

Ask @antidem

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If a man lost his highschool sweetheart due to hypergamous impulses outside his control, do you believe it is better for him to marry someone else to fulfill his duty to procreate, or is it acceptable to pine after one's true love?

I shall redirect all questions about love and romance to the proper authority on such matters: http://www.uexpress.com/dearabby

By "believe in cryonics" I meant, do you think these people will actually be revived at some point in the future? Is someone who at present pays for cryonics suspension making a foolish decision, or a wise one?

I am not a scientist, and am unqualified to answer your question.

Was Hitler a socialist?

If one looks into Nazism beyond the obvious of its racial policies, one finds that it was a rather bizarre ideology that does not map well to anything on the modern political spectrum. So... not really.

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What do you think of Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)?

You are not the first to strongly attempt to get me to watch it. So far, all attempts have met with no success.

You're making alot of assumptions about human+ intelligence. It doesn't even have to be human orginally, just super-smart AI. Whatever, I think what the original question was trying to ask is what would you do if a human+ intelligence got rid of the need to worry about human politics? Paint?

Science fiction questions should be directed to a message board that deals with such topics. I recommend either http://boards.theforce.net or http://www.spoonyexperiment.com/forum

Do you believe in cryonics (pumping people full of antifreeze and cooling them down with liquid nitrogen in the hope they can be uploaded or repaired with future technology)?

What do you mean "believe in" it?

You obviously belong to the traditionalist branch of neoreaction. What do you think of the other two branches, the techno-futurists and the ethno-nationalists?

I think the techno-futurists are decent people, well-intentioned, and have no beef with them, but I don't think we're going to be saved by science. I understand the point of view of ethno-nationalists, but I think they evade the problem of leftism among whites. Again, what race was/are Robespierre? Rousseau? Marx? Lenin? FDR? Friedan? Steinem? Morris? Vidal? Atwood? Dylan? Clinton? Dawkins? How will creating a white state deal with the problems posed by people like these? When America was 90% white, and most European countries nearly 100% so, whites in those countries made the decisions that brought in multiculturalism and Cultural Marxism. So what would keep exactly the same thing from happening again?
I just don't think that the problem is that we don't have advanced enough machines or that we don't have this or that racial balance. Politics, faith, ideology - these are the main problems we face.

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Why Catholic? Why not Mormon?

I have respect for Mormons personally, but believe that Mormonism was an attempt by Joseph Smith to create an autocthonous version of Christianity - one bound to American soil instead of that of a fararway place like Jerusalem. I think it was well-intentioned, but ultimately misguided. I nether particularly believe his story, nor do I see a need for an Americanized version of Christianity.

What do you think of Scott Alexander? He's the guy who wrote the "NRx in a nushell" and "anti-NRx FAQ" articles.

Haven't bothered to read him, and I doubt I ever will.

So what would you do with your time after the great Technopocalypse comes? I understand if you don't give a shit to answer, I was just curious, and expect more rabid, religiousy transhumanists coming since they don't have a regular religion anymore.

I don't even know what you mean by that.

I think the last question asked of a technological intelligence explosion, not just smartphones, cars, or PS4. They're asking you if you believe AI or augmented humans have a chance.

No. Sorry, but the fetishization of machines is just silly. Augment humans, with all their bad ideas, and you'd just get more bad ideas, faster. And what makes anyone think that AIs would do better than us? That we'd get anything but cold utilitarianism from them? "We humans make bad decisions all the time - but maybe if we design a piece of software and tell it to think like us, it'll do better". Are you kidding me?

Suppose you woke up tomorrow and learned you had just become the absolute monarch of the United States of America. How would you even begin to fix the mess that is modernity?

