

Ask @antidem

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If I wanted to read up on (preferably historical) anti/counter-Enlightenment thinking, who are its most interesting/essential writers?

Try Carlyle.

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The Bible says "Be fruitful and multiply". But does the world really need more Africans, Indians, Chinese...?

So edgy. Much 1488.
Liked by: NO NAME

does anissimov have bipolar disorder? or, what the hell is this tragic one sided crush on noah smith about?

Why do people think I'm Anissimov's press agent?

What's your opinion of Plato?

She was great as Kimberly in Diff'rent Strokes. So much potential, lost too soon.
Liked by: Ian

If I'm a leftist and I just want ask an honest question, is it better to betray that I am when I can speak to y'all, or should I feign being kantbot or something less honest like that?

While a lot of what he says is correct and it's mostly invective to be invective... The New Heresy ( @theneworthodoxy ) strikes me as rather... puritanical. You?

There's something about your question where I keep imagining it being read in C-3PO's voice.
Liked by: NO NAME

Why do people feel so insecure about their own individuality that they shift into a mode where they have to constantly signal otherwise and thereby become edgy fucktarded shitlords indistinguishable for the literally stupid, literally insane "KILL ALL JUICE" types of bottomfeeders?

Dat run-on sentence.

What is it about america such that leftism has proven *even more* successful there than in the soviet union? They would probably be considered fairly rightist compared to us today. Something in the 'soil' of the US must have proven even more fertile than that of the motherland...

We're much slower to kill the golden goose of economic productivity, and prosperity can paper over a lot of social ills.

With all the hate that people like Neil Tyson seem to get in certain circles, are there any GOOD modern science educators out there?

Razib Khan?

Can an effective leader also be a moral person or are these two qualities incompatible? If so, can you site an example of such a person?

Sure, jeez, history is full of them. Start with Trajan and work your way forward.

Should we boycott Starbucks?

I dunno - what's your tolerance for getting condescending lectures about race with your morning coffee?

How much Japanese do you understand audibly when you watch anime subbed?

30-50%, depending on what I'm watching. It will go up with a second viewing.

Yeah, blowhards like Hirsi Ali would have rubes like the questioner below believe Somalis are held back by religion and not because of they have a 68 IQ average.When have you ever claimed that you loved Muslims?

That's how Totalism works - you either hate X and wish it would die in a fire, or you love it, want to bow to it, and wish it would come over and fuck your sister. There is no in-between imaginable. There are no positions between one and the other possible. What nonsense.
Liked by: Ian

What do you think of the Anti-Democracy Activist?

i think antidem is a pretty cool guy. eh annoys internet nazis and doesnt afraid of anything


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