

Ask @antidem

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Would it have been better to keep gay marriage illegal while keeping no-fault divorce, alimony, child support, etc... in place, or the reverse (i.e. a hypothetical alternate world in which marriage was traditional in every way except that gays were allowed to be married)?

Oven it all.
Liked by: GOYM-9

Do you ever suspect supernatural intervention in the way the left seems to keep winning so consistently? A deal with Satan, or something like that?

How anybody could look at the history of the world since 1914 and not believe that Satan is very real and here among us is absolutely beyond me.

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What do we take for granted these days that we will miss dearly when it's gone?

You should have asked me that question thirty years ago.

http://ask.fm/antidem/answer/130956266945 Uh... Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole point of this Rx thing to foster happiness and stability? Because taking people's shit away and offing them if they complain sounds more like the outcome of a madman's ego trip.

We're not the least bit interested in people's happiness. We're interested in reality. Reality often isn't very happy. But that doesn't stop it from being reality. TV is unreality, and that makes it an enemy of reality; as such, it is an enemy of us, and of what we stand for.
Frankly, anybody who would die over keeping television is no loss to humanity. Sorry, but that, too, is reality.

Is neoreaction a cult?

In fact it's basically the opposite - it's more like one of those deprogramming centers that tries to snap people back to reality after a loved one rescues them from a cult compound. It's kind of a hard job when 99% of the population believes in the cult to some degree or another. But we're smarter than they are, and we have reality on our side, so hard as it may be, someday we're going to do it. It's just a matter of time.

How can atheists derive morality? In particular, how do rightist atheists converge on Christian morality?

You got me. I know many atheist alt-righters, and while I do not doubt their sincerity, I often find myself wondering how they're getting from A to B.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

http://ask.fm/antidem/answer/130949387713 I don't. But I also realise that no major telecommunication medium will ever be permanently shut down, not least because people won't put up with it. Get real, crazycakes.

The higher the barriers to entry surrounding a medium, the more effectively it can be shut down. Television has the highest barriers to entry of any form of media, and that's especially true if you plan to do any sort of original programming. There have been plenty of samizdat book publishers and two-sheet newspapers over the years, a few underground book publishers, and a lot of pirate radio stations, but underground television stations? (And here I mean truly independent, dissident, pirate operations - not stuff like the CIA paying for TV Marti to broadcast into Cuba.) No.
You may have dreams of tooling around like Blank Reg in an RV with a big transmitter dish bolted to the top, but that's pure fantasy. Television is too complicated, requires too many resources, and is too easily traced by the authorities to be done without official authorization.

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"the very last thing broadcast on television before we finally shut it down forever." But it's only leftists who are utopians, right? Keep dreaming.

Man - you sure like TV

Is it acceptable for a restaurant to microwave pre-cooked food?

Of course not. Microwaves are the plain work of the devil. I mean, they're completely unnatural. For heaven's sake, they put rays in your food! What kind of lunatic would put rays in his food?! I don't want rays in my food! Get out of here with that nonsense! Food was meant to be cooked by fire, not rays.
Nothing good can come of cooking food with rays instead of fire. Just say no.

"Do you know what a chain gang is? Imagine the Supreme Court on one (okay, I guess Thomas and Alito don't have to go). On an Aleutian Island." So, how much do the tickets to watch this will cost?

Oh, nothing at all! It will be on television! For free! On every channel!
In fact, it may be the very last thing broadcast on television before we finally shut it down forever.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

Most of prominent reactionaries frequently mention IQ levels while discussing future systems. If artisans didn't rule in middle ages, and engineers didn't rule in Victorian era, why would computer geeks rule in post-modernity ?

They won't. Power always belongs to either Kings and Lords under a sensible form of government, or to sophists and bullshitters under democracy. Currently, "I Fucking Love Science" is fashionable among those sophists and bullshitters, along with the fetishization of anything computer-related because it is currently this country's flagship industry - one that still makes lots of money and hasn't yet been completely taken over by East Asia. That has led computer geeks to believe that they have real status and power in society, which they actually don't. Just because Barack Obama kisses your ass while he's asking you for campaign donations doesn't really make you a big deal. Sorry, but that's reality
Besides, the Great Digital Revolution of 1975-2010 is pretty much over. That's not to say that we won't get incremental improvements in our tech going forward, but it will be evolution, not revolution. If anything, the Apple Watch is proof of that - frivolous, useless, a fashion accessory instead of a practical computing device. And before we beat up on Apple too badly, it's not like Google Glass was any better. Sooner or later, you get to the point with any technology where you've pretty much taken it as far as it can really practically go, and from there on, it's all just slow, incremental refinements. So it always has been, and so it is now with all things digital.

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Liked by: Celeste Ramirez

Anissimov has been excommunicated. Are there any other prominent transhumanist/singularitarian NRx on ask.fm?

I guess you could ask Rachel Haywire if you really wanted to.
Liked by: NO NAME

To me, capitalism seems to be a great system if it is kept at the local level. Once it goes global, it seems to be detrimental to its citizens. Is there a way to put a localized system like this into practice?

Strong Buchananite protectionism seems the best solution.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

Given that you are against the death penalty, what exactly would your day of the rope consist of?

My "Day of the Rope" would actually more be the Day of the Chain. Do you know what a chain gang is? Imagine the Supreme Court on one (okay, I guess Thomas and Alito don't have to go). On an Aleutian Island. Turning boulders into pebbles for 16 hours a day.

Please help settle a debate. If a person's brain were transplanted into a cyborg body, would that person still be the same person? My friend says yes. I think that our physical body interacting with our brain are the person therefore they won't be the same person. Your thougts?

Is there a reason you're asking me instead of Anissimov?
Liked by: Michael Anissimov

Thoughts on wife swapping?

Waifu swapping is more fun. I'll trade you a Belldandy foil card for a Sailor Mercury sticker!

Who has the nicest voice among the Alt Right? My vote goes for MillennialWoes. His voice is so smooth that you can't help but be soothed while Western Civilization crumbles. Hell even hearing say "Fuck Off" is ear candy.

Funny you should bring him up just now - as a matter of fact, I just talked to him, and for some reasons I that can go into (the camera that he uses to make his videos broke) and some that I can't, MW happens to very badly need some donations just now. Everybody go to his Patreon page and give him some money, won't you? Here's the URL: https://www.patreon.com/MillennialWoes?ty=h
I mean, at very least let's help him get the new camera. If you want more videos, it's time to pitch in for them!


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