

Ask @antidem

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I suffer from depersonalization/derealization, chronic depression, head pressure, immense anxiety, OCD, and anti-social behavior (possibly the root). I get my feelings hurt easily, and want approval. I'm trying to be less annoying as a goal. I'm eating healthy too. I'm trying, but still feel sad?

I get "head pressure" too - IF you know what I mean!

Female. I would not feel the need to give you a hug & a kiss if I were male. Are you now a teetotaler?

You never know - some males might. And I'm trying to be.

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Do you agree with the general principle of Amor fati?

Sorry, no faties for me. A girl has to keep herself in shape.

After reading your response to the traditional upbringing question, I feel an overwhelming need to give you a hug & a kiss. When did you convertbto Catholicism? Are you in good standing with the Church? Do you prefer Novus Ordo Missae to TLM?

1) Are you male or female?
2) Decided to convert long ago, finally got baptized at 38 years old.
3) Yes.
4) I attend a Latin Mass (Both Ordinary or Extraordinary form, depending on my schedule).

why do all these young girls have "wanderlust" these days?

Is the problem with young women really that they want to go backpacking around Europe or go snap pictures in Thailand?

I'm a guy who is attracted to women, but I find the idea of sex (still a virgin) to be grotesque. Do you think I could be asexual? It just seems like an "animal-like" practice, which in my mind should only be engaged rarely (for special occasions). Am I weird?

Allow me to direct your query to the appropriate individual: http://www.uexpress.com/dearabby

What should one who can't go to any form of college do for a career/living? What are some good jobs and/or entrepreneurship ideas you can think of? Any advice would help, thank you.

There's an interesting book on this subject entitled "Shop Class As Soulcraft" (http://www.amazon.com/Shop-Class-Soulcraft-Inquiry-Value/dp/0143117467/) that talks about the value of learning to work with one's hands; of making things and fixing things. I'm known (if I may flatter myself) as a bit of an intellectual, but I'm not the type who would ever look down on working with one's hands. It's a worthy skill, and I wish I knew more of it.
If you're 18, you could start out as a plumber's apprentice, and by the time you're 35, you'll be running your own business, own two trucks, have four guys working for you, and be setting your own schedule and vacations. You'll make great money - have you *seen* what plumbers charge? And you'll never be outsourced - if someone's pipes break at 3AM and they're ankle-deep in water, they're not going to call some guy in India to come help them.
So don't be afraid to work with your hands. You can do that and still be a revolutionary theorist on the side if you like.

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Burn down QuikTrip - because the Slurpee is the ultimate symbol of white male cishet privilege!

The US government is extremely Neoreaction, you just can't see it. It's in a sense weeding out the "waste of society," and a more centralized elite of people will emerge, with multiple identities. The middle class is no longer needed, that's why it's disappearing.


Any thoughts on Carl Jung?

None. An early encounter with psychoanalysis convinced me that it's mostly bunk, yet another replacement for confession and priestly guidance sought by people who want to replace the religion-shaped hole in their lives with Science!™. Perhaps it's useful for a few, but I've never seen it be so, and especially compared with going to church and getting Jesus Christ in your life.


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