

Ask @antidem

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Are you sad because no man will ever propose to you with a beautiful engagement ring while you shily cover your naked body with a sheet and tears of joy stream down your face?

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You seem pretty opposed to placing women in combat. Does that also apply to desperate situations, such as when the Japanese began to train their civilian population to resist an American invasion to such an extent that they were giving schoolgirls firearm training?


Thoughts on mgtow? Are they all asexual? Are they homosexual? Is it a good thing?

Hold on let me get the results of that clinical survey I did.

We need a white (Pan-Euro) racial state! There's nothing wrong with racism; we're all racist, for crying out load! Christianity (which used to have utility) is "pathological nice;" if interracial interactions aren't classified as sin, then it's useless. God... you people need to be overt about this.

Thanks for the advice, dude.

Rank in order: Absolute Monarchy, Executive Constitutional Monarchy, Ceremonial Constitutional Monarchy, Aristocratic Republics, Fascism, Communism, Liberal Consitutional Democracy, Theocratic Republics (assuming religion you like), Neocameralism, Direct Democracy

Do you work for ETS? Because I already took the SAT a really long time ago.

Give me one good reason why I should oppose gay marriage? What's wrong with two men marrying as long as they are monogamous and moral people?

>monogamous - I see you've never actually known any gay men.
>moral - No. Just no.

1. Rank in order: Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, and Fable. 2. Do you prefer online or offline games more?

I'm not really much of a gamer.

When do servers and gov. agencies (nsa) delete your personal data/web history? Also, how long does it take for data in a storage medium to decay and become irretrievable (in normal environments)?

Hold on I'll drive up to El Cerrito and ask John C. Dvorak for you.

Men have to stop being dictated by women! Also, when we build our new world, we will not let women vote. Giving them the vote has allowed civilization to slide deeper and deeper into liberalism, and is why we have these huge societal issues. Men need to take charge!

This is Ask.FM - MiniRant.FM is someplace else.

Which society (from any period in history) has struck the most ideal balance between individual liberty and social orderliness?

Victorian Britain

Is it better for Chinese Christians to go to the state sanctioned churches or to stay at home?

I can't make that decision for them. If they go to a state-sanctioned church, they should take certain things with a grain of salt.

Have you seen the Michael Voris video where he almost became a reactionary monarchist (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSnJi6SpzLo)? That video was 4 years old, but it got him in a lot of trouble back then. Funny how things have changed. The comments are still filled with a bunch of idiot proles.

Voris sounds like the name of a Vulcan from the USS Enterprise.

That guy who likes you and Anissimov here - I think I'm decided on why. And it *is* because I find you both 100x more honest than the rest of NRx. So thank you for taking your scruples with you down this damn road, unless I just haven't seen you be a liar yet either. Cheers - sorry this isn't a Q.


How redpilled is Thomas Sowell?

As much as any mainstream conservative, I guess. I stopped reading mainstream conservatives ages ago.


Language: English