

Ask @antidem

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"confiscate your house, like they just did with that Christian who politely declined to bake a gay wedding cake." Wait, WHAT?! I know about the fine, but tell me this didn't happen.

Okay, I won't tell you.

I pinned your patreon link to my Twitter profile, my fellow African-American. I will throw you some coins if any of my upcoming books sell well.

Michael Anissimov
Thank you, Michael. For all kinds of reasons, I hope your books rocket up the charts.
Liked by: Michael Anissimov

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I have to warn you that Patreon is full pozzed so they might very well kick you out. Not sure if you already knew.

Hopefully not.

Isn't the free market more or less simply economic democracy? I mean, whatever stuff the masses like is what makes the most sales and is thus most successful, right?

Not really, because democracy is majority rule, winner-takes-all.
Let me give you an example. How about game consoles? If the free market were really like a democracy, then we would all elect representatives who would go to Washington and vote on whether the XBone or the PS4 was the best game console. If, say, the PS4 got 51% of the vote, then everyone would only be able to buy a PS4.
And then a few years down the road, our representatives would vote again, and now everyone would *have* to buy a PS4, whether they wanted one or not. Oh, and if the black Jewish transsexual illegal immigrant down the street knocked on your door and demanded to play your PS4 for a while, you'd have to let them, or the government would fine you $135,000 and confiscate your your house, like they just did with that Christian who politely declined to bake a gay wedding cake.
But the way the free market works, you can buy a PS4 if you like, or you can buy an Xbone, or you can buy a Wii U, or you can buy an Ouya, or you can not buy a game console at all and spend the money on books, or on clothes, or on a nice meal out. And you don't have to wait for anyone in Washington to say that you can't or must do it.
So no, I don't see the similarity.

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Liked by: Skylark

Did you ever think what a lovely place the world would be without all the... people... who make life so pleasant?

Okay, sure, I know this might outwardly look like a paradise, but I have it on good authority that it was actually a hell on earth because it didn't bend over backwards to accommodate every whim of sex fiends nor spend billions of dollars in attempts to turn 85 IQ dindus into millionaire entrepreneurs.

Do you consider TRS to be part of NRx?

The entire alt-right is a spectrum full of fuzzy, overlapping lines. It's SJWs who insist that everyone remain in lockstep formation on every tiny detail of both ideology and strategy. TRS isn't quite exactly NRx, but they're not too far away on the spectrum. I don't know any NRx'er who doesn't listen to the Daily Shoah. Hell, they're getting so popular that these days I don't know *anyone* on the alt-right who doesn't.
So I guess the short answer is: No, but close enough.

So... Which Once Upon a Time character is the best waifu material?

Belle is the bookish good girl who all the traditional males should want.
And Regina is the bad girl who has her own lessons about hierarchy to teach you... both in and out of bed.
So the answer is: depends what kind of mood I'm in.
(Snow is too preachy. Emma is too butch. Red is too slutty. The chick who played Anna makes me want to bop my baloney, but only stayed for half a season.)

Why anime? Don't you think adult men look ridiculous playing with waif pillows and vinyl figurines?

No, I think grown men look ridiculous paying hundreds of dollars to buy tickets to watch other men get paid millions of dollars to play a childrens' ball game. In comparison, my figure shelf is a paragon of good sense and maturity.

the collapse of the US won't necessarily make its citizens live happier. In fact, I doubt if it will do any good for them. Do you cincerely want a disaster in your own house hoping that it will result in something decent? I think it sounds naive and you aren't aware of the possible price for this.

I think the Lithuanians are happier without Moscow's boot on their necks. The Texans will be happier without Washington's boot on theirs.

is that, in my opinion, you shouldn't want your country to disappear, instead you'd rather wish it to change in some way, to evolve in something different which you'd prefer more. The death of such a country can cause nothing diffenent but another bunch of inconveniences for the others. And, btw,

It is possible to love one's nation, but hate its government. The problem is that "proposition nations" are governments in search of a nation. The United States of America is a proposition nation (as Gregory Hood pointed out, America is not a people and a history, it is a flag and a piece of paper). The Soviet Union was another proposition nation. All proposition nations are artificial. They all vaporize as soon as people stop believing in the proposition.
Russia is a real nation; the Soviet Union was not. Texas is a real nation; the United States of America is not. Russia is slowly recovering and finding its way as a nation again after the shock of the Soviet Union having vaporized 25 years ago (as are many other ex-Soviet states). Someday, the United States of America will vaporize, and after that Texas will slowly recover and find its way as a nation again (as will many other ex-American states).

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Many marxists and nihilists here, in Russia, wanted it to collapse. Even desired. They considered the country and its royal dynasty to be literally the root of all evil, the "prison of peoples", a brute and reactionary force that stands against any possible progress and so on. Well, it collapsed. ->

Too many words, goober.

why do you think only 1% of men in 1987 in america said they were gay or bisexual now 4.7% of men do and 7% of men aged 25-29 and 6% of men aged 30-34 said they were gay or bisexual

Definitely not because gays are recruiting or trying to convert your sons. Because only bigoted unscienific Christard Fox News-watching Koch Brothers creationist shills would believe things like that. A nearly fivefold increase in the number of self-identified homosexuals in under 30 years must have another, scientific, explanation, because as we all know, reality has a liberal bias.
So the explanation clearly must be... erm... uhh... hmm...
Liked by: Der Tote Kaiser

Is ask.fm the modern NRx equivalent of conservative talk AM radio?

I thought The Daily Shoah was pretty much that.

Where do babies come from?

(Obviously - otherwise you wouldn't be asking me that question.)

RE: re-criminalisation of homosexuality: What happens if a homosexual keeps his predilections under wraps, but a malicious journalist finds out and publicly outs him for one reason or another (cf. Gawker). Who is in the wrong here?

They both are. In such a situation, the homosexual should be given the lightest sentence possible under the law - perhaps some counseling and community service - while the journalist and the publication he works for are ruthlessly shamed by the public and denied any access or special favors by the government and powers-that-be.
Within obvious reason (things like child abuse wouldn't count), gentlemen do not reveal each others' secrets.

The US is going to be OK, don't be such an alarmist. As a Russian, I wouldn't say that my country has, in comparison, more chances of survival and improvement after all the mess that happened here throughout the 20th century. It would be like building a palace in a desert: possible, but tricky.

Thinking that the US will be OK *is* being alarmist. As Vladimir Pecherin once wrote: "How sweet it is to hate one's native land and avidly desire its ruin - and in its ruin to discern the dawn of universal rebirth." Liberalism will never be destroyed as long as America - liberalism's homeland - is in one piece, much less a globe-spanning empire.
I'm a dissident. I don't want the US to survive any more than Solzhenitsyn wanted the Soviet Union to survive. The sooner America's own version of 1991 comes, the better.

What does Huwhite mean? I get the capitalization part, but not the "hu" part,

It's good-natured fun poked at the way in which Jared Taylor pronounced the word "white".
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