointless - in the end, the tail and the dog are one seamless unit.
I can understand some confusion here if you're making the common mistake of assuming that the front-and-center parts of our government - i.e. the collection of coiffed blackguards who present themselves for election every few years in our system - represent the actual power in The Palace. If that were the case, then the universities would have run conservative under Reagan and the two Bushes, but of course they didn't. By way of explanation, here's something to remember: According to the Office of Personnel Management, there are (not counting uniformed members of the military), approximately 2.7 million people working for the federal government. Of these, 536 (435 Congressional Representatives, 100 Senators, and 1 President) are elected by the people. That means that 99.98% of the federal government is unelected. Not only that, but elected officials often stay a few years, while unelected ones stay for decades. The elected 0.02% may send out orders, but if the rest of the government doesn't like them, then they disappear into the bureaucratic swamp and nothing ever gets done about them. Do you think it a coincidence that the one Presidential candidate that truly terrifies the establishment is the one whose decades of business experience have taught him how to make middle managers actually do what he wants them to?
Long story short, the universities are more a part of the real power structure of The Palace than whatever ham-and-egger you sent off to Congress at the last election, that's for sure.

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How come you think you know more about being a proper Catholic than His Holiness The Pope?

I'll let Bonald answer for me (https://bonald.wordpress.com/2016/02/19/the-laitys-day-or-night). Relevant passage:
"My reply is this: we either have a Magisterium or we don’t. The authority of the Church doesn’t mean that I can’t decide for myself whether or not someone is a heretic. The authority of the Church means that I can make that decision, because the Church has put out into the public all the tools I need for such an evaluation. The Church has either proclaimed her teaching or she hasn’t. If she has, anyone in principle can determine with the tools of logic whether someone else is contradicting that teaching. If she hasn’t, then what’s the point of speaking to us at all?"

Cheetos or Doritos?

Both of these items are for overweight atheistic Xbox gamers who reside in their parents' basement and have never known woman in the Biblical sense.

im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay im gay

See? I knew it.

Man... Why couldn't it have been Ginsburg instead?

Could it be that there really was a conspiracy to murder Antonin Scalia? I wouldn't put it past certain people. I have my suspicions, even though I'd rather not have them. As low as my opinion of our current system is, well...
Liked by: Count Nothingface


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