

Ask @antidem

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What do you think is likelihood of your becoming the father of legitimate children?

Look, I annulled things with that woman from Dorne, the High Septon remarried me fair and square, my new wife is off at the Tower of Joy, and once I get rid of this annoying fat dickhead from the Stormlands, we'll get everything out into the open. No son of mine will ever be called a bastard!
Liked by: Lucasta Pendragon

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Does wanting a one party state make you a fascist?

I never understood the idea of a one party state. Political parties are an artifact of democracies - people of similar opinions band together and pool resources in order to see those ideas advanced in the face of opposition from people of differing opinions. The various parties then battle it out for power within the democratic system. But if there is no democratic system and thus no battle for power within it, why do you need a political party? Why not just have the government, which follows a certain set of principles in its rule? What's the point of having the party around as a parallel power structure? At best, it's a duplication of effort; at worst, it takes the risks involved in having a parallel power structure (infighting, turf battles, etc.) with none of the apparent benefits of it (checks and balances, diversity of viewpoint, etc). Very odd.
Anyhow, I don't want a one party state, so I suppose I'm not a fascist. I want a zero party state, so what does that make me?

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Liked by: LaughingBoffin

Are Jews really the aristocracy of white people?? If not, who is? https://ask.fm/oneparty4all/answers/143856729473 and https://ask.fm/oneparty4all/answers/143856944001

I get what she's trying to say, and it's a worthy point. Dunning-Kruger cases like Jefferson, Madison, and Adams wanted to get rid of the old hereditary aristocracy and replace it with a faux-aristocracy of people who were like them: clever high-middlebrows who fell smack dab into the 120 IQ bubble. They didn't fully think this plan through, and thus didn't see the possibility that their faux-aristocracy could end up being filled with members of a clever, high IQ alien thede that had no real loyalty to the founding stock of the nation nor connection to its thought traditions.
So yeah - that's pretty much the kind of thing that ends up happening when you let middlebrow Dunning-Kruger cases throw out the traditions of your people and replace them with some clever idea they thought up which they totally promise will be high speed low drag.

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Tell us about the fascist state you want to impose on us.

Define: "fascist". The reason I ask is because that word is used by so many people to describe so many things that it doesn't seem to mean anything anymore except "stuff I don't like", or at best gets as specific as "something that isn't mass democracy".
If we're actually using that term in anything close to its proper sense - i.e. what Mussolini would have defined it as - then it's not at all my favored form of government. The best I can say about it is that it's better than mass democracy, but that's not saying much.

Should men ignore the views of women and send them out of public life?

Define: "send them out of public life". Does that look like America in 1900, or Afghanistan under the Taliban in 2000? I know that cat lady feminists would like you to think there isn't any difference, but there is.
Liked by: Lucasta Pendragon

What do you think of Davis Aurini?

I think Davis Aurini is a pretty cool guy. Eh walks these broken roads and doesn't afraid of anything.

If you could give superpowers to anyone on the right, who would it be?

I'd give the powers of Ant-Man to Davis M. J. Aurini because then he could become teeny weeny Aurini.

How would you describe white culture?

I'd do it in a big long blog post that's currently just one of the ideas sitting on my huge stack of ideas for blog posts that I'll get around to writing one of these days.
Liked by: LaughingBoffin

https://ask.fm/antidem/answers/143792188097 Not really. A quick reverse image search tells me she's from a gun-related YouTube channel, not a political one.

Yup. I've pretty much stopped watching political YouTubers, and started watching gun YouTubers instead. Feel free to draw your own conclusions from that about where I think things are headed in this country.

When did you become a nationalist?

When I realized that different groups of humans are different from each other in important ways, and that letting these groups live in their own pieces of land where they can be safe and live by whatever rules suit them is probably the best way to deal with that reality.

Okay then, which other Scots do you find attractive?

Karen Gillan, Rose Leslie, Ewan MacGregor, and the blond Spitfire pilot from Dunkirk come to mind.

Have you viewed the video by Brother John calling Millennial Woes a pimp?

About two minutes of it. I was actually interested in hearing what he had to say, but that guy's delivery is dryer than Hillary Clinton's cunt. I shut it off and saw what Hickock45 was up to instead.


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