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How strong can neoreaction be if a single tranny is all it takes to bring it down?

Six months ago called, and it wants its question back. Trannygate blew up, then blew over.

What would have to happen for you to feel comfortable slipping the mask and revealing your real identity? A government promise not to prosecute you?

I see no reason to do so.

If you were in love with a woman and about to get married and she told you she had had an abortion in the past, would that be a dealbreaker?


Do you believe abortion is ever permissible? Rape, incest, genetic diseases, etc...?

Only to save the life of the mother, when one life is weighed against another. And no, I don't mean "Hey, gimmee the abortion I want, or I swear I'll commit suicide".

Why do you think they're envious?

The Latin name of the Deadly Sin of Envy is "invidia" - which means something like "hatred of the happiness of others". Iago in Shakespeare's Othello is a good example. Though there is a thin pretext for his actions, his real motivation is simply invidia - he hates Othello and Desdemona because they are happy and he is a congenitally miserable person.
Leftists are miserable people, which explains both their envy - their invidia - and their fanatical devotion to the idea of creating a utopia upon the earth.

"minorities should generally be allowed to discreetly practice their faith." What do you mean by "discreetly"? Should minority faiths they be allowed to proselytise? What if another faith becomes the minority? Should there be an established religion?

No, they shouldn't be allowed to proselytize (including atheism), and if they can't, they won't become the majority. The primacy of the faith of the polis should be enshrined in law, with allowance made for people of other faiths to quietly practice without oppression.

Should Burger King, KFC, etc... be banned as a danger to the health of the public?

I am against the death penalty for religious reasons. On the other hand, if the lumpenproles would like to slowly commit suicide of their own free will through obesity, diabetes, alcoholism, and drug abuse, I see no reason to go very far out of my way to stop them.

Is the spirit of the law more important than the law itself?

Ideologues, logic-choppers, and legalists will pick through the letter of any law to extract what they want from it. How do you think we got abortion out of the 4th Amendment or gay "marriage" out of the 14th?
A society of laws and not of men will quickly become a society of lawyers, which is what we are now. No, really - what percentage of Congress is made up of lawyers? The Supreme Court and the judicial branch all are. The Clintons are. Barack Obama is a former law professor, apparently. Wanna know what's important? Pitchforks. Torches. Tar. Feathers. Mao was right - all political power really *does* come from the barrel of a gun. Absent that, the people, their laws, and their customs are sitting ducks for bright, ambitious, and amoral people who have a law degree.

How do you reconcile your disdain of consumerism with your love of Apple?

Being anti-consumerist doesn't mean that I think everybody should go live in a log cabin in the woods like Grizzly Adams. What it means is simply this: Buy what you need. If you need it, buy it. If you don't need it, don't buy it. Americans - people in a lot of countries, really - work jobs they hate to buy shit they don't need because a man on a TV screen told them to. Sounds like a bad deal to me.
As for Apple, that fits in line with my general theory of acquisition: Buy quality and make it last. One of the traps that keeps poor people poor is that all they can afford is cheap junk that falls apart in short order, which means they have to buy replacements frequently, which over the course of time costs way more money than buying quality and making it last.
This wouldn't have been possible in the realm of computing back in the 90s, when every few months saw not only huge leaps in technology, but each leap in technology meant equally-huge advances in what one could do with these machines. In those days, an 18-month-old computer was old, a three-year-old computer was a doorstop, and a five-year-old computer was a museum piece. Thus, you really couldn't quite buy quality and make it last. But now that computing is a far more mature technology, it is possible.
So that's what I do.

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