

Ask @antidem

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Do you think members of the alt-right who can be described as jew obsessed or tinfoilers are really a detriment? I would assume their iron adherence to investigating and decrying every nook of the narrative is necessary when our survival is threatened at least 30% by the chosen alone.

No, our survival isn't threatened at all by Jews, or by Muslims, or by Mexicans, or by anyone else. It is threatened 100% by us ourselves. All those other people are symptoms, but the disease is inside of us. Outsiders destroy our cultures and invade our countries because we want them to. Maybe not the individual people reading an edgy alt-right monarchist Ask.FM page, but we as a whole do. How do I know that? Because if we wanted them gone, they would be gone. It isn't as though we lack the power to solve these problems. We lack the will.
For example: Pakistanis rape Swedish women by the thousands because Sweden wants its women raped by Pakistanis. If they wanted it to stop, it would stop. They certainly have the power to make it stop. Deportation would do it. So would public hanging. The Swedes could do either if they wanted their women not to be raped, but they don't do these things because they want their women to be raped. If you *could* take an action that would stop X, but you simply choose not to, then by your actions (or lack of them), you show that you want X to happen. Simple as that.
You have to understand that the West is suicidal. And like that pilot that flew his airliner and all the passengers inside it into the side of a mountain, they're bound and determined to take us all with them. That is the disease that infects us. Everything else is a symptom.

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Can we please start an alt-right purge? The number of mentally unstable, Jew-obsessed tin-foil degenerates is way too high.

As I said a few days ago, "no enemies on the right" is not the same as "no quality control on the right". You have to give the boot to cranks, ragers, and loonies, otherwise you end up with the inmates running the asylum.

Did you hear "Nunadis Matters" at the beginning of the last Shoah?

Yes, in fact, Seventh Son told me about it before it was released. It gets my stamp of approval. I don't ever really mind being the subject of some good-natured ribbing.

Is Atticus Finch a good role model?

Of course not. Doesn't that cishet oppressor know that we need to believe women? I mean, he thinks that a woman accusing a man of being a rapist isn't enough - that we need to have a "fair trial" under "due process of law". It's like he doesn't even understand that rape shouldn't be handled by cops, courts, judges, and juries, but instead ought to be prosecuted by articles in pop music magazines and tried by tribunals set up by a campus diversity office! And "innocent until proven guilty"? Seriously, check your privilege, shitlord! It's the current fucking year!

Why is it that women swear up and down that you they will love you forever, but turn around and leave you without a moment's hesitation and then never think about you again for the rest of their lives?

Nulli se dicit mulier mea nubere malle
quam mihi, non si se Iuppiter ipse petat.
Dicit: sed mulier cupido quod dicit amanti,
in vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua.
Why? Well... why do sharks swim and birds fly and dogs bark? Because that's their nature. Women will love you and be loyal to you until they come to the conclusion that a better deal is available to them, at which point they'll suddenly discover that they don't love you anymore, for reasons that even they don't really understand. When that happens, unless a woman is chained to her husband by laws and/or social stigma that will ruin her if she divorces him, she'll leave even if it means destroying the family she's built and the lives of everyone around her.
I don't blame them though, just as I don't blame a shark that bites. Both are merely cases of following biological programming. This is why you don't swim in shark-infested waters, and why you don't give women full sovereignty in matters dealing with mating and reproduction.

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Liked by: anastasia

Why do you think that sending children to public school is tantamount to child abuse?

Do you even John Taylor Gatto bro?

http://ask.fm/antidem/answer/134472778945 - Despite all your blather about traditionalism, what a Cuckstian wuss you are. We've elected a Negro president twice and are fast becoming a 3rd-world hellhole, but that's OK cos Latrinos "don't do shit like this". Did I mention that you're a wuss, BTW ?

There's some people you just can't be subtle around.
Liked by: Skylark

Should we start signing up for military service just in case something comes out of these Paris attacks?

Let's be on our own side for once. If you're a white Christian male, this government is not on your side. Don't sign up to serve it. Serve your community and protect your family instead.

How do you reconcile "no enemies on the right" with the fact of leftist entryism, of those who are knowingly trying to make rightism look ridiculous (like that Flat Earther chick)? How are these *not* enemies?

"No enemies on the right" is not the same as "no quality control on the right". Kooks, cranks, nutcases, Third Reich LARPers, Flat Earthers, hysterics, holiness spiralers, entryists, insincere bandwagon-joiners, ragers, drama queens, sowers of internal discord, and those more interested in running purity tests on their own side than in fighting the enemy can all be safely drummed out of the alt-right like Chuck Connors at the beginning of Branded:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXlUS5-ag_gantidem’s Video 134467502273 TXlUS5-ag_gantidem’s Video 134467502273 TXlUS5-ag_g


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