

Ask @antidem

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Ergo, the implication that slavs should consider themselves second-rate citizens in the rest of Europe is downright laughable.

Did I ever say they should?

I'm 100% Slavic and people can't differentiate me from a German, Scandinavian, what have you (most assume I'm of German descent). You have to remember that ACTUAL slavs descended from Scandinavia, and only some are mixed with mongrol.


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I am a young Eastern European with in-demand skills. Would it hypocritical for me as a neoreactionary to seek to emigrate to a Western country?

It's inadvisable, I think. However, I think it would be acceptable if (and only if) you approached it the way that Indian H-1Bs do. They come here in their early 20s with the intention of working their asses off for ten years or so, living cheap, saving every dime they can, then returning to their home countries, where their saved money will allow them to live like a king, marry any girl they please, and settle down to a comfortable life.
If that's your plan, fine. But whatever you do, DO NOT raise a child in a Western country.
Liked by: NO NAME

How is Skuld a DL?

Well she's clearly supposed to be an adolescent, if not younger, and back in the day she was always the #2 DL that all the lolicons wanted (#1 was Sasami).

Is there any anime that requires actual knowledge of the Japanese language to be fully enjoyed and where subtitles alone are insufficient?

Anything that does a lot of verbal humor and puns. Urusei Yatsura is actually a good example. Joshiraku is another.

Belldandy may be premium Waifu...But how bad are her sisters? Do they make the cut?

Urd is a pain in the ass, and there's way better DL out there than Skuld. Honestly, the #2 AMG female is, without any doubt, Megumi.

Your article on Homosexuality and Uranus has me curious, is Revolutionary Girl Utena worth a watch?

It's okay. Kinda slow. If you're looking for the best of 1997, go with Nadesico.

Thoughts on nondemocratic republics like what the Dutch had 1581-1795?

Isn't a "nondemocratic republic" kind of like capitalist communism?
Liked by: Ian

What political engagement is acceptable for a neoreactionary? Can he donate to FIRE?

I'd say that voting at the state level is permissible if you live in a particularly secession-minded state like Texas. Also, it's permissible, and perhaps advisable, to vote for your county sheriff and for local judges - the people who will ultimately decide whether to enforce Washington's increasingly-oppressive mandates or to discreetly ignore them. Otherwise, don't.
As for FIRE, if that's what you like, try this instead:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L78DUIipnQ8antidem’s Video 132477297857 L78DUIipnQ8antidem’s Video 132477297857 L78DUIipnQ8

Who is worst waifu?

Kirino or Haruhi. The first an insufferable brat, the second an insane narcissist with magic powers. Stay away.

Does Germany need another strong leader to revert the current immigration crisis, execute traitors, and restore order and sanity? Not Hitler jr., but you know... someone who takes care of business.

We all do.

Hey Antidem. Did the sponsor posts turn out all right for you? I'd hate to see another one of my favorite writers end up homeless.

I could use a few more. Know anybody who has a question about life, the universe, and everything and is willing to pay to get a shitlordish answer?

Is money an end in itself or a means to an end?

I can't imagine how it would be an end in itself. From the perspective of a normal person like you and I, money is a resource, like oil. We think we want oil, but really, that's not what we want. What we want is to go from Point A to Point B quickly and easily. Through an elaborate process which starts with oil being extracted from the ground and ends with gasoline being atomized, injected into the cylinders of our cars' engines, and burned, oil allows that to happen. Same with money. I don't need a pile of green paper. I need a roof over my head, and food in my belly, and electricity to run this wonderful technological device that I'm using to answer your question. Having money allows that to happen.
There's a story about a plane crash that happened in the mountains many years ago. The survivors, looking through the luggage for anything that might be useful, came upon a suitcase full of money. It was enough to make them rich back in civilization. They burned it to stay warm, which was the most sensible use of that pile of burnable material at that point. The money was a means, and the end was to not freeze to death. If they had frozen to death, what good would the money have been to them?
So keep the proper perspective. Ask yourself: What are the ends that I really want? How much money do I need in order to attain them? View it only as a resource to be used in the attainment of your goals, and nothing else.

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I'm a girl who enjoys playing games, ie scrabble, yahtzee, cards, etc.... I also enjoy winning. Is that unfeminine? If I play these games with my boyfriend, should I cheat to let him win, or just play honestly? What do you think most guys would prefer?

Nah, you're fine.

What is your opinion on the separation of church and state?

It's impossible. A state faith is an integral and inescapable part of any state - there must and will be gods of the polis. Where there is not officially a state faith, an unofficial one will arise, and these are likely to be bad ones like or state atheism, or worship of the state itself, or a personality cult centered around a leader, or the fanatical utopian cult of egalitarianism. Official secularism is akin to anarchism; the blind spot of both is that they don't see that what they advocate would leave a power vacuum in a place so necessary to human society that it *will* inevitably be filled by *something*. The best you can do is to choose a relatively benign "something". Not choosing leaves you open to something choosing you - and the entities that seek such power rarely are benign.


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