Here's an old Cold War-era joke from Poland:
There's a summit between the President of the USA, the Prime Minister of Britain, and the President of Poland. All of a sudden, in a puff of smoke, God appears before them. After getting over their shock, the President of the US asks God: "Please tell me - how long will it be before all the problems of the USA are solved? God replies: "Twenty years!". The President starts to cry, and says: "But... I'm an old man! I'll never see that day come!". The Prime Minister of Britain asks the same question: "How long before all the problems of Britain are solved?" God replies: "Thirty years!", an the Prime Minister starts to cry too, saying: "But it's so long! I'll never see that day come!". Finally the President of Poland asks God: "How long until all the problems of Poland are solved?"
And God starts to cry.
That said, here's a sample of some things I'd do:
Obviously, ban some things outright, like abortion and gay "marriage". Illegalize homosexuality, but with light penalties. Repeal all laws - such as "Civil Rights" laws - restricting freedom of religion, commerce, and association in the name of "fairness". Restrict immigration to spouses of American citizens and foreigners with at least a 4-year degree from a whitelisted university, until further notice. Enact rapaciously high taxes on outsourcing and high tariffs on foreign made goods. Purge Hollywood, publishing, and academia, all the way from K-12, with Political Officers assigned to such institutions until further notice. China-style controls on the internet, though obviously with a different political bent than China's. A total ban on hardcore pornography. Make divorce difficult. Announce that welfare will be phased out and replaced with a WPA-style public works program - all able-bodied people will work if they wish to eat, even if it is just picking up trash in public parks. Repudiate the national debt. Make Christianity the official religion of the state, with other faiths being tolerated so long as they do nothing to disrupt the faith of the majority. Proscribe public advocacy of socialism, feminism, "gay rights", and atheism - with the last of these being on the understanding that you may privately believe or disbelieve what you will, but you may not disrupt the beliefs of the polis. Retract the US military to American territory - let the rest of the world solve its own problems. End the alliance with Israel - adopt a neutrality policy on the Middle East that includes a discontinuance of all foreign aid and a ban on sales of American-made weapons to the entire region, including Israel. Make at least some of the money circulated gold and silver tender.
All extreme? Yes. But as Ho Chi Minh once said: "Sometimes if a reed is bent, you have to bend it the other way for a while until, when you release it, it will stand straight". This society is drastically bent. Some of the things I'd do wouldn't have to be kept in place forever.

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Do you believe that a technological intelligence explosion may still save us?

No. Machines are just tools. Look, the internet is the most amazing communications and information tool ever designed by humanity. We literally have the collected knowledge of mankind at our fingertips. And what do we use it for? Porn, funny cat videos, porn, posting "selfies", porn, calling each other Nazis, and porn. The pattern over the last 200 years has been: steadily better machines, steadily worse people. No technology will save us from ourselves, because no technology will stop us from *being* ourselves. Not all the Star Trek fantasies in the world can or will ever change that.

What's your ideological background exactly?

StandingProud’s Profile PhotoFoolish Pride
I started as a mainstream conservative. I was a Dittohead. I got Hannitized. Then I came to understand that it wasn't enough. I found Spengler. Then I understood.
Liked by: Eric H. Looney

Flight, smart phones, and the moon landing were sci fi once too. Modern sexual freedom and civil rights are probably possible because nonhuman slave labor (fossil fuels) doing the grunt work. My question was basically your plans in a world where traditionalism really has no utility. would u upgrade?


If technology increasingly "empowers" outliers like "dino-kin" on tumblr etc and robots handle most of the jobs etc,human birth is done through fetal incubators etc, and we become immortal, would would you do w/ yourself in a world where normal humans are not in control, but transhumans?

Questions about science fiction should be directed to your nearest Star Trek forum.
Liked by: Foolish Pride

What is virtue for a man, for a woman?

John Wayne and Mizuho Kazami.
For women, I am a great fan of the "steel magnolia" type. The idea that femininity equals weakness is a 20th century slander from a movement that, while ironically calling itself "feminism", hates everything genuinely feminine with a passion. But the real woman of virtue has more or less the same definition in every high culture: The Proverbs 31 woman, the English Rose, the Yamato Nadeshiko, the "Good Wife, Wise Mother" of Chinese tradition. You don't even need to look that far back in history - for the most part, you can even watch movies or TV shows made before 1968 or so and find her. June Cleaver? Hell, even Lily Munster is a decent example of womanly virtue.

How would you analyze the "brony" phenomenon in terms of broader social trends? I don't think something like it could have possibly existed 100 years ago.

Being a fag is apparently not just for actual homosexuals anymore.

The Reactionary Oath. Discuss.

Discuss what? Are you proposing one, or waiting for me to do so? If the latter, I need no oath. Oaths are a stupid idea - anyone can fake sincere belief in an idea for 30 seconds. Show me a lifetime of commitment, then I'll believe in your sincerity.

What's your advice for someone who understands the practicality of ethnic homogeneity, but not moral traditionalism? Is a society like Norway feasible to you? It has high maternal leave and they have a positive birthrate, despite not being traditional anymore. Their main prob is now immigration.

Again, Brave New World - is that the society you want to live in? Is it worth preserving? Not to me, it isn't. The fact that it's unsustainable is a separate issue.


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