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Noam Chomsky and co like to state the USSR and ''socialist states'' like them failed because it was State Capitalism and that communism was not really tried in those countries. Is he right?

Pardon me, but Communism certainly *was* tried in those cases. Saying that it wasn't really Communism because it didn't produce the promised stateless utopia is like saying that it isn't a rain dance if it doesn't actually produce any rain. Sure it is - it's just that rain dances don't really work at producing what they promise, and neither does Communism.
In other words, by Chomsky's logic, Communism literally *can't* fail, because as soon as it does fail, he'll just reclassify it so that it isn't Communism anymore. I could create a world without car crashes - in which car crashes were, in fact, impossible - if I said that as soon as something crashes, it isn't a car anymore. But of course, that's just being dishonest by playing games with artificial categories. In the case of Communism, what Chomsky is doing is precluding falsifiability. The problem you face there is that if you do so, you disqualify Communism from being in the realm of the scientific or philosophical - because these things require falsifiability - and place it in the realm of weird religious faiths (which is exactly what it actually is).

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http://ask.fm/antidem/answer/134706522049 In school, we've been taught that organizations and such constitute plural nouns and should thus be referred to using plural verbs (e.g. "the police say"). Blame stupid English grammar.

An organization is a singular entity. In your example, "the police" seems to refer to officers as a group, instead of the Police Department as an organization. It makes more sense when I switch the people in question to soldiers. "Do the army have enough helicopters?" is plainly wrong, but "Do soldiers get enough exercise?" is plainly correct.

"The right to peaceably exclude others, including to repatriate them to their own homelands with the minimal amount of necessary force if they do not obey requests to leave, is a fundamental tenet of private propert" Delusion, utopia, totalism, modernity. Modernity on steroids.

It seems very likely that white Mormons and hispanic Catholics will inherit the United States. Which would you side with? Is your first loyalty to your race, or your religion?

What part of "no enemies to the right" do you not understand?

Dude, you took down your My Little Pony blog post! What gives?

I did a cleanup on the blog this weekend and deleted about half a dozen old posts that I didn't think held up very well. The original MLP review was one of them (though the Friendship is Optimal trilogy is, of course, still there). I've been thinking of writing something a little better about the popularity of MLP, and that may be coming in a month or two.
For reasons I won't go into, I've basically got the entire month of December off from work, and I'm planning to blog up a storm during that time. The last part of the decline trilogy will be coming soon, followed by another sponsored post, and then the first of a long series of posts I've had in mind for a while. So stay tuned.

Do the CIA fund things like CrunchyRoll to try to get their talons on the anime industry?

"Does". Lrn2 subject/verb agreement, goober!

http://ask.fm/antidem/answer/134706745537 so what's with the oven and holocaust jokes then?

The "oven" is metaphorical. It symbolizes a state of being in which we shall no longer stand for the shenanigans of those who would, through sophistry and dishonest appeal to our better nature, undermine our culture, faith, and traditions.
The Pinochet-style helicopter rides, on the other hand, may not be all so metaphorical.
Liked by: Greg from 108

What's up with the WN plebs who believe that "there are no good Jews"? Has there ever been a case where a group tendency has affected every single member of that group in equal measure?

Not only that, but they maintain that sincere conversion to Christianity isn't enough, because they (and their children, and their children's children) still have "Jewish genetics". And thus it seems that, Flat Earth having apparently not quite been batshit insane enough for them, certain sectors of the alt-right have now turned to Lysenkoism. I need a drink.

You've talked about how you qualify for Israeli citizenship before. In the final extremity, would you use that in order to flee America?

In the 1930s, one often found displaced White Russians - nobles, officers, and rich men before the Communists came - sweeping streets or driving taxis in Paris or Brussels. In the 2030s, perhaps you and I will be on the same cleaning crew, sweeping the streets of Moscow together. As we pick up empty beer cans in Sokolniki Park, we can trade stories of home. I suppose it won't be so bad.

Is the reason that pretty much all of our fantasy and half of our science fiction is set in worlds with kings and aristocrats a reflection of the fact that monarchy is the most natural government system which humans inherently get?

It was C. S. Lewis who noted that: "No sincere fairy-tale ever began, 'Once upon a time, there was a President...'"

Holy shit, your rep! I know it don't matter, but you jumped from -380 yesterday to -500 today! What gives?

Many a butt is being hurt, apparently.


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