

Ask @antidem

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Is Sarkessian fuckable, or am I just thirsty?

If she didn't have that painted-on eyebrow thing like some scary Mexican hootchie she wouldn't be all that bad.

In your opinion, what country best combines high living standards with resistance to degeneracy?


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Despite terrible immigration policies, an increasingly totalitarian left and a continuing steady decline in religion, conservative whites are winning in terms of fertility rate. In light of this, how hopeful are you for Christianity, and what tactics do you think one should use as a right-winger?

People have been saying that conservative whites were going to win that way for 30 years now, and things have only gotten worse. More is needed.

America currently either venerates or acts indifferent towards radical feminists who promote ugliness and immorality. But how *should* a decent society deal with such individuals if they do not engage in actual criminal behaviour?

Make it criminal. Attempting to destroy the fabric of a civilized society is a crime for which the civilized should have no sympathy. A murderer is less to fear. Send them somewhere they can learn the error of their ways.
Liked by: NO NAME Ian

Why can't secular religions such as communism, humanism, or environmentalism give people purpose and guidance instead of religions based on supernatural beings like Christianity?

Because Matthew 7:24-27

Do people ask you about [mlp/anissimov/mussolinitler] because they're drama-addicted faggots who want to get a rise out of you?


Would Twilight Sparkle make a good mother?

Dude I watched like four episodes of the show, once, a year ago. Why do people treat me like I'm some kind of fucking expert on it?

Is it acceptable for a woman to wear the pants in a relationship?

It is never acceptable for a woman to wear pants.

Is friendship magic?

Don't tell anybody but I'm trying to talk Common Filth into going to a My Little Pony convention with me and doing a live podcast recording there. Not kidding.
Liked by: Der Tote Kaiser


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