

Ask @antidem

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Why don't you just leave the worrying about society to the progs and focus on yourselves?

Sorry you're right I'll quit right now and go join a yoga club.
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Maybe the ideologues of cultural marxim would find other place to spread their ideias. But look, the Anglicam problem isn't related with cultural marxism. It is a consequence of the break out with catholicism. The american revolution is other consequence, other breakout


Why must you stand in the way of progress?

When someone is "progressing" off a cliff, it is a decent and selfless man who will stand in their way.
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Christian King, but a protestant one. And the situation of the Anglican Church today is horrible. Modernist as hell.

Still better than King Mob, and without the rise of America and Americanism, I don't think Cultural Marxism would be remotely what it is.

How do you deal with crabs?

Make them into metaphors for the implacable nature of reality in the face of stubborn denial of human nature.

Who is your favorite founding father?

Don't have one. Those assholes denied us a Christian king and stuck us at the tender mercies of King Mob. Fuck all of them - I hope Satan is sticking flaming pitchforks up their anuses as we speak.
Liked by: Count Nothingface

Should we send leftists to re-education camps? They've done it to us plenty of times in the past so it's only fair.



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