

Ask @antidem

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https://ask.fm/antidem/answers/135209649345 But pants are hot, AntiDem. They tend to emphasize a woman's posterior, which is always good.

It is a paradoxical, but universally true feature of male psychology that we are often sexually attracted to things that we are philosophically repulsed by.
Think with your big head and not your small head, anon. Otherwise you're just another lumpenprole.
Liked by: ........... Ian

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What do you think about Western animated movies? Do you support the move from 2D to 3D represented by Pixar and Dreamworks? Is Don Bluth better than Walt Disney? What year did the Disney Animated Canon become irredeemably pozzed, if any?

1) Too broad a question to have one answer. 2) I'm neutral on that - story is better than 2D vs. 3D. 3) Ralph Bakshi FTW. 4) What year was Mulan released?

What have you got against women?

A low tolerance for psychodrama, mindgames, manipulation, lying, pointless argument, inconsistency, self-absorption, shallowness, disloyalty, scheming, gossip, status signaling, duplicity, hysterical overemotionality, covetousness, irresponsibility, insincerity, inability to keep a bargain, not knowing oneself or caring to, weak-mindedness paired with implacable stubbornness, and a total lack of agency.

Napoleon, when the French Revolution was heating up, dismissed it and went back to dealing with some of his family's business affairs. Do you foresee the end of the postwar settlement coming about in the same 'black swan' manner, or do you think it'll go off with a bang?

In November of 1989, I sat on a little foldaway couch with my dad in front of an old CRT television watching people with sledgehammers tear the Berlin Wall down with their own hands. I know that "sitting there with your jaw dropped" is a cliche, but that's literally what my dad was doing. It almost didn't register with him: the Berlin Wall was in rubble, the Cold War which had gone on for his whole life was over, the great US-Soviet nuclear war that everyone had lived in fear of had never come and never would come, the 20th century - which had been more barbarous and bloodsoaked than every previous century of man's existence combined - had faked everybody out by having a surprise happy ending.
In September of 2001, I was lying in bed asleep in a hotel room in Rochester, New York, having a sexy dream in which a girl who looked suspiciously like Nanaka from Mahou Tsukai Tai, but wearing a fire-engine-red China dress and matching stiletto pumps, was just about to whisper something in my ear, when the sun moved enough that a shaft of light coming through the curtains hit my eyes and suddenly woke me up. I turned the other way and tried to get back to the dream, but I finally had to admit that it was gone, so I rolled over, grabbed the remote for the hotel TV, turned it on, and found myself wondering why CNN was playing on Cartoon Network, and Comedy Central, and the Food Network, and every other channel. Then I woke up enough to pay attention to what the news anchor was saying...
The thing about a Black Swan is that by definition, you don't know that they're coming. So there's no point in asking me whether I see it coming. If I saw it coming, it wouldn't be a Black Swan.

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It seems like black churches are one of the last things holding what's left of the black community together. Should we ramp up efforts to destroy Christianity in order to make the black race easier to mop up?

Liked by: Ian

Thoughts on the Justice Scalia dust-up?

It don't matter. Nunna dis matters.
Look, the entire point of the Supreme Court is to put absolute veto power over any of the people's laws in the hands of a star chamber of nine unelected and completely unaccountable lawyers. Scalia could admit on national TV that he worships Moloch, reads a chapter a day out of Mein Kampf, and anally rapes chihuahuas for fun, and still there's precisely nothing that anybody could do to to take his power away. What does he care if someone doesn't like something he said? He can say and do whatever he pleases, and anyone who doesn't dig that can go kick rocks.
Liked by: Skylark

Can you believe that after all that time and effort, we still fucking legalized gay marriage?!

Of course I can. That's where secular democracies lead. Why do you think I oppose them? There's worse to come, too. It will continue, getting worse and more degenerate, until secular democracy ends.
Anyhow, who's "we"? The government isn't me. The federal court system *definitely* isn't me. I have no loyalty to them, and do not acknowledge the legitimacy of their authority. They have no legitimate authority over me, only the same raw force that a gang of criminals, bandits, or mobsters might have. They have no right to claim me in a "we".

I'm a Mom, who has descended from a long line of Moms. Why are you habitually inferring our lack of moral character? Did you have a bad Mom or something? Why not pick on the Dads every once in a while?

But anon, if I say "I did your dad" instead of "I did your mom", people will think I'm gay.


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